Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften
Jahre: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993

- Bürger J, Gutsch S, Zacharias M
Transition from freestanding SnO2 nanowires to laterally aligned nanowires with a simulation-based experimental design
2020 Beilstein J Nanotech, Band: 11, Seite: 843-853

- Neelisetty KK, Mu X, Gutsch S, Vahl A, Molinari A, Von Seggern F, Hansen M, Scherer T, Zacharias M, Kienle L, Kiran Chakravadhanula VS Kübel C
Electron Beam Effects on Oxide Thin Films-Structure and Electrical Property Correlations
2019 Microsc Microanal, Band: 25, Nummer: 3, Seite: 592-600 - Graf D, Burchard S, Crespo J, Megnin C, Gutsch G, Zacharias Z, Hanemann T
Influence of Al2O3 Nanoparticle Addition on a UV Cured Polyacrylate for 3D Inkjet Printing
2019 Polymers-basel, Band: 11, Nummer: 4, Seite: 633 - Valenta J, Greben M, Dyakov S.A., Gippius N. A., Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M
Nearly perfect near-infrared luminescence efficiency of Si nanocrystals: A comprehensive quantum yield study employing the Purcell effect
2019 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 9, Nummer: 11214 - Chlouba T, Trojánek F, Kopecký V, López-Vidrier J, Hernandéz S, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Malý P
Pathways of carrier recombination in Si/SiO2 nanocrystal superlattices
2019 J Appl Phys, Band: 126, Nummer: 163101 - Cruz-Matias I, Ayala Dolors, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Estrade S, Peiro F
Sphericity and roundness computation for particles using the extreme vertices model
2019 J Comput Sci-neth, Band: 30, Seiten: 28 - 40

- Hiller D, López-Vidrier J, Nomoto K, Wahl M, Bock W, Chlouba T, Trojanek F, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, König D, Maly P, Kopnarski M
Absence of free carriers in silicon nanocrystals grown from phosphorus-and boron-doped silicon-rich oxide and oxynitride
2018 Beilstein J Nanotech, Band: 9, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 1501 - 1511 - López-Vidrier J, Gutsch S, Blázquez O, Valenta J, Hiller D, Laube J, Blanco-Portals J, López-Conesa L, Estradé S, Peiró F, Garrido B, Hernández S, Zacharias M
Effect of Si3N4-Mediated Inversion Layer on the Electroluminescence Properties of Silicon Nanocrystal Superlattices
2018 Adv Electron Mater, Band: 4, Nummer: 1700666 - Neelisetty KK, Gutsch S, von Seggern F, Molinari A, Vahl A, Mu X, Scherer T, Chakravadhanula K, Kübel C
Electron Beam Effects on Silicon Oxide Films–Structure and Electrical Properties
2018 Microsc Microanal, Band: 24, Nummer: S1, Seiten: 1810 - 1811 - Bürger JC, Gutsch S, Zacharias M
Extended View on the Vapor–Liquid–Solid Mechanism for Oxide Compound Nanowires: The Role of Oxygen, Solubility, and Carbothermal Reaction
2018 J Phys Chem C, Band: 122, Nummer: 42, Seiten: 24407 - 24414 - Chlouba T, Trojánek F, Laube J, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Malý P
Interplay of bimolecurlar and Auger recombination in photoexcited carrier dynamics in silicon nanocrystal/silicon dioxide superlattices
2018 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 1703 - Beh H, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Optimization of ALD-ZnO Thin Films Toward Higher Conductivity
2018 Phys Status Solidi A, Band: 1700880 - Beh H, Hiller D, Salava J, Trojánek F, Zacharias M, Malý P, Valenta J
Photoluminescence Dynamics and Quantum Yield of Intrinsically Conductive ZnO from Atomic Layer Deposition
2018 J Lumin, Band: 201, Nummer: 85 - Williams M, Jervell A, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Using HCl to Control Silver Dissolution in Metal‐Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon
2018 Phys Status Solidi A, Band: 215, Nummer: 13, Seite: 1800135

- Nomoto K, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Ceguerra AV, Breen A, Zacharias M, Conibeer G, Perez-Wurfl I, Ringer SP
Atom probe tomography of size-controlled phosphorus doped silicon nanocrystals
2017 Phys Status Solidi-r, Band: 11, Nummer: 1, Seite: 1600376 - Hiller D, López-Vidrier J, Gutsch S, Margit Zacharias, Michael Wahl, Wolfgang Bock, Alexander Brodyanski, Michael Kopnarski, Keita Nomoto, Jan Valenta, Dirk König
Boron-Incorporating Silicon Nanocrystals Embedded in SiO 2: Absence of Free Carriers vs. B-Induced Defects
2017 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 7, Nummer: 1, Seite: 8337 - Greben M, Khoroshyy P, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Zacharias M, Valenta J
Changes of the absorption cross section of Si nanocrystals with temperature and distance
2017 Beilstein J Nanotech, Band: 8, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 2315 - 2323 - Hiller D., López-Vidrier J, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Nomoto K, König D
Defect-Induced Luminescence Quenching vs. Charge Carrier Generation of Phosphorus Incorporated in Silicon Nanocrystals as Function of Size
2017 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 7, Seite: 863 - Beh H, Hiller D, Laube J, Gutsch S, Zacharias M
Deposition temperature dependence and long-term stability of the conductivity of undoped ZnO grown by atomic layer deposition
2017 J Vac Sci Technol A, Band: 35, Nummer: 1, Seite: 01B127 - Hiller D, Gutsch G, López‐Vidrier J, Zacharias M, Estradé S, Peiró F, Cruz‐Matías I, Ayala D
Determination of Shape and Sphericity of Silicon Quantum Dots Imaged by EFTEM‐Tomography
2017 physica status solidi c, Band: 14, Nummer: 12, Seite: 1700216 - Jakob M, Gutsch S, Chatelle C, Krishnaraja A, Fahlteich J, Weber W, Zacharias M
Flexible thin film pH sensor based on low-temperature atomic layer deposition
2017 Phys Status Solidi-r - Willams M, Hiller D, Bergfeldt T, Zacharias M
How the Oxidation Stability of Metal Catalysts Defines the Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon
2017 J Phys Chem C, Band: 121, Nummer: 17, Seiten: 9296 - 9299 - Jakob M, Bo D, Gutsch S, Chatelle C, Krishnaraja A, Weber W, Zacharias M
Label-free SnO2 nanowire FET biosensor for protein detection
2017 Nanotechnology, Band: 28, Nummer: 24, Seite: 245503 - König D, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Smith S
Modulation Doping of Silicon using Aluminium-induced Acceptor States in Silicon Dioxide
2017 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 7, Seite: 46703 - López-Vidrier J, Gutsch S, Blázquez O, Hiller D, Kaur R, Hernández S, Garrido B, Zacharias M
Modulation of the electroluminescence emission from ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si light-emitting devices via pulsed excitation
2017 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 110, Nummer: 20, Seite: 203104 - Valenta J, Greben M, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Photoluminescence performance limits of Si nanocrystals in silicon oxynitride matrices
2017 J Appl Phys, Band: 122, Nummer: 14, Seite: 144303 - Pushkarev V, Ostatnický T, Němec H, Chlouba T, Trojánek F, Malý P, Zacharias M, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Kužel P
Quantum behavior of terahertz photoconductivity in silicon nanocrystals networks
2017 Phys Rev B, Band: 95, Seite: 125424 - Beh H, Hiller D, Bruns M, Welle A, Becker H, Berghoff B, Sürgers C, Merz R, Zacharias M
Quasi-metallic behavior of ZnO grown by atomic layer deposition: The role of hydrogen
2017 J Appl Phys, Band: 122, Nummer: 2, Seite: 025306 - Cai Y, Kozhummal R, Kübel C, Trouillet V, Bruns M, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Yang Y
Spatial Separation of Photogenerated Electron–Hole Pairs in Solution-Grown ZnO Tandem n–p Core–Shell Nanowire Arrays toward Highly Sensitive Photoelectrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide
2017 J Mater Chem A

