Journal Articles
Years: 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

- Gerbella M, Borra E, Pothof F, Lanzilotto M, Livi A, Fogassi L, Paul O, Orban G A, Ruther P, Bonini L
Histological assessment of a chronically implanted cylindrically-shaped, polymer-based neural probe in the monkey
2021 Journal of Neural Engineering, volume: 18, issue: 024001 - Fiath R, Meszena D, Somogyvari Z, Boda M, Bartho P, Ruther P, Ulbert I
Recording site placement on planar silicon-based probes affects signal quality in acute neuronal recordings
2021 Scientific Reports

- Barz F, Trouillet V, Paul O, Ruther P
CMOS-compatible, Flexible, Intracortical Neural Probes
2020 IEEE T Bio-med Eng, volume: 67, issue: 5, pages: 1366 - 1376 - , Ayub S, David F, Klein E, Borel M, Paul O, Gentet L J, Ruther P
Compact optical neural probes with up to 20 integrated thin-film μLEDs applied in acute optogenetic studies
2020 IEEE T Bio-med Eng, volume: 67, issue: 9, pages: 2603 - 2615 - Lukasz Jablonski L, Harczos T, Wolf B, Hoch G, Dieter A, Hessler R, Ayub S, Ruther P, Moser M
Hearing restoration by a low-weight power-efficient multichannel optogenetic cochlear implant system
2020 bioRxiv - Klein L, Pothof F, Raducanu BC, Klon-Lipok J, Shapcott KA, Musa S, Andrei A, Aarts AA, Paul O, Singer Wolf, Ruther P
High-density electrophysiological recordings in macaque using a chronically implanted 128-channel passive silicon probe
2020 J Neural Eng, volume: 17, issue: 2, page: 026036 - Klein E, Huber K, Paul O, RutherP
Low-temperature plasma annealing of sputtered indium tin oxide for transparent and conductive thin-films on glass and polymer substrates
2020 Thin Solid Films, volume: 693, issue: 1, page: 137715 - Keppeler D, Schwaerzle M, Harczos T, Bodensiek K, Jablonski L, Dieter A, Wolf B, Ayub S, Duque Afonso C, Wrobel C, Hoch G, Abdellatif K, Jeschke M, Rankovic V, Paul O, Ruther P, Moser T
Multichannel optogenetic stimulation of the auditory pathway using microfabricated LED cochlear implants
2020 Sci Transl Med, volume: 12, page: eabb8086 - Yanagisawa R, Tsujii N, Mori T, Ruther P, Paul O, Nomura M
Nanostructured planar-type uni-leg Si thermoelectric generators
2020 Appl Phys Express, volume: 13, issue: 9, page: 095001 - Fiáth R, Meszéna D, Boda M, Barthó P, Ruther P, Ulbert I
Recording site placement on planar silicon-based probes affects neural signal quality: edge sites enhance acute recording performance
2020 bioRxiv - Beinert A J, Imm M, Benick J, Becker F, Seitz S, Heinrich M, Paul O, Glunz S. W., Aktaa J, Eitner U, Neuhaus H
Silicon solar cell integrated stress and temperature sensors fro photovoltaic modules
2020 Prog Photovoltaics, pages: 717 - 724 - Gundelach LA, Hüser MA, Beutner D, Ruther P, Bruegmann T
Towards the clinical translation of optogenetic skeletal muscle stimulation
2020 Pfluegers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology - Dieter A, Klein E, Keppeler D, Jablonski L, Harczos T, Hoch G, Rankovic V, Paul O, Jeschke M, Ruther P, Moser T
µLED-based optical cochlear implants for spectrally selective activation of the auditory nerve
2020 Embo Mol Med, page: e12387

- Meszéna D, Kerekes B A, Pál I, Orbán G, Fiáth R, Holzhammer T, Ruther R, Ulbert I, Márton G
A silicon-based spiky probe providing improved cell accessibility during in vitro slice recordings
2019 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, volume: 297, page: 126649 - Zgierski-Johnston C, Ayub S, Fernández M, Rog-Zielinska E, Barz F, Paul O, Kohl P, Ruther P
Cardiac pacing using transmural multi-LED probes in channelrhodopsin-expressing mouse hearts
2019 Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology - Nomura M, Yanagisawa R, Zimmermann P, Ruther P, Paul O
Design of Planar Si Thermoelectric Generators with Phononic Crystal Patterning
2019 Sensor Mater, volume: 31, issue: 9, pages: 2803 - 2810 - Fiath R, Raducanu BC, Musa S, Andrei A, Lopez CM, Welkenhuysen M, Ruther P, Aarts A, Ulbert I
Fine-scale mapping of cortical laminar activity during sleep slow oscillations using high-density linear silicon probes
2019 J Neurosci Meth, volume: 316, pages: 58 - 70 - Klein E, Gossler C, Paul O, Schwarz U T, Ruther P
High-yield indium-based wafer bonding for large-area multi-pixel optoelectronic probes for neuroscientific research
2019 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 29, pages: 095006 - 095015 - Chauvière L, Pothof F, Gansel K S, Klon-Lipok J, Aarts A A A, Holzhammer T, Paul O, Singer J W, Ruther P
In vivo recording quality mechanically decoupled floating versus skull-fixed silicon-based neural probes
2019 Front Neurosci-switz, volume: 13 - Takeuchi K, Takama N, Kim B, Sharma K, Paul O, Ruther P
Microfluidic chip to interface porous microneedles for ISF collection
2019 Biomed Microdevices, volume: 21, issue: 28

