Mikrofluidic components and systems for innovative products
Expertise | Fields of Application | Team | Network & Collaborations | Spin-offs | Projects | Most important publications | In the media
Our research focuses on microfluidic components, such as micro-dosing valves, droplet sensors, flow sensors, disposable microfluidic chips, etc., which we develop specifically with a view to dedicated, novel applications. Integrated into complete systems we realize fully automated, miniaturized and product-specific prototypes of innovative laboratory devices. We demonstrate the unique functionality of these devices in the respective applications and by technical characterization using quantitative physical and molecular biological methods.
We have particular expertise
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Liquid handling solutions for |
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Microdispensers & Micro Valves - |
aa9aa9c10d6279f684379158bbcae5fd Spheroid Array, Share & Download
8d4561341a0f7c2751b9d9f26ec8bc26 Top Spot, Share & Download
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Fluidic measurement technology: |
dc1b8013ec85e366320a543f85c89325 Droplet Impact, Share & Download
a81e344a48fe8a20b8a7dfa946c0fbd6 Nano Jets, Share & Download
Fields of Application
Life SciencesIn the context of 3D bioprinting, we do research on digital printing of artificial tissues for in-vitro applications to reduces animal testing (organ-on-chip systems) and for applications in regenerative medicine (living implants and artificial organs). We focus on the printing of artificial kidney tissue for in-vitro models and on vascularized bone tissue for prospective use in medical therapy.
Together with our spin-offs (cytena GmbH and Actome GmbH) we are investigating innovative analytical methods to quantitatively detect proteins and protein interactions in single cells.
Full screen video by double click.
31569572028bff58a5162a9ba256a47f Extrusion of cell suspension,
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Industrial applicationsThe StarJet technology developed and patented by us for printing liquid metal micro-droplets is mainly used in the field of 3D metal printing and 3D multi-material printing. Using solder, aluminium and other metals, we realize high-precision microstructures for electrical contacting of microelectronic components and solar cells. Our contact-free processes are equally suitable for printing flexible foils with highly conductive contacts, innovative micro assembly and 3D electrical connection technology in microelectronics and for the production of 3D printed metal components.
Full screen video by double click. |
094ef2c2bc27cd00ba48b2973da81869 Metal Printing, Share & Download
- Sabrina Kartmann, Division manager
- Dr. Stefan Zimmermann, Group leader
- Dr. Zhe Shu, Group leader
- Dr. Viktoria Zieger, PostDoc
- Daniel Frejek, Scient. staff
- Daniel Straubinger, Scient. staff
- Robert Voelckner, Scient. staff
- Germán Matiás Hansen, Scient. staff
- Larissa Schiedel, Scient. staff
- Nicolás Franck, Scient. staff
- Jianguo Feng, Scient. staff
- Zeba Khan, PhD candidate
- Anusan Rajmohan, PhD candidate
- Lea Zausch, PhD candidate
- Arsalaan Azeez, Master studuent
- Rakshith Mundkur, Master student
- Maryam Hassanbeikinoghondar, Student assistant
Network & Collaborations
„BioFluidix was spun out of the research group in 2005 as a microtechnology company specialising in the liquid handling of very small volumes. Today, BioFluidix with its proprietary technologies is leading the way in printing, dosing and coating solutions and helps its customers to minimize the consumption of expensive media, increase throughput and thus save costs in daily processes." Full screen video by double click.