- Boehler C, Güder F, Kücükbayrak UM, Zacharias M, Asplund M
A Simple Approach for Molecular Controlled Release based on Atomic Layer Deposition Hybridized Organic-Inorganic Layers
2016 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 6, Seite: 19574 - Hiller D, Laube J, Gutsch S, Zacharias M
Comment on “Thickness and temperature depending intermixing of SiOx/SiO2 and SiOxNy/SiO2 superlattices: Experimental observation and thermodynamic modeling” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 223102 (2016)]
2016 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 109, Seite: 166101 - Valenta J, Greben M, Remeš Z, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Determination of absorption cross-section of Si nanocrystals by two independent methods based on either absorption or luminescence
2016 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 108, Seite: 023102 - Dalmau Mallorquí A, Alarcn-Llad E, Canales Mundet I, Amirreza K, Demaurex B, De Wolf S, Menzel A, Zacharias M, Fontcuberta I Morral
Field-effect passivation on silicon nanowire solar cells
2016 Nano Res, Band: 8, Nummer: 9, Seite: 1220 - Bley S, Albrecht F, Resch S, Waldvogel SR, Menzel A, Zacharias M, Voss T, Gutowski J
Luminescence dynamics of hybrid ZnO nanowire/CdSe quantum dot structures
2016 Phys Status Solidi C, Band: 1, Seite: 1 - Dyakov SA, Zhigunov DM, Marinins A, Shcherbakov MR, Fedyanin AA, Vorontsov AS, Kashkarov PK, Popov S, Qiu M, Zacharias M, Tikhodeev SG, Gippius NA
Optical properties of silicon nanocrystals covered by periodic array of gold nanowires
2016 Phys Rev B, Band: 93, Seite: 205413 - Kořínek A, Trojánek F, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Kübel C, Malý P
Picosecond dynamics of photoexcited carriers in interacting silicon nanocrystals
2016 Appl Surf Sci, Band: 377, Seite: 238 - Lee BG, Luo J-W, Neale NR, Beard MC, Hiller D, Zacharias M, Stradins P, Zunger A
Quasi-Direct Optical Transitions in Silicon Nanocrystals with Intensity Exceeding the Bulk
2016 Nano Lett, Band: 16, Seite: 1583 - Laube J, Nübling D, Beh H, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Resistivity of atomic layer deposition grown ZnO: The influence of deposition temperature and post-annealing
2016 Thin Solid Films, Band: 603, Seite: 377 - Kujala J, Slotte J, Tuomisto F, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Si nanocrystals and nanocrystal interfaces studied by positron annihilation
2016 J Appl Phys, Band: 120, Seite: 145302 - Laube J, Gutsch S, Wang D, Kübel C, Zacharias M, Hiller D
Two-dimensional percolation threshold in confined Si nanoparticle networks
2016 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 108, Seite: 043106

- Guan C, Wang Y, Zacharias M, Wang J, Fan HJ
Atomic-layer-deposition alumina induced carbon on porous NixCo1-xO nanonets for enhanced pseudocapacitive and Li-ion storage performance
2015 Nanotechnology, Band: 26, Seite: 014001 - Němec H, Zajac V, Kužel P, Malý P, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Charge transport in silicon nanocrystal superlattices in the terahertz regime
2015 Phys Rev B, Band: 91, Seite: 195443 - Wang Z, Kojda D, Peranio N, Kroener M, Mitdank R, Toellner W, Nielsch K, Fischer SF, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Eibl O, Woias P
Dielectrophoretic investigation of Bi2Te3 nanowires—a microfabricated thermoelectric characterization platform for measuring the thermoelectric and structural properties of single nanowires
2015 Nanotechnology, Band: 26, Seite: 125707 - Bley S, Diez M, Albrecht F, Resch S, Waldvogel SR, Menzel A, Zacharias M, Gutowski J, Voss T
Electron tunneling from colloidal CdSe quantum dots to ZnO nanowires studied by time-resolved luminescence and photoconductivity experiments
2015 J Phys Chem C, Band: 119, Seite: 15627 - Gutsch S, Laube J, Hiller D, Bock W, Wahl M, Kopnarski M, Gnaser H, Puthen-Veettil B, Zacharias M
Electronic properties of phosphorus doped silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2
2015 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 106, Seite: 113103 - Vierrath S, Güder F, Menzel A, Hagner M, Zengerle R, Zacharias M, Thiele S
Enhancing the quality of the tomography of nanoporous materials for better understanding of polymer electrolyte fuel cell materials
2015 J Power Sources, Band: 285, Seite: 413 - Zelenina A, Sarikov A, Gutsch S, Zakharov N, Werner P, Reichert A, Weiss C, Zacharias M
Formation of size-controlled and luminescent Si nanocrystals from SiOxNy/Si3N4 hetero-superlattices
2015 J Appl Phys, Band: 117, Seite: 175303 - Gad KM, Vössing D, Balamou P, Hiller D, Stegemann B, Angermann H, Kasemann M
Improved Si/SiOx interface passivation by ultra-thin tunneling oxide layers prepared by rapid thermal oxidation
2015 Appl Surf Sci, Band: 353, Seiten: 1269 - 1276 - König D, Gutsch S, Gnaser H, Wahl M, Kopnarski M, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Zacharias M, Hiller D
Location and Electronic Nature of Phosphorus in the Si Nanocrystal − SiO2 System
2015 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 5, Seite: 9702 - Gutsch S, Hiller D, Laube J, Zacharias M, Kübel C
Observing the morphology of single-layered embedded silicon nanocrystals by using temperature-stable TEM membranes
2015 Beilstein J Nanotech, Band: 6, Seite: 964 - Ibáñez J, Hernández S, López-Vidrier J, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Segura A, Valenta J, Garrido B
Optical emission from SiO2-embedded silicon nanocrystals: A high-pressure Raman and photoluminescence study
2015 Phys Rev B, Band: 92, Seite: 035432 - Kořínek M, Trojánek F, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Malý P
Picosecond dynamics of photoexcited carriers in silicon nanocrystal/Si3N4 superlattices: Presence of K0 centers
2015 J Appl Phys, Band: 117, Seite: 093101 - López-Vidrier J, Berencén Y, Hernández S, Mundet B, Gutsch S, Laube J, Hiller D, Löper P, Schnabel M, Janz M, Zacharias M, Garrido B
Structural parameters effect on the electrical and electroluminescence properties of silicon nanocrystals/SiO2 superlattices
2015 Nanotechnology, Band: 26, Seite: 185704 - Menzel A, Komin K, Yang Y, Güder F, Trouillet V, Werner P, Zacharias M
Ultra-long zinc oxide nanowires and boron doping based on ionic liquid assisted thermal chemical vapor deposition growth
2015 Nanoscale, Band: 7, Seite: 92