- Fiath R, Raducanu B C, Musa S, Andrei A, Lopez C M, van Hoof C, Ruther P, Aarts A, Horvath D, Ulbert I
A silicon-based neural probe with densely-packed low-impedance titanium nitride microelectrodes for ultrahigh-resolution in vivo recordings
2018 Biosens Bioelectron, volume: 106, pages: 86 - 92 - Heizmann S, Kilias A, Ruther P, Egert U, Asplund M
Active Control of Dye Release for Neuronal Tracing Using PEDOT-PSS Coated Electrodes
2018 IEEE T Neur Sys Reh, volume: 26, pages: 299 - 306 - Sayed Herbawi A, Christ O, Kiessner L, Mottahi S, Hofmann U G, Paul O, Ruther P
CMOS Neural Probe with 1600 Close-packed Recording Sites and 32 Analog Output Channels
2018 J Microelectromech S - Hoch K, Pothof F, Becker F, Paul O, Ruther P
Development, Modeling, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Magnetic, Micro-Spring-Suspended System for the Safe Electrical Interconnection of Neural Implants
2018 Micromachines-basel, volume: 9, issue: 9, supplement: 424, pages: 1 - 19 - Klein E, Gossler C, Paul O, Ruther P
High-density mLED-based otpical cochlear implant with improved thermomechanical behavior
2018 Front Neurosci-switz, volume: 12, pages: 659 - 659 - Fiath R, Hofer K T, Csikos V, Horvath D, Nanasi T, Toth K, Pothof F, Böhler C, Asplund M, Ruther P, Ulbert I
Long-term recording performance and biocompatibility of chronically implanted cylindrically-shaped, polymer-based neural interfaces
2018 Biomed Eng Online, pages: 301 - 315 - Sileo L, Bitzenhofer S H, Spagnolo B, Pöpplau J A, Holzhammer T, Pisanello M, Pisano F, Bellistri E, Maglie E, De Vittorio M, Ruther P, Hanganu-Opatz I L, Pisanello F
Tapered fibers combined with a multi-electrode array for optogenetics in mouse medial prefrontal cortex
2018 Front Neurosci-switz, volume: 12, supplement: e771 - Dimitriadis G, Neto J P, Aarts A, Alexandru A, Ballini M, Battaglia F, Calcaterra L, David F, Fiath R, Frazao J, Geerts J, Gentet L J, Van Helleputte N, Holzhammer T, van Hoof C, Horvath D, Lopes G, Maris E, Marques-Smith A, Marton G, Meszena D, Mitra S, Musa S, Neves H, Nogueira J, Orban G A, Pothof F, Putzeys J, Raducanu B, Ruther P, Schroeder T, Singer W, Tiesinga P, Ulbert I, Wang S, Welkenhuysen M, Kampff A R
Why not record from every channel with a CMOS scanning probe?
2018 bioRxiv

- Schwärzle M, Paul O, Ruther P
Compact Silicon-based Optrode with Integrated Laser Diode Chips, SU-8 Waveguides and Platinum Electrodes for Optogenetic Applications
2017 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 27, supplement: 065004 - Becker F, Paul O
Efficient cross-sensitivity compensation in multisensor systems by half-blind calibration
2017 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 257, pages: 154 - 164 - Ayub S, Gentet L J, Fiath R, Schwärzle M, Borel M, David F, Barthó P, Ulbert I, Paul O, Ruther P
Hybrid intracerebral probe with integrated bare LED chips for optogenetic studies
2017 Biomed Microdevices - Becker F, Jaeger R, Schmidt F, Lapatki B, Paul O
Miniaturized six-degree-of-freedom force/moment transducers for instrumented teeth
2017 Ieee Sens J, volume: 17, issue: 12, pages: 3644 - 3655 - Gullo M, Takeuchi S, Paul O
Multicellular biohybrid materials: probing the interplay of cells of different types precisely positioned and contrained on 3D wireframe-like microstructures
2017 Adv Healthc Mater, volume: 6, pages: 1601053 - 1601060 - D. Dinakaran, Goßler C, Mounir C, Paul O, Schwarz U, Ruther P
Phosphor-based light conversion for miniaturized optical tools
2017 Appl Optics, volume: 56, issue: 13, pages: 3654 - 3659 - Barz F, Livi A, Lanzilotto M, Maranesi M, Bonini L, Paul O, Ruther P
Versatile, modular three-dimensional microelectrode arrays for neuronal ensemble recordings: from design to fabrication, assembly, and functional validation in non-human primates
2017 J Neural Eng, volume: 14, page: 36010 pp

