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Apl. Prof. Dr. Felix von Stetten

Senior Scientist at the Laboratory for MEMS Applications | Executive Board Member at Hahn-Schickard Insitute of Mikroanalysis Systems

VitaFelix von Stetten, 2020

Apl. Prof. Felix von Stetten studied agricultural sciences and biotechnology, and completed his PhD in Microbiology at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. In 2000, he joined in the diagnostic industry, and in 2004, in the Laboratory for MEMS Applications at IMTEK, University of Freiburg, where he was involved in lab-on-a-chip research. In 2008, Felix von Stetten and his team built up the Lab-on-a-Chip division of Hahn-Schickard, which has been spun out as Hahn-Schickard Institute of Mikroanalysis Systems in 2016, of which he is executive board member (link).







Department of Microsystems Engineering – IMTEK
Laboratory for MEMS Applications
Georges-Koehler-Allee 103, 2nd floor (Hahn-Schickard building)
79110 Freiburg

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