- Hiller D, Gutsch S, Hartel AM, Löper P, Gebel T, Zacharias M
A low thermal impact annealing process for SiO2-embedded Si nanocrystals with optimized interface quality
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 115, Seite: 134311 - Hiller D, Zelenina A, Gutsch S, Dyakov SA, López-Conesa L, López-Vidrier J, Estradé S, Peiró F, Garrido B, Valenta J, Kořínek M, Trojánek F, Malý P, Schnabel M, Weiss C, Janz S, Zacharias M
Absence of quantum confinement effects in the photoluminescence of Si3N4–embedded Si nanocrystals
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 115, Seite: 204301 - López-Vidrier J, Hernández S, Hiller D, Gutsch S, López-Conesa L, Estradé S, Peiró F, Zacharias M, Garrido B
Annealing temperature and barrier thickness effect on the structural and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals/SiO2 superlattices
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 116, Seite: 133505 - Sarikov A, Voitovych M, Lisovskyy I, Naseka V, Hartel A, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M
Characteristics of Hydrogen Effusion from the Si-H Bonds in Si Rich Silicon Oxynitride
2014 Advanced Materials Research, Band: 854, Seiten: 69 - 74 - Hou D, Voss T, Ronning C, Menzel A, Zacharias M
Deep-level emission in ZnO nanowires and bulk crystals: Excitation-intensity dependence versus crystalline quality
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 115, Seite: 233516 - Hernández S, López-Vidrier J, López-Conesa L, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Ibáñez J, Estradé S, Peiró F, Zacharias M, Garrido B
Determining the crystalline degree of silicon nanoclusters/SiO2 multilayers by Raman scattering
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 115, Seite: 203504 - Valenta J, Greben M, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Effects of inter-nanocrystal distance on luminescence quantum yield in ensembles of Si nanocrystals
2014 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 105, Seite: 243107 - Wongchoosuk C, Subannajui K, Wang C, Yang Y, Güder F, Kerdcharoen T, Cimalla V, Zacharias M
Electronic nose for toxic gas detection based on photostimulated core-shell nanowires
2014 Rsc Adv, Band: 4, Nummer: 66, Seiten: 35084 - 35088 - König D, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M
Energy Offset Between Silicon Quantum Structures: Interface Impact of Embedding Dielectrics as Doping Alternative
2014 Advanced Materials Interfaces, Band: 1, Seite: 1400359 - Güder F, Frei E, Kücükbayrak U, Menzel A, Thomann R, Luptak R, Hollaender B, Krossing I, Zacharias M
Engineered high aspect ratio vertical nanotubes as a model system for the investigation of catalytic methanol synthesis over Cu/ZnO
2014 Acs Appl Mater Inter, Band: 6, Seite: 1576 - Mallorquí AD, Alarcón-Lladó E, Mundet IC, Kiani A, Demaurex B, De Wolf S, Menzel A, Zacharias M, Fontcuberta i Morral A
Field-effect passivation on silicon nanowire solar cells
2014 Nano Res, Band: 0, Seite: 0 - Laube J, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Bruns S, Kübel C, Weiss C, Zacharias M
Formation of size controlled silicon nanocrystals in nitrogen free silicon dioxide matrix prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 116, Nummer: 22, Seite: 223501 - Kühnhold S, Saint-Cast P, Kafle B, Hofmann M, Colonna F, Zacharias M
High-temperature degradation in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition Al2O3 surface passivation layers on crystalline silicon
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 116, Seite: 054507 - Kozák M, Kořínek M, Trojánek F, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Malý P
Hot-phonon-induced indirect absorption in silicon nanocrystals
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 114, Seite: 173103 - Gnaser H, Gutsch S, Wahl M, Schiller R, Kopnarski M, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Phosphorus doping of Si nanocrystals embedded in silicon oxynitride determined by atom probe tomography
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 115, Seite: 034304 - Kořínek M, Kozák M, Trojánek F, Hiller D, Hartel A, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Malý P
Photoexcited charge carrier dynamics in silicon nanocrystal/SiO2 superlattices
2014 Physica E, Band: 56, Seite: 177 - Zelenina A, Sarikov A, Zhigunov DM, Weiss C, Zakharov N, Werner P, López-Conesa L, Estradé S, Peiró F, Dyakov SA, Zacharias M
Silicon nanocrystals in SiNx/SiO2 hetero-superlattices: The loss of size control after thermal annealing
2014 J Appl Phys, Band: 115, Seite: 244304

- Löper P, Pysch D, Richter A, Hermle M, Janz S, Zacharias M, Glunz S.W.
Analysis of the Temperature Dependence of the Open-Circuit Voltage
2013 Energy Procedia, Band: 27, Seiten: 135 - 142 - Kozhummal R, Yang Y, Güder F, Kücükbayrak U, Zacharias M
Antisolvent Crystallization Approach to Construction of CuI Superstructures with Defined Geometries
2013 Acs Nano, Band: 7, Seiten: 2820 - 2828 - López-Vidrier J, Berencén Y, Hernández S, Blázquez O, Gutsch S, Laube J, Hiller D, Löper P, Schnabel M, Janz S, Zacharias M, Garrido B
Charge transport and electroluminescence of silicon nanocrystals/SiO2 superlattices
2013 J Appl Phys, Band: 114, Seite: 163701 - Gutsch S, Laube J, Hartel A.M., Hiller D, Zakharov N, Werner P, Zacharias M
Charge transport in Si nanocrystal/SiO2 superlattices
2013 J Appl Phys, Band: 113, Seiten: 133703 - 133712 - Menzel A, Guebeli, Güder F, Weber W, Zacharias M
Detection of Real-Time Dynamics of Drug-Target Interactions by Ultralong Nanowalls
2013 Lab Chip 2013, Band: 13, Seiten: 4173 - 4179 - Kozák M, Kořínek M, Trojánek F, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Zacharias M, Malý P
Hot-phonon-induced indirect absorption in silicon nanocrystals
2013 J Appl Phys, Band: 114, Seite: 173103 - Hartel AM, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Intrinsic nonradiative recombination in ensembles of silicon nanocrystals
2013 Phys Rev B, Band: 87, Seite: 035428 - Subannajui K, Menzel A, Güder F, Yang Y, Schumann K, Lu X, Zacharias M
Large-Scale Nano Piezo Force Position Arrays as Ultrahigh-Resolution Micro-and Nanoparticle Tracker
2013 Adv Funct Mater (Advanced Funtional Materials) 2013, Band: 23, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 191 - 197 - Löper P, Canino M, Qazzazie D, Schnabel M, Allegrezza M, Summonte C, Glunz S, Janz S, Zacharias M
Silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon carbide: Investigation of charge carrier transport and recombination
2013 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 102, Nummer: 3, Seite: 033507 - Löper P, Canino M, Lopez-Vidrier J, Bellettato M, Allegrezza M, Hiller D, Hartel, A M, Gutsch S, Hernandez S, , Guerra R, Ossicini S, Garrido B, Janz S, Zacharias M
Silicon nanocrystals from high-temperature annealing: Characterization on device level
2013 Phys. Status Solidi A 2013, Band: 210, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 669 - 675 - König D, Hiller H, Zacharias M, Michard S, Flynn C
Static hot carrier populations as a function of optical excitation energy detected through energy selective contacts by optically assisted IV
2013 Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2013) - Zelenina A, Dyakov SA, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Trouillet V, Bruns M, Mirabella S, Löper P, López-Conesa L, López-Vidrier J, Estradé S, Peiró F, Garrido B, Bläsing J, Krost A, Zhigunov DM, Zacharias M
Structural and optical properties of size controlled Si nanocrystals in Si3N4 matrix: The nature of photoluminescence peak shift
2013 J Appl Phys, Band: 114, Seite: 184311 - Güder F, Yang Y, Küçükbayrak U.M., Zacharias M
Tracing the Migration History of Metal Catalysts in Metal-Assisted Chemically Etched Silicon
2013 Acs Nano, Band: 7, Seiten: 1583 - 1590