- Heizmann S, Kilias A, Ruther P, Egert U, Asplund M
Active control of dye release for neuronal tracing using PEDOT-PSS coated electrodes
2016 Ieee T Neur Sys Reh, volume: 2015, issue: 313, pages: 1 - 9 - Stieglitz T, Paul O, Wallrabe U, Ruther P
BrainLinks-BrainTools - Methods and tools for neural engineering
2016 Biomed Tech, volume: 61, page: 234 - Pothof F, Bonini L, Lanzilotto M, Livi A, Fogassi L, Orban G A, Paul O, Ruther P
Chronic neural probe for simultaneous recording of single-unit, multi-unit, and local field potential activity from multiple brain sites
2016 Journal Of Neural Engineering, volume: 13, supplement: 046006, page: 13 - Moser D, Müller D, Paul O
Compact test structure to measure all thermophysical properties for the in-plane figure of merit ZT of thin films
2016 J Electron Mater, volume: 45, issue: 11, pages: 5507 - 5513 - Sander C, Leube C, Paul O
Compact two-dimensional CMOS Hall sensor based on switchable configurations of four three-contact elements
2016 Sensors and Actuators A-physical, volume: 248, pages: 281 - 289 - Pothof F, Sharma K, Paul O, Ruther P
Cost-effective, high-channel-count system for impedance spectroscopy
2016 Biomed J, volume: 61, page: 241 - Stieglitz T, Fiedler E, Vasjari D A, Bentler C, Liljemalm R, Pothof F, Sayed Herbawi A, Barz F, Kuhl M, Paul O, Ruther P
Developments for the next generation of brain probes
2016 Biomed J, volume: 61, page: 237 - Lanzilotto M, Livil A, Maranesi M, Gerbella M, Barz F, Ruther P, Fogassi L, Rizzolatti G, Bonini L
Extending the cortical grasping network: Presupplementary motor neuron activity during vision and grasping of objects
2016 Cereb Cortex, volume: 26, pages: 4435 - 4449 - Sander C, Vecchi M, Cornils M, Paul O
From Three-Contact Vertical Hall Elements to Symmetrized VerticalHall Sensors with Low Offset
2016 Sensor Actuat A-phys, issue: 240, pages: 92 - 102 - Michon F, Aarts A, Holzhammer T, Ruther P, Borghs G, McNaughton B, Kloosterman F
Integration of silicon-based neural probes and micro-drive arrays for chronic recording of large populations of neurons in behaving animals
2016 J Neural Eng, volume: 13, page: 46018 - Fiath R, Beregszászi P, Horváth D, Aarts A, Ruther P, Neves H, Bokor H, Acsády L, Ulbert I
Large-scale recording of thalamocortical circuits: in vivo electrophysiology with the two-dimensional electronic depth control silicon probe
2016 J Neurophysiol - Alt M T, Fiedler E, Rudmann L, Ordonez J, Ruther P, Stieglitz T
Let There Be Light - Optoprobes for Neural Implants
2016 Proceedings IEEE - Ruther P, Alt M, Fiedler E, Rudmann L, Schwärzle M, Paul O, Stieglitz T
MEMS-based micro-optical tools for optogenetic applications
2016 Biomed J, volume: 61, page: 236 - Sander C, Leube C, Aftab T, Ruther P, Paul O
Monolithic isotropic 3D silicon hall sensor
2016 Sensors and Actuators A-physical, volume: 247, pages: 587 - 597 - Moritz C, Ruther P, Goering S, Statt A, Ball T, Burgard W, Chudler E, Rao R
New Perspectives on Neuroengineering and Neurotechnologies: NSF-DFG Workshop Report
2016 Ieee T Bio-med Eng, volume: 63, issue: 7, pages: 1354 - 1367

- Nomura M, Kage Y, Müller D, Moser D, Paul O
Electrical and thermal properties of polycrystalline Si thin films with phononic crystal nanopatterning for thermoelectric applications
2015 Appl Phys Lett, volume: 106, issue: 223, supplement: 106, pages: 1 - 4 - Nomura M, Kage Y, Nakagawa J, Hori T, Maire J, Shiomi J, Anufriev R, Moser D, Paul O
Impeded thermal transport in Si multiscale hierarchical architectures with phononic crystal nanostructures
2015 Phys Rev B, volume: 91, issue: 205, supplement: 422, pages: 1 - 6 - Larramendy F, Blatche M.C., Mazenq L, Laborde A, Temple-Boyer P, Paul O
Microchannel-connected SU-8 honeycombs by single-step projection photolithography for positioning cells on silicon oxide nanopillar arrays
2015 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 25, pages: 1 - 9 - Ruther P, Paul O
New approaches for CMOS-based devices for large-scale neural recording
2015 ScienceDirect, volume: 32, pages: 31 - 37 - Nomura M, Nakagawa J, Kage Y, Maire J, Moser D, Paul O
Thermal phonon transport in silicon nanowires and two-dimensional phononic crystal nanostructures
2015 Appl Phys Lett, volume: 106, issue: 143, supplement: 102, pages: 1 - 4

- Bonini L, Maranesi M, Livi A, Bruni S, Fogassi L, Holzhammer T, Paul O, Ruther P
Application of floating silicon-based linear multielectrode aarays for acute recording of single neuron activity in awake behaving monkeys
2014 Biomed Tech, volume: 59(4), pages: 273 - 281 - Spieth S, Schumacher A, Trenkle F, Brett O, Seidl K, Herwik S, Kisban S, Ruther P, Paul O, Aarts A.A.A, Neves H.P., Rich P.D., Theobald D.E., Holztman T, Dalley J.W., Verhoef B-E, Janssen P, Zengerle R
Approaches for drug delivery with intracortical probes
2014 Biomed Tech, volume: 59(4), pages: 291 - 303 - Vittoriosi A, Brandner J J, Ruther P, Paul O, Dittmeyer R
Design and Characterization of Integrated Microsensors for Heat Transfer Studies in Microchannels
2014 Exp Heat Transfer, volume: 27, pages: 389 - 402 - Gossler C, Bierbrauer C, Moser R, Kunzer M, Holc K, Pletschen W, Köhler K, Wagner J, Schwärzle M, Ruther P, Paul O, Neef J, Keppeler D, Hoch G, Moser T, Schwarz U
GaN-based micro-LED arrays on flexible substrates for optical cochlear implants
2014 J Phys D Appl Phys, volume: 47, supplement: 205401, pages: 1 - 6 - Dombovari B, Fiath R, Kerekes B.P., Toth E, Wittner L, Horvath D, Seidl K, Herwik S, Torfs T, Paul O, Ruther P, Neves H, Ulbert I
In vivo validation of the electronic depth control probes
2014 Biomed Tech, volume: 59(4), pages: 283 - 289 - Chow W.W.Y., Herwik S, Kisban S, Ruther P, Neves H, Oscarsson S, Göthelid E
Influence of bio-coatings on the recording performance of neural electrodes
2014 Biomed Tech, volume: 59(4), pages: 315 - 322 - Stieglitz T, Neves H, Ruther P
Neural probes - microsystems to interface with the brain
2014 Biomed Tech, volume: 59(4), pages: 269 - 271 - Donelly N.A., Holtzman T, Rich P.D., Nevado-Holgado A.J., Fernando A.B.P., Van Dijck G, Holzhammer T, Paul O, Ruther P, Ruther P, Paulsen O, Robbins T.W., Dalley J.W.
Oscillatory activity in the medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens correlates with impulsivity and reward outcome
2014 Plos One, volume: 9, issue: 10, supplement: e111300

