Surface modification of nanowires

The project will concentrate on Si and ZnO nanowires and realize surface modification by atomic layer deposition. Atomic layer deposition has the advantage of a homogeneous coverage of 3-dimensional structures. In addition, the diversity of materials is large due to available precursor materials. This will be used to modify the surfaces of nanowires in a very controlled way and will allow to design heterostructures in core/shell structure for future electronic applications as well as to modify the wave guiding properties of wires for stimulated emission and lasing. The aim of the project is a deeper understanding of the influence of surface and a respective core-shell structure on basic properties. The investigation of optical properties of single wires will be done in cooperation. The electrical investigation of nanowires will be continued using Kleindiek manipulators in an SEM. For that reliable contacts will be developed. We will concentrate on further optimization of the growth as well as develop the transport measurements, realize the doping and investigate related optical and electronic properties.
28.04.2008 bis 01.03.2011
Zacharias M
Zacharias M
DFG Priority Program 1165
Nano, Nanotechnology, Materials, Nanomaterials, Nanostructures, Nanowires, ZnO, Silicon, ZInc Oxide, Atomic Layer Deposition, SEM, Nanomanipulators