- Löper P, Stüwe D, Künle M, Bivour M, Reichel C, Neubauer R, Schnabel M, Hermle M, Eibl O, Janz S, Zacharias M, Glunz S
A Membrane Device for Substrate-Free Photovoltaic Characterization of Quantum Dot Based p-i-n Solar Cells
2012 Adv Mater, Band: 24, Nummer: 23, Seiten: 3124 - 3129 - Subannajui K, Güder F, Danhof J, Yang Y, Kirste L, Wang C, Cimalla V, Schwarz U, Zacharias M
An advanced fabrication method of highly ordered ZnO nanowire arrays on silicon substrates by atomic layer deposition
2012 Nanotechnology, Band: 23, Seite: 235607 - Zacharias M, Hiller D, Hartel AM, Gutsch S
Defect engineering of Si nanocrystal interfaces and the temperature dependence of the band gap of size selected Si nanocrystals
2012 Phys Status Solidi A - Gutsch S, Hartel A, Hiller D, Zakharov N, Werner P, Zacharias M
Doping efficiency of Phosphorus Doped Silicon Nanocrystals embedded in a SiO2 matrix
2012 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 100, Nummer: 23, Seite: 233115 - Dyakov S, Zhigunov DM, Hartel A, Zacharias M, Perova TS, Timoshenko VYu
Enhancement of photoluminescence signal from ultrathin layers with silicon nanocrystals
2012 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 100, Seite: 061908 - Kozhummal R, Berenschot E, Jansen H, Tas N, Zacharias M, Elwenspoek M
Fabrication of micron-sized tetrahedra by Si〈1 1 1〉 micromachining and retraction edge lithography
2012 J Micromech Microeng, Band: 22, Nummer: 8, Seite: 085032 - Hartel A, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Fundamental temperature-dependent properties of the Si nanocrystal band gap
2012 Phys Rev B, Band: 85, Nummer: 16, Seite: 165306 - Sarikov A, Zacharias M
Gibbs free energy and equilibrium states in the Si/Si oxide system
2012 J Phys-condens Mat, Band: 24, Seite: 385403 - Kozhummal R, Yang Y, Güder F, Hartel AM, Lu X, Küçükbayrak U, Mateo-Alonso A, Elwenspoek M, Zacharias M
Homoepitaxial Branching: An Unusual Polymorph of Zinc Oxide Derived from Seeded Solution Growth
2012 Acs Nano, Band: 6, Nummer: 8, Seiten: 7133 - 7141 - Subannajui K, Menzel A, Güder F, Yang Y, Schumann K, Lu X, Zacharias M
Large-Scale Nano Piezo Force Position Arrays as Ultrahigh-Resolution Micro- and Nanoparticle Tracker
2012 Adv Funct Mater, Band: 23, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 191 - 197 - Nguyen, A.P.D., Stesmans, A., Hiller, D., et al.
Near-interface Si substrate 3d metal contamination during atomic layer deposition processing detected by electron spin resonance
2012 J Appl Phys, Band: 111, Nummer: 11 - Subannajui K, Wongchoosuk C, Ramgir N, Wang C Y, Yang Y, Hartel A M, Cimalla V, Zacharias M
Photoluminescent and gas-sensing properties of ZnO nanowires prepared by an ionic assisted vapor transfer approach
2012 J.Appl. Phys 2012, Band: 112, Seite: 034311 - Menzel A, Goldberg R, Burshtein G, Lumelsky V, Subannajui K, Zacharias Z, Lifshitz L
Role of Carrier Gas Flow and Species Diffusion in Nanowire Growth from Thermal CVD
2012 J Phys Chem C, Band: 116, Nummer: 9, Seiten: 5524 - 5530 - Xiong Q., Grimes C A, Zacharias M, Fontcuberta i Morral A, Hiruma K, Shen G
Semiconductor Nanowires and Nanotubes: From Fundamentals to Diverse Applications
2012 Int J Nanotechnol, Band: 2012 - Hartel AM, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Kübel C, Zakharov N, Werner P, Zacharias M
Silicon nanocrystals prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition: Importance of parasitic oxidation for third generation photovoltaic applications
2012 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 101, Seite: 193103 - Lee BG, Hiller D, Luo JW, Semonin OE, Beard MC, Zacharias M, Stradins P
Strained Interface Defects in Silicon Nanocrystals
2012 Adv Funct Mater, Band: 22, Nummer: 12, Seiten: 3223 - 3232 - Güder F, Yang Y, Menzel A, Wang CY
Superior Functionality by Design: Selective Ozone Sensing Realized by Rationally Constructed High-Index ZnO Surfaces
2012 Small, Band: 8, Nummer: 21, Seiten: 3307 - 3314 - Menzel A, Subannajui K, Bakhda R, Wang Y, Thomann R, Zacharias M
Tuning the Growth Mechanism of ZnO Nanowires by Controlled Carrier and Reaction Gas Modulation in Thermal CVD
2012 J Phys Chem Lett, Band: 3, Nummer: 19, Seiten: 2815 - 2821

- Subannajui K, Guder F, Zacharias M
Bringing Order to the World of Nanowire Devices by Phase Shift Lithography
2011 Nano Lett, Band: 11, Nummer: 9, Seiten: 3513 - 3518 - Wongchoosuk C, Subannajui K, Menzel A, Burshtein IA, Tamir S, Lifshitz Y, Zacharias M
Controlled Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures: The Role of Source and Substrate Temperatures
2011 J Phys Chem C, Band: 115, Nummer: 3, Seiten: 757 - 761 - Hartel AM, Hiller D, Gutsch S, Loeper P, Estradé S, Peiró P, Garrido B, Zacharias M
Formation of Size Controlled Silicon Nanocrystals in PECVD Grown SiOxNy/SiO2–Superlattices
2011 Thin Solid Films, Band: 520, Seiten: 121 - 125 - Güder F, Yang Y, Danhof J, Hartel A, Schwarz UT, Zacharias M
Improved optical properties of ZnO thin films by concurrently introduced interfacial voids during thermal annealing
2011 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 99, Nummer: 2, Seite: 023105 - Menzel A, Subannajui K, Moser F, Paul O, Zacharias M
Multifunctional ZnO-nanowire based sensor
2011 Adv Funct Mater, Nummer: 22, Seiten: 4342 - 4348 - Wang CY, Kinzer M, Youn SK, Ramgir N, Kunzer M, Kohler K, Zacharias M, Cimalla V
Oxidation behaviour of carbon monoxide at the photostimulated surface of ZnO nanowires
2011 J Appl Phys, Band: 44, Nummer: 30, Seite: 305302 - Zhigunov DM, Dyakov SA, Timoshenko VY, Yablonskiy AN, Hiller D, Zacharias M
Photoluminescence properties of Er-implanted SiO/SiO2 multilayered structures with amorphous and crystalline Si nanoclysters
2011 J Nanoelectron Optoe, Band: 6 - Löper P, Müller R, Hiller D, Barthel T, Malguth E, Janz S, Goldschmidt JC, Hermle M, Zacharias M
Quasi-Fermi-level splitting in ideal silicon nanocrystal superlattices
2011 Phys Rev B, Band: 84, Seite: 195317 - Hiller D, Götze S, Zacharias M
Rapid thermal annealing of size-controlled Si nanocrystals: Dependence of interface defect density on thermal budget
2011 J Appl Phys, Band: 109, Nummer: 9, Seite: 054308 - Yang Y, Liu L, Gueder F, Berger A, Scholz R, Albrecht O, Zacharias M
Regulated Oxidation of Ni in Multisegmented Ni/Pt Nanowires: An Entry to Wavy Nanopeapods
2011 Angew Chem Int Edit, Band: 123, Seiten: 11047 - 11050 - Jivanescu M, Hiller D, Zacharias M, Stesmans A
Size dependence of P(b)-type photoluminescence quenching defects at the Si nanocrystal interface
2011 Epl-europhys Lett, Band: 96, Nummer: 2, Seite: 27003 - Chong YT, Yau MYE, Yang Y, Zacharias M, Gorlitz D, Nielsch K, Bachmann J
Superparamagnetic behavior in cobalt iron oxide nanotube arrays by atomic layer deposition
2011 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 110, Nummer: 4, Seite: 043930 - Güder F, Yang Y, Goetze S, Berger A, Scholz R, Hiller D, Hesse D, Zacharias M
Toward Discrete Multilayered Composite Structures: Do Hollow Networks Form in a Polycrystalline Infinite Nanoplane by the Kirkendall Effect?
2011 Chem Mater, Band: 23, Nummer: 20, Seiten: 4445 - 4451 - Zacharias M
Ulrich Gösele – 35 years of research: From defects and diffusion to nanomaterials
2011 Phys Status Solidi C, Band: 8, Nummer: 3, Seiten: 655 - 658