- Le Huy V, Kamiya S, Nagayoshi K, Izumi H, Gaspar J, Paul O
A prediction scheme of the static fracture strength of MEMS structures based on the characterization of damage distribution on a processed surface
2013 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 23, supplement: 045008, pages: 1 - 10 - Kuhl M, Gieschke P, Rossbach D, Hilzensauer S, Panchaphongsaphak T, Ruther P, Lapatki B, Paul O, Manoli Y
A wireless stress mapping system for orthodontic brackets using CMOS integrated sensors
2013 Ieee J Solid-st Circ, volume: 48, issue: 9, pages: 2191 - 2202 - Calixto R, Salamat B, Rode T, Hartmann T, Volckaerts B, Ruther P, Lenarz T, Lim H
Investigation of a new electrode array technoogy for a central auditory prosthesis
2013 Plos One, volume: 8, issue: 12, supplement: e82148 - Huber S, Schott C, Paul O
Package stress monitor to compensate for the piezo-hall effect in CMOS hall sensors
2013 Ieee Sens J, volume: 13, issue: 8, supplement: 2013, pages: 2890 - 2898 - Lemke B, Baumann M, Gieschke P, Baskaran R, Paul O
Piezoresistive CMOS-compatible sensor for out-of-plane shear stress
2013 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 189, pages: 488 - 495

- Kaufmann T, Vecchi M C, Ruther P, Paul O
A computationally efficient numerical model of the offset of CMOS-integrated vertical Hall devices
2012 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 178, pages: 1 - 9 - Paul O, Raz R, Kaufmann T
Analysis of the offset of semiconductor vertical Hall devices
2012 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 174, pages: 24 - 32 - Chow W W Y, Herwik S, Ruther P, Goethelid E, Oscarsson S
Bio-polymer coatings on neural probe surfaces: Influence of the initial sample composition
2012 Appl Surf Sci, volume: 258, pages: 7864 - 7871 - Seidl K, Schwärzle M, Ulbert I, Neves H P, Paul O, Ruther P
CMOS-based high-density silicon microprobe arrays for electronic depth control in intracortical neural recording–characterization and application
2012 J Microelectromech S, volume: 21, issue: 6, pages: 1426 - 1435 - van Dijck G, Seidl K, Paul O, Ruther P, van Hulle M, Reinoud M
Enhancing the Yield of High-Density Electrode Arrays Through Automated electrode Selection
2012 Int J Neural Syst, volume: 22, issue: 1, pages: 1 - 19 - Gaspar J, Gualdino A, Lemke B, Paul O, Chu V, Conde J P
Mechanical and piezoresistive properties of thin silicon films deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition and hot-wire chemical vapor deposition at low substrate temperatures
2012 J Appl Phys, volume: 112, supplement: 024906, pages: 1 - 8 - Alan T, Yokosawa T, Gaspar J, Pandraud G, Paul O, Creemer F, Sarro P M, Zandbergen H W
Micro-fabricated channel with ultra-thin yet ultra-strong windows enables electron microscopy under 4-bar pressure
2012 Appl Phys Lett, volume: 100, supplement: 081903, pages: 1 - 4 - Lemke B, Baskaran R, Paul O
Piezoresistive CMOS sensor for out-of-plane normal stress
2012 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 176, pages: 10 - 18 - Le Huy V, Kamiya S, Gaspar J, Paul O
Statistical Characterization of Fracture Strength and Fatigue Lifetime of Polysilicon Thin Films with Different Stress Concentration Fields
2012 Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, volume: 6, issue: 11, pages: 1013 - 1029 - Le Huy V, Gaspar J, Paul O, Kamiya S
Statistical characterization of fatigue lifetime of polysilicon thin films
2012 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 179, pages: 251 - 262 - Martin T, Gengenbach U, Guth H, Ruther P, Paul O, Bretthauer G
silicon linkage with novel compliant mechanism for piezoelectric actuation of an intraocular implant
2012 Sensor Actuat A-phys, issue: 188, pages: 335 - 341