8ec59a9ba949a44a76df64964b7b04b7 BioFluidix GmbH – Microneedle Coating with the BioSpot Workstation
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cytena provides fully automated single-cell dispensing products for cell line development and single-cell genomics. The single-cell-printing technology is based on an inkjet-like principle. A microscope objective and a camera are used to look into the printhead, to directly image the cells. Based on these images, only single-cells are printed and the images are stored for quality control and regulatory compliance.” Full screen video by double click. |
71c0dfecfdb5e46be124f0b027c344e5 Cytena GmbH – Single-cell printer technology
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„With the analysis method of Actome GmbH, which translates protein complexes into DNA codes, for the first time proteins and their interactions in the human body can be determined very precisely in large numbers. Actome hopes to help its clients to develop personalised drugs and diagnostic methods so that in future patients can be treated more individually and better.“ Protein-Interaction-Coupling-Technology (Video) Full screen video by double click. |
- Hybrid 3D prototyping of polymer components with conductive metallic tracks (Hy3DPro)
01.02.2021 - 31.07.2023, AiF - Non-invasive micro RNA-based urine breast cancer diagnostics (Mammacheck)
01.10.2020 bis 30.09.2023, BMBF - DINAMIK – Absolute digital detection of cancer biomarkers exemplified by the HER2 / HER3 interaction
01.05.2020 - 30.04.2023, Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung - 4D-Bioprinting of vascularized bone tissue and evaluation of blood vessel and bone formation in an orthotopic bone defect model,
01.06.2020 - 31.05.2023, DFG - MONOGRAM - Multimodal, single-cell, time-course assessment of regulatory networks in AML,
01.05.2020 - 30.04.2023, Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH - Automated platform for 3D microtumor analysis for personalized therapy (ADAPT)
01.04.2020 - 31.03.2023, BMBF - Protein electrophoresis in open microfluidics (PRINTOMik),
01.01.2019 - 30.06.2021, AiF - Optical concepts for single-cell printing of bacteria,
01.01.2018 – 30.06.2020, BMBF - Bioprinting of directly reprogrammed renal tubular cells for disease modelling and screening platforms (NEPHRO-PRINT),
01.10.2017 – 30.09.2020, Baden-Württembergstiftung gGmbH - Development and research of a platform for 3D Bio-Printing in a network of small and medium-sized enterprises (3D-Bio-Net), BMBF Report 12/2020, more
01.08.2017 – 31.07.2020, BMBF - PRINT3D CONTACTS,
01.05.2017 – 30.04.2020, BMBF - Inline-integration of a novel printing technology for electronic applications in the industrial production (IDEA),
01.10.2016 –31.10.2018, BMBF - Single Bacteria Genomics and MALDI-TOF (SiBaGeM),
01.06.2016 – 30.11.2018, BMBF - Mono-cy-Clone: Single-cell printing for the biopharmaceutical production and cell therapy,
01.01.2016 – 31.12.2018, BMBF - 3D-BioPrinting of vascularized bone replacement tissue,
01.10.2015 – 31.03.2018, DFG - Direct printing of metal microstructures for industrial innovations (DMI2),
01.10.2013 – 30.09.2016, BMBF - Sample Preparation and Purification by Electrophoresis towards SAXS-Protein Structure Analysis (PURE-SAXS),
01.07.2013 – 30.06.2016, BMBF - Disposable Dispensing System with intelligent sensor technology (E-DosiS),
01.07.2013 – 30.06.2016, BMBF - Single Cells on Demand - SCOD (EXIST),
01.10.2013 – 28.02.2015, BMWI + ESF - Single Cell Technologies (SICTEC),
01.10.2013 – 30.09.2015, EU FP7 - PASCA – Platform for Advanced Single Cell Manipulation and Analysis,
01.09.2010 – 31.08.2013, EU / 7th framework programme - SRD – Smart Reagent Dosing,
01.06.2010 – 30.11.2012, MicroTEC Südwest - PipeJetTip,
1.2.2010 – 31.12.2012, MicroTEC Südwest / VDI/VDE-IT - MicroMasterPrinter,
1.2.2010 – 31.1. 2013, ERANET
Most important publications
- T. Glatzel, C. Litterst, C. Cupelli, T. Lindemann, C. Moosmann, R. Niekrawietz, W. Streule, R. Zengerle, P. Koltay; "Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software tools for microfluidic applications–A case study", 2008, Computers & Fluids 37 (3), 218-235.