- Liu L, Albrecht O, Pippel E, Nielsch K, Gösele U
A novel synthesis of ultrathin CoPt3 nanowires by dealloying larger diameter Co99Pt1 nanowires and subsequent stress-induced crack propagation
2010 Electrochem Commun, Nummer: 12, Seite: 835 - Güder F, Yang Y, Krueger M, Stevens GB, Zacharias M
Atomic Layer Deposition on Phase-Shift Lithography Generated Photoresist Patterns for 1D Nanochannel Fabrication
2010 Acs Appl Mater Inter, Band: 2, Nummer: 12, Seiten: 3473 - 3478 - Youn SK, Ramgir N, Wang CY, Subannajui K, Cimalla V, Zacharias M
Catalyst-Free Growth of ZnO Nanowires Based on Topographical Confinement and Preferential Chemisorption and Their Use for Room Temperature CO Detection
2010 J Phys Chem C, Band: 114, Nummer: 22, Seiten: 10092 - 10100 - Güder F, Yang Y, Goetze S, Berger A, Ramgir N, Hesse D, Zacharias M
Controlled Positioning of Large Interfacial Nanocavities via Stress-Engineered Void Localization
2010 Small, Band: 6, Nummer: 15, Seiten: 1603 - 1607 - Yang Y, Gueder F, Zacharias M
Diffusion-Induced Void Evolution in Core-Shell Nanowires: Elaborated View on the Nanoscale Kirkendall Effect
2010 Isr J Chem, Band: 50, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 439 - 448 - Kim DS, Richters JP, Scholz R, Voss T, Zacharias
Modulation of carrier density in ZnO nanowires without impurity doping
2010 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 96, Nummer: 12, Seite: 123110 - Ramgir NS, Yang Y, Zacharias M
Nanowire-Based Sensors
2010 Small, Band: 6, Nummer: 16, Seiten: 1705 - 1722 - Hiller D, Götze S, Munnik F, Jivanescu M, Gerlach JW, Vogt J, Pippel E, Zakharov N, Stesmans A, Zacharias M
Nitrogen at the Si-nanocrystal/SiO2 interface and its influence on luminescence and interface defects
2010 Phys Rev B, Band: 82, Nummer: 19, Seite: 195401 - Hiller D, Jivanescu M, Stesmans A, Zacharias M
P-b(0) centers at the Si-nanocrystal/SiO2 interface as the dominant photoluminescence quenching defect
2010 J Appl Phys, Band: 107, Nummer: 8, Seite: 084309 - Ramgir NS, Subannajui K, Yang Y, Grimm R, Michiels R, Zacharias M
Reactive VLS and the Reversible Switching between VS and VLS Growth Modes for ZnO Nanowire Growth
2010 J Phys Chem C, Band: 114, Nummer: 23, Seiten: 10323 - 10329 - Subannajui K, Ramgir N, Grimm R, Michiels R, Yang Y, Muller S, Zacharias M
ZnO Nanowire Growth: A Deeper Understanding Based on Simulations and Controlled Oxygen Experiments
2010 Cryst Growth Des, Band: 10, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 1585 - 1589 - Zacharias M, Subannajui K, Menzel A, Yang Y
ZnO nanowire arrays - Pattern generation, growth and applications
2010 Phys Status Solidi B, Band: 247, Nummer: 10, Seiten: 2305 - 2314

- Seo SY, Zhang RJ, Loffler W, Kalt H, Kim KJ, Zacharias M
Far-field observation of the radial profile of visible whispering-gallery modes in a single microdisk based on Si-nanocrystal/SiO(2) superlattices
2009 J Appl Phys, Band: 106, Nummer: 12, Seite: 123102 - Jivanescu M, Stesmans A, Zacharias M
Inherent paramagnetic defects in layered nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 superstructures
2009 Physica E, Band: 41, Nummer: 6, Seiten: 947 - 950 - Yang Y, Scholz R, Fan HJ, Hesse D, Gösele U, Zacharias M
Multitwinned Spinel Nanowires by Assembly of Nanobricks via Oriented Attachment: A Case Study of Zn2TiO4
2009 Acs Nano, Band: 3, Seiten: 555 - 562 - Shalygina OA, Kamenskikh IA, Zhigunov DM, Timoshenko VY, Kashkarov PK, Zacharias M, Fujii M
Optical Properties of Silicon Nanocrystals in Silicon Dioxide Matrix Over Wide Ranges of Excitation Intensity and Energy
2009 J Nanoelectron Optoe, Band: 4, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 147 - 151 - Kim DS, Gosele U, Zacharias M
Surface diffusion induced growth of ZnO nanowires
2009 J. of Crystal Growth, Band: 311, Nummer: 11, Seiten: 3216 - 3219 - Fan HJ, Yang Y, Zacharias M
ZnO-based Ternary Compound Nanotubes and Nanowires
2009 J Mater Chem, Band: 19, Nummer: 7, Seiten: 885 - 900

- Godefroo S, Hayne M, Jivanescu M, Stesmans A, Zacharias M, Lebedev O, Van Tendeloo G, Moshchalkov V V
Classification and control of the origin of photoluminescence from Si nanocrystals
2008 Nat Nanotechnol, Band: 3, Nummer: 3, Seiten: 174 - 178 - Fallert J, Stelzl F, Zhou HJ, Wissinger M, Hauser M, Klingshirn C, Kalt H, Kim DS, Zacharias M, Reiser A, Thonke K, Sauer R
Dynamics of Stimulated Emission in Single Zn Nanorod Resonators
2008 J Korean Phys Soc, Band: 53, Nummer: 5, Seiten: 2840 - 2843 - Subannajui K, Kim DS, Zacharias M
Electrical analysis of individual ZnO nanowires
2008 J Appl Phys, Band: 104, Nummer: 1, Seite: 014308 - Zacharias M, Fan H J
From ordered arrays of nanowires to controlled solid state reactions
2008 Advances in Solid State Physics - Kim DS, Scholz R, Gosele U, Zacharias M
Gold at the root or at the tip of ZnO nanowires: a model
2008 Small, Band: 4, Nummer: 10, Seiten: 1615 - 1619 - Richters JP, Voss T, Kim DS, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Hierarchical three-dimensional ZnO from ZnO/Al2O3 core-shell structures
2008 Nanotechnology, Band: 19, Nummer: 30, Seite: 305202 - Yang Y, Kim D S, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Hierarchical three-dimensional ZnO from Zno/Al2O3 core-shell structures
2008 Chem Mater, Band: 20, Nummer: 10, Seiten: 3487 - 3494 - Yang Y, Kim DS, Scholz R, Knez M, Lee SM, Gösele U, Zacharias M
Influence of temperature on evolution of coaxial ZnO/Al2O3 one-dimensional heterostructures: from core–shell nanowires to spinel nanotubes and porous nanowires
2008 J Phys Chem C, Band: 112, Nummer: 11, Seiten: 4068 - 4074 - Jivanescu M, Stesmans A, Zacharias Z
Inherent paramagnetic defects in layered Si/SiO2 superstructures with Si nanocrystals
2008 J Appl Phys, Band: 104, Nummer: 10, Seite: 103518 - Fan HJ, Zacharias M
Manipulation of crawling growth for the formation of sub-millimeter long ZnO nanowalls
2008 J Mater Sci Technol, Band: 24, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 589 - 593 - Stesmans A, Jivanescu M, Godefroo S, Zacharias M
Paramagnetic point defects at SiO2/nanocrystalline Si interfaces
2008 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 93, Nummer: 2, Seite: 023123 - Pan AL, Yao LD, Qin Y, Yang Y, Kim DS, Yu RC, Zou BS, Werner P, Zacharias M, Gosele U
Si-CdSSe core/shell nanowires with continuously tunable light emission
2008 Nano Lett, Band: 8, Nummer: 10, Seiten: 3413 - 3417 - Fan HJ, Lotnyk A, Scholz R, Yang Y, Kim DS, Pippel E, Hesse D, Zacharias M
Surface Reaction of ZnO Nanowires with Electron-Beam Generated Alumina Vapor
2008 J. of Physical Chemistry, Band: 112, Nummer: 17, Seiten: 6770 - 6774 - Kim DS, Scholz R, Gosele U, Zacharias M
Synthesis and optical properties of ZnO and carbon nanotube based coaxial heterostructures
2008 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 93, Nummer: 10, Seite: 103108 - Yang Y, Scholz R, Berger A, Kim DS, Knez M, Hesse D, Gosele U, Zacharias M
Transmission Electron Microscopy in situ Fabrication of ZnO/Al(2)O(3) Composite Nanotubes by Electron-Beam-Irradiation-Induced Local Etching of ZnO/Al(2)O(3) Core/Shell Nanowires
2008 Small, Band: 4, Nummer: 12, Seiten: 2112 - 2117