- Stephan J, Pagounis E, Laufenberg M, Paul O, Ruther P
A Novel Concept for Strain Sensing Based on the Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy NiMnGa
2011 Ieee Sens J, volume: 11, issue: 11, pages: 2683 - 2689 - D. Fan, D. Rich, T. Holtzman, P. Ruther, J.W. Dalley, A. Lopez, M.A. Rossi, J.W. Barter, D. Salas-Meza, S. Herwik, T. Holzhammer, J. Morizio, H.H. Yin
A Wireless Multi-Channel Recording System for Freely Behaving Mice and Rats
2011 Plos One, volume: 6, issue: 7, supplement: e22033, pages: 1 - 9 - S. Spieth, O. Brett, K. Seidl, A.A.A. Aarts, M.A. Erismis, S. Herwik, F. Trenkle, S. Tätzner, J. Auber, M. Daub, H.P. Neves, R. Puers, O. Paul, P. Ruther, R. Zengerle
A floating 3D silicon microprobe array for neural drug delivery compatible with electrical recording
2011 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 21, pages: 125001 - 125017 - S. Rues, B. Panchaphongsaphak, P. Gieschke, O. Paul, B.G. Lapatki
An analysis of the measurement principle of smart brackets for 3D force and moment monitoring in orthodontics
2011 J Biomech, volume: 04, issue: 029 - O. Frey, P.D. van der Wal, S. Spieth, O. Brett, K. Seidl, O. Paul, P. Ruther, R. Zengerle, N.F. de Rooij
Biosensor microprobes with integrated microfluidic channels for bi-directional neurochemical interaction
2011 J Neural Eng, volume: 8, pages: 66001 - 66010 - K. Seidl, S. Herwik, T. Torfs, H.P. Neves, O. Paul, P. Ruther
CMOS-based high-density silicon micro probe arrays for electronic depth control in intracortical neural recording
2011 J Microelectromech S, volume: 20, issue: 6, pages: 1439 - 1448 - R.P. von Metzen, N. Lass, P. Ruther, T. Stieglitz
Diffusion-Limited Deposition of Parylene C
2011 J Microelectromech S (Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 2011, volume: 20, issue: 1, pages: 239 - 250 - B. Lemke, R. Baskaran, S. Ganapathysubramanian, O. Paul
Experimental Determination of Stress Distributions Under Electroless Nickel Bumps and Correlation to Numerical Models
2011 Ieee Sens J, volume: 11, issue: 11, pages: 2711 - 2717 - Friedmann A, Cismak A, Tautorat C, Koester P J, Baumann W, Held J, Gaspar J, Ruther P, Paul O, Heilmann A
FIB preparation and SEM investigations for three-dimensional analysis of cell cultures on microneedle arrays
2011 Scanning, volume: 33, pages: 1 - 9 - G.C. Pedrini, J. Gaspar, M.E. Schmidt, I. Alekssenko, O. Paul, W. Osten
Measurement of nano/micro out-of-plane and in-plane displacements of micromechanical components by using digital holography and speckle interferometry
2011 Opt Eng, volume: 50, issue: 10, page: 101504 - A. Menzel, K. Subannajui, F. Güder, D. Moser, O. Paul, M. Zacharias
Multifunctional ZnO-Nanowire-Based Sensor
2011 Adv Funct Mater, volume: 20, pages: 1 - 7 - Kaufmann T, Kopp D, Purkl F, Baumann M, Ruther P, Paul O
Piezoresistive Response of Vertical Hall Devices
2011 Ieee Sens J, volume: 11, issue: 11, pages: 2628 - 2635 - Sbierski B, Gieschke P, Paul O
Shear Piezoresistance in MOSFET Devices Under General Operating Conditions
2011 Ieee T Electron Dev, volume: 58, issue: 12, pages: 4145 - 4154 - P. Alpuim, J. Gaspar, P. Gieschke, C. Ehling, J. Kistner, N.J. Goncalves, M.I. Vasilevskiy, O. Paul
Study of the piezoresistivity of doped nanocrystalline silicon thin films
2011 J Appl Phys, volume: 109, pages: 123717-1 - 123717-9 - M. Herrmann, P. Gieschke, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Torsional bridge setup for the characterization of integrated circuits and micro sensors under mechanical shear stress
2011 Rev Sci Instrum, volume: 82, page: 125002 - Torfs T, Aarts A, Erismis M, Aslam J, Yazicioglu R, Seidl K, Herwik S, Ulbert I, Dombovari B, Fiath R, Kerekes B, Puers R, Paul O, Ruther P, Van Hoof C, Neves H
Two-Dimensional Multi-Channel Neural Probes with Electronic Depth Control
2011 BioCAS, volume: 5, pages: 403 - 412 - S. Herwik, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Ultrathin Silicon Chips of Arbitrary Shape by Etching Before Grinding
2011 J Microelectromech S, volume: 20, issue: 4, pages: 791 - 793

- C. Hassler, R. von Metzen, P. Ruther, T. Stieglitz
Characterization of Parylene C as an Encapsulation Material for Implanted Neural Prostheses
2010 Wiley InterScience, pages: 266 - 274 - K. Seidl, T. Torfs, P.A. de Maizière, G. van Dijck, R. Csercsa, B. Dombovari, Y. Nurcahyo, H. Ramirez, M.M. van Hulle, G.A. Orban, O. Paul, I. Ulbert, H. Neves, P. Ruther
Control and data acuqisition software for high-density CMOS-based microprobe arrays implementing electronic depth control
2010 Biomed Tech, pages: 183 - 191 - J. Held, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, M. Hagner, A. Cismak, A. Heilmann, O. Paul
Design of experiment characterization of microneedle fabrication processes based on dry silicon etching
2010 J. Micromech Microeng 2010, pages: 1 - 11 - M. Cornils, A. Rottmann, O. Paul
How to Extract the Sheet Resistance and Hall Mobility from Arbitrarily Shaped Planar Four-Terminal Devices with Extended Contacts
2010 Ieee T Electron Dev, pages: 2087 - 2097 - K. Seidl, S. Spieth, S. Herwik, J. Steigert, R. Zengerle, O. Paul. P. Ruther
In-Plane silicon probes for simultaneous neural recording and drug delivery
2010 J. Micromech Microeng 2010, no. 105006, pages: 1 - 11 - U. Bartsch, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Low-frequency two-dimensional resonators for vibrational micro energy harvesting
2010 J Micromech Microeng, pages: 1 - 12 - S. Brugger, O. Paul
Magnetic field amplification by slender cuboid-shaped magnetic concentrators with a single gap
2010 Sensor Actuat A-phys, pages: 135 - 139 - J. Gaspar, O. Paul, V. Chu, J.P. Conde
Mechanical properties of thin silicon films deposited at low temperatures by PECVD
2010 J Micromech Microeng, pages: 1 - 6 - P. Ruther, S. Herwik, S. Kisban, K. Seidl, O. Paul
Recent Progress in Neural Probes Using Silicon MEMS Technology
2010 Ieej T Electr Electr, volume: 5, pages: 505 - 515 - L. Grand, L. Wittner, S. Herwik. E. Göthelid, P. Ruther, S. Oscarsson, H. Neves, B. Dombovári, R. Csercsa, G. Karmos, I. Ulbert
Short and Long Term Biocompatibility of NeuroProbes Silicon Probes
2010 J. Neurosci Meth, issue: 189, pages: 216 - 229

