Sie sind hier: Startseite Laboratories Zengerle, Roland Projects


Disposable Dispensing System with intelligent sensor technology (E-DosiS)


Project description

The project aims to develop a disposable sensor controlled dosing system which can dispense fluids independent of the rheological properties. The technology bases on a disposable electromagnetic pressure/time controlled dispensing valve for the sub-µl range which is combined with a flow sensor and a real-time control in order to achieve a high precision and accuracy. For this purpose a disposable capacitive flow sensor will be developed which can measure small flow rates by means of a differential pressure method. The electromagnetic valve will be minimized and implemented as a cost-effective disposable component using injection molding The integration of both elements enables the realization of a cost-effective disposable sensor-controlled dosing system for industrial and medical applications.

Start/End of project

01.07.2013 until 30.06.2016

Project manager

Dr. Peter Koltay (Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle)

Contact person

Dr. Peter Koltay
Phone:+49 761 203-73240


BioFluidix GmbH, Germany Braunform GmbH, Germany




Mikrodosierung, Mikroventile & Mikropumpen, Sensorik, sensor systems, micropumps & microvalves, microdosing
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