- Pan AL, Wang X, He P, Zhang Q, Wan Q, Zhu X, Zacharias M, Zuo B
Color-changeable optical transport through Se doped CdS 1D nanostructures
2007 Nano Lett, Band: 7, Seiten: 2970 - 2975 - Bauer J, Fleischer F, Breitenstein O, Schubert L, Werner P, Gösele U, Zacharias M
Electrical properties of undoped MBE grown silicon nanowires
2007 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 90, Nummer: 1, Seite: 012105 - Jivanescu M, Stesmans A, Godefroo S, Zacharias M
Electron spin resonance analysis of Si nanocrystals embedded in a SiO2 matrix
2007 Journal of Optoelctronics and Advanced Materials, Band: 9, Nummer: 3, Seiten: 721 - 724 - Pan AL, Liu RB, Zhang QL, Wan Q, He PB, Zacharias M, Zou BS
Fabrication and red-color lasing of individual highly uniform single-crystal CdSe nanobelts
2007 J Phys Chem C, Band: 111, Nummer: 38, Seiten: 14253 - 14256 - Fan H J, Gösele U, Zacharias M
Formation of nanotubes and hollow nanoparticles based on Kirkendall and diffusion processes: A review
2007 Small, Band: 3, Nummer: 10, Seiten: 1660 - 1671 - Hoffmann, Ostlung F, Michler J, Fan HJ, Zacharias M, Christiansen SH, Ballif C
Fracture strength and Young’s modulus of ZnO nanowires
2007 Nanotechnology, Band: 18, Nummer: 20, Seite: 205503 - Kim DS, Fallert J, Lotnyk A, Scholz R, Pippel E, Senz S, Kalt H, Gosele U, Zacharias M
Growth and optical properties of phosphorus-doped ZnO nanowires
2007 Solid State Commun, Band: 143, Seiten: 570 - 573 - Fan HJ, Knez M, Scholz R, Hesse D, Nielsch K, Zacharias M, Gosele U
Influence of surface diffusion on the formation of hollow nanostructures induced by the Kirkendall effect: The basic concept
2007 Nano Lett, Band: 7, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 993 - 997 - Kim DS, Ji R, Fan H J, Bertram F, Dadgar R, Nielsch K, Krost A, Christen J, Gösele U, Zacharias M
Laser interference lithography tailored for highly symmetric arranged ZnO nanowire arrays.
2007 Small, Band: 3, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 76 - 80 - Yi LX, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Size and density control of Si nanocrystals realized by SiOx/SiO2 superlattice
2007 J. of Luminescence, Band: 122, Seiten: 750 - 752 - Fan HJ, Barnard AS, Zacharias M
ZnO nanowires and nanobelts: Shape selection and thermodynamic
2007 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 90, Nummer: 14, Seite: 143116

- Zimina A, Eisebitt S, Eberhardt W, Heitmann J, Zacharias M
Electronic structure and chemical environment of silicon nanoclusters embedded in a silicon dioxide matrix.
2006 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 88, Nummer: 16, Seite: 163103 - Alexe M, Hesse D, Schmidt V, Senz S, Fan HJ, Zacharias M, Gösele U
Ferroelectric nanotubes fabricated using nanowires as positive templates.
2006 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 89, Nummer: 17, Seite: 172907 - Pan AL, Liu R, Wang F, Xie S, Zou B, Zacharias M, Wang ZL
High-quality alloyed CdSxSe1-x wiskers as waveguides with tunable stimulated emission.
2006 J Phys Chem B, Band: 110, Nummer: 45, Seiten: 22313 - 22317 - Zhao L, Lu T, Zacharias M, Shen J, Hofmeister H, Steinhart M, Gösele U
Integration of Erbium-Doped Lithium Niobate Microtubes into Ordered Macroporous Silicon.
2006 Adv Mater, Band: 18, Nummer: 3, Seite: 363 - Fan HJ, Knez M, Scholz R, Nielsch K, Pippel E, Hesse D, Zacharias M, Gösele U
Monocrystalline spinel nanotube fabrication based on Kirkendall effect.
2006 Nat Mater, Band: 5, Nummer: 8, Seiten: 627 - 631 - Kolb FM, Berg A, Hofmeister H, Pippel E, Nielsch K, Hesse D, Gösele U, Zacharias M
Periodic chains of gold nanoparticles and the role of oxygen during the growth of silicon nanowires
2006 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 89, Nummer: 17, Seite: 173111 - Zhigunov DM, Shalygina OA, Teterukov SA, Timoshenko VY, Kashkarov PK, Zacharias M
Photoluminescence of erbium ions in heterostructures with silicon nanocrystals
2006 Semiconductors+, Band: 40, Nummer: 10, Seiten: 1193 - 1197 - Timoshenko VY, Zhigunov DM, Kashkarov PK, Shalygina OA, Teterukov SA, Zhang RJ, Zacharias M, Fujii M, Hayashi S
Photoluminescence properties of erbium-doped structures of silicon nanocrystals in silicon dioxide matrix
2006 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 352, Nummer: 9-20, Seiten: 1192 - 1195 - Buttner CC, Zacharias M
Retarded oxidation of Si nanowires
2006 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 89, Nummer: 26, Seite: 263106 - Fan HJ, Werner P, Zacharias M
Semiconductor nanowires: From self-organization to patterned growth
2006 Small, Band: 2, Nummer: 6, Seiten: 700 - 717 - Lu TZ, Alexe M, Scholz R, Talalaev V, Zhang RJ, Zacharias M
Si nanocrystal based memories: Effect of the nanocrystals density.
2006 J Appl Phys, Band: 100, Nummer: 1, Seite: 014310 - Zhao L, Lu TZ, Yosef M, Steinhart M, Zacharias M, Gösele U, Schlecht S
Single-Crystalline CdSe Nanostructures: from Primary Grains to Oriented Nanowires
2006 Chem Mater, Band: 18, Nummer: 26, Seiten: 6094 - 6096 - Fan HJ, Knez M, Scholz R, Pippel E, Nielsch K, Hesse D, Gösele U, Zacharias M
Single-crystalline MgAl2O4 spinel nanotubes using a reactive and removable MgO nanowire template.
2006 Nanotechnology, Band: 17, Nummer: 20, Seiten: 5157 - 5162 - Hauschild R, Lange H, Priller H, Klingshirn C, Kling R, Kalt H, Waag A, Fan HJ, Zacharias M
Stimulated Emission from ZnO Nanorods
2006 Phys Status Solidi B, Band: 243, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 853 - 857 - Fan HJ, Lee W, Hauschild R, Alexe M, Le Rhun G, Scholz R, Dadgar A, Nielsch K, Kalt H, Krost A, Zacharias M, Gosele U
Template-assisted large-scale ordered Arrays of ZnO pillars for optical and piezoelectric applications
2006 Small, Band: 2, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 561 - 568 - Fan HJ, Fuhrmann B, Scholz R, Himcinschi C, Berger A, Leipner H, Dadgar A, Krost A, Christiansen S, Gösele U, Zacharias M
Vapor-transport-deposition growth of ZnO nanostructures: switch between c-axial wires and a-axial belts by indium doping
2006 Nanotechnology, Band: 17, Nummer: 11, Seiten: S231 - S239 - Zhang RJ, Seo SY, Milenin AP, Zacharias M, Gosele U
Visible range whispering-gallery mode in microdisk array based on size-controlled Si nanocrystals
2006 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 88, Nummer: 15, Seite: 15312 - Fan HJ, Fuhrmann B, Scholz R, Syrowatka F, Dadgar A, Krost A, Zacharias M
Well-ordered ZnO arrays on GaN substrates fabricated via nanosphere lithography and mask transfer techniques
2006 J. of Crystal Growth, Band: 287, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 34 - 38