- T. Stieglitz, B. Rubehn, C. Henle, S. Kisban, S. Herwik, P. Ruther, M. Schuettler
Brain-computer interfaces: an overview of the hardware to record neural signals from the cortex
2009 Prog Brain Res, volume: 175, pages: 297 - 315 - G. Pedrini, J. Gaspar, T. Wu, W. Osten, O. Paul
Calibration of optical systems for the measurement of microcomponents
2009 Opt Laser Eng, pages: 203 - 210 - G. Pedrini, J. Gaspar, W. Osten, O. Paul
Development of Reference Standards for the Calibration of Optical Systems Used in the Measurement of Microcomponents
2009 The Author - O. Paul, M. Cornils
Explicit connection between sample geometry and Hall response
2009 Appl Phys Lett, volume: 95, page: 1-3 - S. Herwik, S. Kisban, A.A.A. Aarts, K. Seidl, G. Girardeau, K. Benchenane, M.B. Zugaro, S.I. Wiener, O. Paul, H.P. Neves, P. Ruther
Fabrication technology for silicon-based microprobe arrays used in acute and sub-chronic neural recording
2009 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 19, page: 074008 - J. Kern, S. Loeckermann, A. Fritsch, I. Hausser, W. Roth, T. Magin, C. Mack, M. Müller, O. Paul, P. Ruther, L. Bruckner-Tuderman
Mechanisms of fibroblast cell therapy for dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: High stability of collagen VII favors logn-term skin integrity
2009 The American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy / Molecular Therapy - J. Gaspar, M. Schmidt, J. Held, O. Paul
Wafer-Scale Microtensile Testing of Thin Films
2009 J Microelectromech S, volume: 18, issue: 5, pages: 1062 - 1076

- J. Yang, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Fracture Properties of LPCVD Silicon Nitride and Thermally Grown Silicon Oxide Thin Films From the Load-Deflection of Long Si3N4 ans SiO/Si3N4 Diaphragms
2008 J Microelectromech S, volume: 17, pages: 1120 - 1134 - P. Ruther, M. Wandt
Innovativer miniaturisierter 3D-Kraftsensor für Koordinatenmesssysteme von Mikrokomponenten
2008 Sensor Magazin, pages: 30 - 33 - O. Paul, P. Ruther
Microneedle Electrodes for Measuring Potentials in Biology and Medicine
2008 mst news, issue: 6, pages: 12 - 12 - M. Cornils, O. Paul
Reverse-magnetic-field reciprocity in conductive samples with extended contacts
2008 J Appl Phys, volume: 104, issue: 0245, pages: 1 - 7 - S. Kamiya, S. Amaki, T. Kawai, N. Honda, P. Ruther, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Seamless interpretation of the strength and fatigue lifetime of polycrystalline silicon thin films
2008 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 18, issue: 9502, pages: 1 - 10 - M. Cornils, O. Paul
Sheet resistance determination of electrically symmetric planar four-terminal devices with extended contacts
2008 J Appl Phys, volume: 104, supplement: 024503, pages: 1 - 10

- Kamiya S, Kuypers, Trautmann A, Ruther P, Paul O
Process Temperature Dependent Mechanical Properties of Polysilicon Measured Using a Novel Tensile Test Structure
2007 J Microelectromech S - M. Cornils, M. Dölle, O. Paul
Sheet Resistance Determination Using Symmetric Structures With Contacts of Finite Size
2007 Ieee T Electron Dev, volume: 54, issue: 10, pages: 2756 - 2761 - M. Dölle, J. Held, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Simultaneous and Independent Measurement of Stress and Temperature Using a Single Field-Effect Transistor Structure
2007 J Microelectromech S (Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems) 2007, volume: 15, issue: 5, pages: 1232 - 1242 - Lapatki BG, Bartholomeyczik J, Ruther P, Jonas IE, Paul O
Smart Bracket for Multi-Dimensional Force and Moment Measurement.
2007 J Dent Res, volume: 86, issue: 1, pages: 73 - 78 - B. Lapatki, O. Paul
Smart Brackets for 3D-Force-Moment Measurements in Orthodontic Research and Therapy-Developmental Status and Prospects
2007 J Orofac Orthop, pages: 377 - 396

- Doelle M, Mager D, Ruther P, Paul O
Geometry optimization for planar piezoresistive stress sensors based on the pseudo-Hall effect
2006 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 127, pages: 261 - 269 - Doelle M, Peters C, Ruther P, Paul O
Piezo-FET stress sensor array for wire bonding characterization
2006 J Microelectromech S, volume: 15, issue: 1, pages: 120 - 130 - Bartholomeyczik J, Doelle M, Ruther P, Paul O
The continuous spinning current (CSC) stress sensor method for the extraction of two stress components in an offset compensated manner
2006 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 127, pages: 255 - 260

