3D-BioPrinting of vascularized bone replacement tissue
Project description
The interdisciplinary research project at the interface between engineering and life sciences foresees the process development and validation for printing three-dimensional vascularized bone replacement tissue by combining innovative bioprinting technologies. One of the main objectives in the development of the printing process is the production of vascularized tissue with functional vessels according to specific designs. The second main objective relates to the study of the processes involved in the formation of blood vessels, depending on the composition and spatial arrangement of the various biomaterials such as bone and endothelial cells with hydrogels, and growth factors. The viability and operability of the artificial bone tissue will be validated by in vitro and in vivo experiments. These findings may contribute to a clinical use of bioprinting technologies for therapeutic purposes and will significantly strengthen the of research in the field of bioengineering of vascularized tissue.
Start/End of project
01.10.2015 until 31.03.2018
Project manager
Dr. Peter Koltay (Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle)
Contact person
Dr. Peter Koltay
Prof. Dr. Günter Finkenzeller, Forschungs-Sektionsleiter an der Klinik für Plastische und Handchirurgie des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg
DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / DFG – German Research Foundation
3D-Drucken, Bioprinting, Mikrodosierung, Ersatzgewebe, Tissue Engineering, Knochen, mesenchymale Stammzellen, Vaskularisierung, 3D-Printing, bioprinting, biomaterials, bone, mesenchymal stem cells, vascularization, tissue engineering, microdosing