- Fan HJ, Scholz R, Dadgar A, Krost A, Zacharias M
A low-temperature evaporation route for ZnO nanoneedles and nanosaws
2005 Appl Phys A-mater, Band: 80, Seiten: 457 - 460 - Fan HJ, Lee W, Scholz R, Dadgar A, Krost A, Nielsch K, Zacharias M
Arrays of vertically aligned and hexagonally arranged ZnO nanowires: a new template-directed approach
2005 Nanotechnology, Band: 16, Nummer: 6, Seiten: 913 - 917 - Navarro-Urrios D, Riboli F, Cazzanelli M, Chiasera A, Daldosso N, Pavesi L, Oton CJ, Heitmann J, Yi LX, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Birefringence characterization of mono-dispersed silicon nanocrystals planar waveguides
2005 Opt Mater, Band: 27, Nummer: 5, Seiten: 763 - 768 - Zacharias M, Werner P
Das Wachstum von Halbleiternanodrähten
2005 Physik Journal, Band: 4, Seite: 29 - Lu TZ, Shen J, Mereu B, Alexe M, Scholz R, Talalaev V, Zacharias M
Electrical behavior of size-controlled Si nanocrystals arranged as single layers
2005 Appl Phys A-mater, Band: 80, Nummer: 8, Seiten: 1631 - 1634 - Timoshenko VY, Shalygina OA, Lisachenko MG, Zhigunov DM, Teterukov SA, Kashkarov KP, Kovalev D, Zacharias M, Imakita K, Fuijii M
Erbium ion luminescence of silicon nanocrystal layers in a silicon dioxide matrix measured under strong optical excitation
2005 Phys Solid State+, Band: 47, Nummer: 1, Seite: 121 - Fan HJ, Scholz R, Zacharias M, Gosele U, Bertram F, Forster D, Christen J
Local luminescence of ZnO nanowire-covered surface: A cathodoluminescence microscopy study
2005 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 86, Nummer: 2, Seite: 023113 - Lu TZ, Alexe M, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Multilevel charge storage in Si nanocrystal superlattices
2005 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 87, Nummer: 20, Seite: 202110 - Kolb FM, Hofmeister H, Zacharias M, Gosele U
On the morphological instability of silicon/silicon dioxide nanowires
2005 Appl Phys A-mater, Band: 80, Nummer: 7, Seiten: 1405 - 1408 - Richter S, Steinhart M, Hofmeister H, Zacharias M, Gösele U, Gaponik N, Eychmuller A, Rogach A L, Wendorff JH, Schweizer SL, von Rhein A, Wehrspon RB
Quantum dot emitters in two-dimensional photonic crystals of macroporous silicon
2005 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 87, Nummer: 14, Seite: 142107 - Heitmann J, Muller F, Zacharias M, Gosele U
Silicon nanocrystals: Size matters
2005 Adv Mater, Band: 17, Nummer: 7, Seiten: 795 - 803

- Riboli F, Navarro-Urrios D, Chiasera A, Daldosso N, Pavesi L, Oton CJ, Heitmann J, Yi LX, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Birefringence in optical waveguides made by silicon nanocrystal superlattices
2004 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 85, Nummer: 7, Seiten: 1268 - 1270 - Timoshenko VY, Lisachenko MG, Shalygina OA, Kamenev BV, Zhigunov DM, Teterukov SA, Kashkarov PK, Heitmann J, Schmidt M, Zacharias M
Comparative study of photoluminescence of undoped and erbium-doped size-controlled nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 multilayered structures
2004 J Appl Phys, Band: 96, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 2254 - 2260 - Heitmann J, Muller F, Yi LX, Zacharias M, Kovalev D, Eichhorn F
Excitons in Si nanocrystals: Confinement and migration effects
2004 Phys Rev B, Band: 69, Nummer: 19, Seite: 195309 - Fan HJ, Scholz R, Kolb FM, Zacharias M, Gosele U
Growth mechanism and characterization of zinc oxide microcages
2004 Solid State Commun, Band: 130, Nummer: 8, Seiten: 517 - 521 - Kashkarov PK, Kamenev BV, Lisachenko MG, Shalygina OA, Timoshenko VY, Schmidt M, Heitmann J, Zacharias M
High-efficiency erbium ion luminescence in silicon nanocrystal systems
2004 Phys Solid State+, Band: 46, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 104 - 108 - Timoshenko VY, Lisachenko MG, Kamenev BV, Shalygina OA, Kashkarov PK, Heitmann J, Schmidt M, Zacharias M
Highly efficient sensitizing of erbium ion luminescence in size-controlled nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 superlattice structures
2004 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 84, Nummer: 14, Seiten: 2512 - 2514 - Fan HJ, Scholz R, Kolb FM, Zacharias M, Gosele U, Heyroth F, Eisenschmidt C, Hempel T, Christen J
On the growth mechanism and optical properties of ZnO multi-layer nanosheets
2004 Appl Phys A-mater, Band: 79, Nummer: 8, Seiten: 1895 - 1900 - Cazzanelli M, Navarro-Urrios D, Riboli F, Daldosso N, Pavesi L, Heitmann J, Yi LX, Scholz R, Zacharias M, Gosele U
Optical gain in monodispersed silicon nanocrystals
2004 J Appl Phys, Band: 96, Nummer: 6, Seiten: 3164 - 3171 - Richter S, Hillebrand R, Jamois C, Zacharias M, Gosele U, Schweizer SL, Wehrspohn RB
Periodically arranged point defects in two-dimensional photonic crystals
2004 Phys Rev B, Band: 70, Nummer: 19, Seite: 193302 - Fan HJ, Bertram F, Dadgar A, Christen J, Krost A, Zacharias M
Self-assembly of ZnO nanowires and the spatial resolved characterization of their luminescence
2004 Nanotechnology, Band: 15, Nummer: 11, Seiten: 1401 - 1404 - Fan HJ, Scholz R, Kolb FM, Zacharias M
Two-dimensional dendritic ZnO nanowires from oxidation of Zn microcrystals
2004 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 85, Nummer: 18, Seiten: 4142 - 4144

- Heitmann J, Schmidt M, Zacharias M, Timoshenko VY, Lisachenko MG, Kashkarov PK
Fabrication and photoluminescence properties of erbium doped size-controlled silicon nanocrystals
2003 Mat Sci Eng B-adv, Band: 105, Nummer: 1-3, Seiten: 214 - 220 - Yi LX, Heitmann J, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Phase separation of thin SiO layers in amorphous SiO/SiO2 superlattices during annealing
2003 J Phys-condens Mat, Band: 15, Nummer: 39, Seiten: S2887 - S289 - Kashkarov PK, Lisachenko MG, Shalygina OA, Timoshenko VY, Kamenev BV, Schmidt M, Heitmann J, Zacharias M
Photoluminescence of Er3+ ions in layers of quasi-ordered silicon nanocrystals in a silicon dioxide matrix
2003 J Exp Theor Phys+, Band: 97, Nummer: 6, Seiten: 1123 - 1130

- Schmidt M, Heitmann J, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Bright luminescence from erbium doped nc-Si/SiO2 superlattices
2002 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 299, Seiten: 678 - 682 - Yi LX, Heitmann J, Scholz R, Zacharias M
Si rings, Si clusters, and Si nanocrystals-different states of ultrathin SiOx layers
2002 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 81, Nummer: 22, Seiten: 4248 - 4250 - Heitmann J, Scholz R, Schmidt M, Zacharias M
Size controlled nc-Si synthesis by SiO/SiO2 superlattices
2002 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 299, Seiten: 1075 - 1078 - Zacharias M, Heitmann J, Scholz R, Kahler U, Schmidt M, Blasing J
Size-controlled highly luminescent silicon nanocrystals: A SiO/SiO2 superlattice approach
2002 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 80, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 661 - 631