- Jeyaprakash JD, Samuel S, Ruther P, Frerichs HP, Lehmann M, Paul O, RYhe J
A Simple Route towards the Reduction of Surface Conductivity in Gas Sensor Devices
2005 Sensor Actuat B-chem, volume: 110, pages: 218 - 224 - Schuster M, Klein N, Ruther P, Trautmann A, Paul O, Kuzel P, Kadlec F
An interconnected 2D-TM EBG structure for millimeter and submillimeter waves
2005 Ieee J Sel Area Comm, volume: 23, issue: 7, pages: 1378 - 1384 - J. Yang, O. Paul
Fracture Properties of Thermal Silicon Oxide Thin Films From the Load-Deflection of Long SiNx/SiO2 Membranes
2005 J Microelectromech S (Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems) 2005 - L. Samid, C. Peters, P. Ruther, O. Paul, Y. Manoli
Low-Power Sensor Read-Out Circuits With Continuous Time Sigma-Delta Modulators
2005 Analog 2005, pages: 151 - 155 - Ruther P, Bartholomeyczik J, Buhmann A, Trautmann A, Steffen K, Paul O
Microelectromechanical HF resonators fabricated using a novel SOI-based low temperature process
2005 Ieee Sens J, volume: 5, issue: 5, pages: 1112 - 1119 - J. Bartholomeyczik, S. Brugger, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Multidimensional CMOS In-Plane Stress Sensor
2005 IEEE Sens J (IEEE Sensors Journal) 2005, volume: 5, issue: 5, pages: 872 - 882 - Bartholomeyczik J, Ruther P, Paul O
Multidimensional CMOS in-plane stress sensor
2005 Ieee Sens J, volume: 5, issue: 5, pages: 872 - 882 - M. Dölle, C. Peters, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Piezo-FET Stress Sensor Array for Wire Bonding Characterization
2005 Microelectromech. Syst. (IEEE) 2005

- O. Paul
Dünnschicht-Materialdaten für die Mikrotechnik
2004 VDI-Berichte, volume: 1829, pages: 423 - 432

- P. Ruther, R. Janke, U. Schiller, O. Paul
Thermomagnetic Residual Offset in Integrated Hall Plates
2003 IEEE Sens J (IEEE Sensors Journal) 2003, volume: 3, issue: 6, pages: 693 - 699 - Ruther P, Buesser W, Janke R, Schiller U, Paul O
Thermomagnetic residual offset in integrated Hall plates
2003 Ieee Sens J, volume: 3, issue: 6, pages: 693 - 699

- J. Yang, C. Peters, O. Paul
Fracture Properties of LPCVD Silicon Nitride Thin Films From the Load-Deflection of Long Membranes
2002 Sensor Acutat A-phys (Sensors and Actuators A-physical) 2002, volume: 97, issue: 98, pages: 520 - 526 - Yang Jinling, Peters C, Paul O
Fracture Properties of LPCVD Silicon Nitride Thin Films from the Load-Deflection of Long Membranes
2002 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 97-98, pages: 520 - 526 - T. Kramer, O. Paul
Postbuckled Micromachined Square Membranes Under Differential Pressure
2002 J Micromech Microeng (Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering) 2002, volume: 12, pages: 475 - 478 - Kramer T, Paul O
Postbuckled Micromachined Square Membranes under Differential Pressure
2002 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 12, pages: 475 - 478 - S. Hafizovic, O. Paul
Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivities of CMOS Layers by Micromachined Thermal van der Pauw Test Structures
2002 Sensor Actuat A-phys (Sensors and Actuators A-physical) 2002, volume: 97, issue: 98, pages: 246 - 252 - Hafizovic S, Paul O
Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivities of CMOS Layers by Micromachined Thermal van der Pauw Test Structures
2002 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 97-98, pages: 246 - 252

- Wagner U, Franz J, Schweiker M, Bernhard W, Müller-Fiedler R, Michel B, Paul O
Mechanical Reliability of MEMS-Structures under Shock Load
2001 Microelectron Reliab, volume: 41, pages: 1657 - 1662 - H. Nakajima, P. Ruther, J. Mohr, M. Tsugai, T. Usami
Micro-Optical Distance Sensor Fabricated by Deep X-Ray Lithography
2001 Opt Eng, volume: 40, issue: 8, pages: 1667 - 1673 - M. Ehmann, P. Ruther, M. von Arx, O. Paul
Operation and Short-Term Drift of Polysilicon-Heated Microstructures at Temperatures up to 1200 K
2001 J Micromech Microeng (Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering) 2001, volume: 11, pages: 397 - 401 - Ehmann M, Ruther P, von Arx M, Paul O
Operation and Short-Term Drift of Polysilicon-Heated Microstructures at Temperatures up to 1200 K
2001 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 11, pages: 397 - 401 - T. Kramer, O. Paul
Postbuckled Micromachined Square Thin Film Membranes under Differential Pressure
2001 Materials Research Society, volume: 695, pages: 79 - 84 - T. Kramer, O. Paul
Surface Micromachined Ring Test Structures to Determine Mechanical Properties of Compressive CMOS IC Thin Films
2001 Sensor Actuat A-phys (Sensors and Actuators A-physical) 2001, volume: 92, pages: 292 - 298 - Kramer T, Paul O
Surface Micromachined Ring Test Structures to Determine Mechanical Properties of Compressive CMOS IC Thin Films
2001 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 92, pages: 292 - 298 - A. Schaufelbühl, N. Schneeberger, U. Münch, M. Wälti, O. Paul, O. Brand, H. Baltes, C. Menolfi, Q. Huang, E. Döring, M. Läpfe
Uncooled Low-Cost Thermal Imager Based on micromachined CMOS Integrated Sensor Array
2001 J Microelectromech S, volume: 10, pages: 503 - 510 - Schaufelbuehl A, Schneeberger N, Münch U, Waelti M, Paul O, Brand O, Baltes H, Menolfi C, Huang Q, Doering E, Loepfe M
Uncooled low-cost thermal imager based on micromachined CMOS integrated sensor array
2001 IEEE/ASME J. Microelectromech. Syst., volume: 10, pages: 503 - 510