- A. Gross, J. Schöndube, S. Niekrawitz, W. Streule, L. Riegger, R. Zengerle, P. Koltay; "Single-cell printer: automated, on demand, and label free", (2013), Journal of Laboratory Automation 18 (6), 504-518
- A. Ernst, W. Streule, N. Schmitt, R. Zengerle, P. Koltay; "A capacitive sensor for non-contact nanoliter droplet detection", (2009), Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 153 (1), 57-63
- F. Stumpf, J. Schoendube, A. Gross, C. Rath, S. Niekrawietz, P. Koltay, G. Roth; "Single-cell PCR of genomic DNA enabled by automated single-cell printing for cell isolation", (2015), Biosensors and Bioelectronics 69, 301-306
- N. Lass, L. Riegger, R. Zengerle, P. Koltay; "Enhanced liquid metal micro droplet generation by pneumatic actuation based on the starjet method", (2013), Micromachines 4 (1), 49-66
In the media
- Organe aus dem 3D-Drucker: Was ist dran am Traum vom Bioprinting? (Frankfurter Rundschau, 01/2022), more
- Projekt 3D-Bio-Net: Lebende Strukturen drucken (IHK Zeitschrift Wirtschaft im Südwesten, 03/2021), more
- 3D-Biodrucker lösen Tierversuche ab (BMBF, 12/2020), more
- Menschliche Zellen und Gewebe aus dem Drucker - das Projekt 3D-Bio-Net (11/2020), YouTube Video
- Bioprinter: Freiburger Wissenschaftler wollen Gewebe mit eingebauten Blutgefäßen drucken,
Badische Zeitung (22.08.2020), more - Vom Autoteil bis zum Zahnersatz - so vielseitig ist 3-D-Druck, Badische Zeitung (20.07.2020), more
- 3D-Bio-Net in "Wirtschaftsstandort Baden-Württemberg", p 148 (03/2020), more
- PR Uniklinik Freiburg & IMTEK (21.11.2019), more
- Interview auf SWR2: Organe aus dem 3D-Drucker (16.04.2019), more
- TV-Beitrag über die Bioprinting-Forschung an der Uni Freiburg (14.06.2018), more
- PR, Uni Freiburg (31.05.2017), more
Lebendige Knochen aus dem 3D-Drucker
- uni leben (05/2015, S. 5), more
- kunststoffxtra (05/2015), more
- Pressemeldung der Technischen Fakultät (03/2015), more
BioFluidix GmbH
- Leading Swiss laboratory equipment manufacturer Hamilton Bonaduz AG buys Freiburg-based microfluidic technology company BioFluidix GmbH, more
- Alles nur in kleinen Dosen, Badische Zeitung (20.11.2020), more
- Gesundheitsindustrie BW über BioFluidix GmbH (Fachbeitrag, 2010), more
- BioFluidix erhält Unternehmenspreis:
cytena GmbH
- Spin-off erlöst 30,25 Mio EUR (08/2019), more
- cytena gründet Tochterunternehmen in Taiwan (07/2019), more
- 3 Mio. Euro für Wachstum und Entwicklung der cytena GmbH (03/2019), more
- Ausgründung kooperiert mit Unternehmen in den USA (09/2017), more
- Ausgründung von cytena GmbH (Badische Zeitung, 07/2014), more
Awards for cytena
- Landesinnovationspreis für IMTEK Start-up cytena GmbH (11/2017), more
- IMTEK start-up cytena erhält den Sonderpreis Innovation der Technology Fast 50 – Deutschlands am schnellsten wachsende Technologieunternehmen (11/2017), more
- cytena, ein Spin-off der Universität Freiburg, erhält 1,1 Mio. Euro Startkapital vom HTGF und einem Privatinvestor (2015), more
- CyberOne – Hightech Award Baden-Württemberg für cytena (11/2015), more
- FAIM-Förderpreis für cytena (01/2015), more
- Science4Life Venture Cup 2014 – cytena gewinnt bei Deutschlands größtem Businessplan-Wettbewerb (07/2014):
Actome GmbH
- Actome GmbH nominated as high potential startup by the European Innovation Council (EIC), more
- Protein-Interaction-Coupling-Technology (Video)
- Actome ist "TOP 50 Start-up 2019" (01/2020), more
- IMTEK-Gründerteam beim bundesweiten Wettbewerb Science4Life Venture Cup erfolgreich (03/2019), more