- Zacharias M, Heitmann J, Schmidt M, Streitenberger P
Confinement effects in crystallization and Er doping of Si nanostructures
2001 Physica E, Band: 11, Nummer: 2-3, Seiten: 245 - 251 - Schmidt M, Zacharias M, Richter S, Fischer P, Veit P, Blasing J, Breeger B
Er doping of nanocrystalline-Si/SiO2 superlattices
2001 Thin Solid Films, Band: 397, Nummer: 1-2, Seiten: 211 - 215

- Zacharias M, Streitenberger P
Crystallization of amorphous superlattices in the limit of ultrathin films with oxide interfaces
2000 Phys Rev B, Band: 62, Nummer: 12, Seiten: 8391 - 8396 - Zacharias M, Blasing J, Hirschman K, Tsybeskov L, Fauchet PM
Extraordinary crystallization of amorphous Si/SiO2 superlattices
2000 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 266, Seiten: 640 - 644 - Zacharias M, Richter S, Fischer P, Schmidt M, Wendler E
Room temperature luminescence of Er doped nc-Si/SiO2 superlattices
2000 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 266, Seiten: 608 - 613 - Fischer P, Christen J, Zacharias M, Schwegler V, Kirchner C, Kamp M
Spatially resolved imaging of the spectral emission characteristic of an InGaN/GaN-multi quantum well- light-emitting diode by scanning electroluminescence microscopy
2000 Jpn J Appl Phys, Band: 39, Nummer: 4B, Seiten: 2414 - 2416

- Fischer P, Christen J, Zacharias M, Schwegler V, Kirchner C, Kamp M
Direct imaging of the spectral emission characteristic of an InGaN/GaN-ultraviolet light-emitting diode by highly spectrally and spatially resolved electroluminescence and photoluminescence microscopy
1999 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 75, Nummer: 22, Seiten: 3440 - 3442 - Fischer P, Christen J, Zacharias M, Schwegler V, Kirchner C, Kamp M
Scanning electroluminescence microscopy: A powerful novel characterization tool for light emitting diodes
1999 Phys Status Solidi A, Band: 176, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 119 - 123 - Zacharias M, Blasing J, Veit P, Tsybeskov L, Hirschman K, Fauchet PM
Thermal crystallization of amorphous Si/SiO2 superlattices
1999 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 74, Nummer: 18, Seiten: 2614 - 2616

- Tsybeskov L, Hirschman KD, Duttagupta SP, Fauchet PM, Zacharias M, McCaffrey JP, Lockwoood DJ
Fabrication of nanocrystalline silicon superlattices by controlled thermal recrystallization
1998 Phys Status Solidi A, Band: 165, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 69 - 77 - Zacharias M, Fauchet PM
Light emission from Ge and GeO2 nanocrystals
1998 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 227, Seiten: 1058 - 1062 - Fischer P, Christen J, Zacharias M, Nakashima H, Hiramatsu K
Nanocharacterization of semiconductors by scanning photoluminescence microscopy
1998 Solid State Phenom, Band: 63-4, Seiten: 154 - 158 - Zacharias M, Tsybeskov L, Hirschman KD, Fauchet PM, Blasing J, Kohlert P, Veit P
Nanocrystalline silicon superlattices: fabrication and characterization
1998 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 227, Seiten: 1132 - 1136 - Weigand R, Zacharias M, Blasing J, Veit P, Christen J, Wendler E
On the origin of blue light emission from Ge-nanocrystals containing a-SiOx films Author(s): Weigand, R; Zacharias, M; Blasi
1998 Superlattice Microst, Band: 23, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 349 - 354 - von Behren J, van Buuren T, Zacharias M, Chimowitz EH, Fauchet PM
Quantum confinement in nanoscale silicon: The correlation of size with bandgap and luminescence
1998 Solid State Commun, Band: 105, Nummer: 5, Seiten: 317 - 322 - Blasing J, Kohlert P, Zacharias M, Veit P
X-ray fine structure investigation of germanium nanoclusters
1998 J Appl Crystallogr, Band: 31, Seiten: 589 - 593

- Zacharias M, Weigand R, Dietrich B, Stolze F, Blasing J, Veit P, Drusedau T, Christen J
A comparative study of Ge nanocrystals in SixGeyOz alloys and SiOx/GeOy multilayers
1997 J Appl Phys, Band: 81, Nummer: 5, Seiten: 2384 - 2390 - Zacharias M, Fauchet PM
Blue luminescence in films containing Ge and GeO2 nanocrystals: The role of defects
1997 Appl Phys Lett, Band: 71, Nummer: 3, Seiten: 380 - 382

- Zacharias M, Blasing J, Lohmann M, Christen J
Formation of Ge nanocrystals in amorphous GeOx and SiGeOx alloy films
1996 Thin Solid Films, Band: 278, Seiten: 32 - 36 - Zacharias M, Blasing J, Christen J, Wendt U
Ge nanocrystals with a sharp size distribution: A detailed study of the crystallization of a-Si1-xOxGey alloy films
1996 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 198, Seiten: 919 - 922 - Zacharias M, DimovaMalinovska D, Stutzmann M
Properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon suboxide alloys with visible room-temperature photoluminescence
1996 Philos Mag, Band: 73, Seiten: 799 - 816 - Freistedt H, Stolze F, Zacharias M, Blasing J, Drusedau TP
The formation of germanium nanocrystals by thermal annealing of a-SiOx:H/a-GeOx:H multilayers
1996 Phys Status Solidi B, Band: 193, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 375 - 389

- Zacharias M, Blasing J, Christen J, Veit P, Dietrich B, Bimberg D
Formation of Ge nanocrystals with sharp size distribution: Structural and optical characterization
1995 Superlattice Microst, Band: 18, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 139 - 145 - Zacharias M, Blasing J
Preparation of a-GeOx:H alloys-vibrational, optical, and structural properties
1995 Phys Rev B, Band: 52, Nummer: 19, Seiten: 14018 - 14024 - Zacharias M, Stolze F, Drusedau T, Bock W
The preparation of amorphous SixGeYOz alloy films by sputtering- preparation conditions, chemical composition and vibrational properties
1995 physical status solidi, Band: 189, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 409 - 416

- Zacharias M, Drusedau T, Panckow A, Fresitedt H, Garke B
Physical properties of a-SiO(x):H-alloys prepared be dc-magnetron stuttering with water vapor as oxygen source
1994 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 169, Seiten: 29 - 36

- Stolze F, Zacharias M, Schippel S, Garke B
Compositional investigation of sputtered amorphous SiOx-H
1993 Solid State Commun, Band: 87, Nummer: 9, Seiten: 805 - 808 - Zacharias M, Freistedt, H, Stolze, F, Drusedau TP, Rosenbauer M, Stutzmann M
Properties of sputtered a-SiOx:H alloys with a visible luminescence
1993 J Non-cryst Solids, Band: 166, Seiten: 1089 - 1092
Jahre: 2014 | 2012 | 2003

- Löper P, Canino M, Schnabel M, Summonte C, Janz S, Zacharias M
High-Efficiency Solar Cells
In: High-Bandgap Silicon Nanocrystal Solar Cells: Device Fabrication, Characterization, and Modeling
2014, Springer Series in Materials Science, Springer International Publishing, Seiten: 165 - 194, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-01987-1

- Löper P, Witzky A, Hartel A, Gutsch S, Hiller D, Goldschmidt JC, Janz S, Glunz SW, Zacharias
Photovoltaic Properties of Silicon Nanocrystals in Silicon Carbide

- Zacharias M, Yi LX, Heitmann J, Scholz R, Reiche M, Gosele U
Size-controlled Si nanocrystals for photonic and electronic applications
2003, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, BRANDRAIN 6, CH-8707 ZURICH-UETIKON, SWITZERLAND, Lojkowski, W; Blizzard, JR, Seiten: 95 - 104, Lojkowski, W; Blizzard, JR, ISBN: 3-908450-80-2
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