- O. Paul, P. Ruther, L. Plattner, H. Baltes
A Thermal von der Pauw Test Structure
2000 Ieee T Semiconduct M, volume: 13, issue: 2, pages: 159 - 166 - M. von Arx, O. Paul, H. Baltes
Process Dependent Thin Film Thermal Conductivity for Thermal CMOS MEMS
2000 J Microelectromech S, volume: 9, issue: 1, pages: 136 - 145

- D. Westberg, O. Paul, G.I. Andersson, H. Baltes
A CMOS-Compatible Device for Fluid Density Measurements Fabricated by Sacrificial Aluminum Etching
1999 Sensor Actuat A-phys, volume: 73, pages: 243 - 251 - O. Paul, H. Baltes
Mechanical Behavior and Sound Generation Efficiency of Prestressed, Elastically Clamped and Thermomechanically Driven Thin Film Sandwiches
1999 J Micromech Microeng, volume: 9, pages: 19 - 29 - P. Ruther, H. Nakajima, J. Mohr, St. Saenger
Miniaturisierter Abstandssensor, hergestellt nach dem LIGA-Verfahren
1999 Technisches Messen, volume: 66, issue: 5, pages: 176 - 184 - V. Ziebart, O. Paul, H. Baltes
Strongly Buckled Square Micromachined Membranes
1999 J Microelectromech S, volume: 8, issue: 4, pages: 423 - 432

- M. Emmenegger, J. Korvink, M. Bächtold, M. von Arx, O. Paul, H. Baltes
Application of Harmonic Finite Element Analysis to a CMOS Heat-Capacity Measurement Structure
1998 Sensor Mater, volume: 10, pages: 405 - 412 - V. Ziebart, O. Paul, U. Münch, J. Schwizer, O. Paul, H. Baltes
Mechanical Properties of Thin Films from the Load-Deflection of Long Clamped Plates
1998 J Microelectromech S, volume: 7, pages: 320 - 328
Years: 2007 | 2005 | 2001

- Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, page: 17
Adanced Silicon Microstructures, Sensors and Systems
O. Paul, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther

- Wiley-VCH
Mikrosystemtechnik für Ingenieure
Menz W, Mohr J, Paul O

- Wiley-VCH
Microsystem Technology
Menz W, Mohr J, Paul O
Book chapters
Years: 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2001

- O. Paul, J. Gaspar
Thin-Film Characterization Using the Bulge Test
In: Reliability of MEMS
2007, Eds. Weinheim, Germany Wiley-VCH, pages: 67 - 121,

- Paul O
Microtransducer Operation
In: MEMS A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis and Applications
2006, William Andrew Publishing / Springer-Verlag, J. G. Korvink and O. Paul, pages: 1 - 51, J. G. Korvink and O. Paul,

- Paul O, Ruther P
Material Characterization
In: CMOS-based Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems
2005, Wiley-VCH, O. Brand and G. Fedder, pages: 69 - 135, O. Brand and G. Fedder,

- W. Menz, J. Mohr, O. Paul
Microsystem Technology
In: Microsystem Technology
2001, Wiley-VCH, ISBN: 3-527-29634-4
Years: 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

- Ruther P
LED-based optogenetic tools - Thin-film LEDs vs LED chips
2020 Bionics Institute Melbourne, Melbourbe, Australia; Remote seminar talk - Ruther P, Ayub S, Klein E, Sharma K, Paul O
LED-Based Optogenetic Tools - Are Smallest LEDs Always Requested and Reasonable?
2020 ICAN Workshop 2./3.3.2020, College of Health and Life Sciences at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar - Ruther P, Ayub S, Klein E, Sharma K, Paul O
MEMS tools based on integrated light sources for optogenetics
2020 beim Physikalisches Kolloquium, Institut für Physik, Universität Chemnitz - Ruther P, Ayub S, Klein E, Sharma K, Paul O
Optical MEMS tools based on light-emitting diodes for optogenetics
2020 Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max-Planck-Ring 8, D-72076 Tübingen

- Ruther P
LED-based MEMS Tools for Optogenetic Applications Aside from Cerebral Tissue
2018 ICAN – International Conference for Advanced Neurotechnology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 7./8. May 2018 - Klein E, Gossler C, Paul O, Ruther P
Thin-film LED Arrays on Flexible Substrates With Improved Thermomechanical Behaviour
2018 ICAN – International Conference for Advanced Neurotechnology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 7./8. May 2018 - Ruther P
Interfacing the brain with micromachined implants
2018 TU Einhoven - Ruther P
High-density neural probe arrays using CMOS and MEMS technologies
2018 Neuroelectronic Interfaces, Beyond Feasibility - Bridging the Gap in Neuroelectronic Interfaces,Gordon Research Conference, March 25-30, 2018, Galveston,TX, USA - Otte E, Ayub S, Paul O, Ruther P
Implantable Optrode Enabling Electrophysiology and Optogenetic Stimulation
2018 ICAN – International Conference for Advanced Neurotechnology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 7./8. May 2018 - Barz F, Ruther P, Asplund M
Influence of the Oxygen Flow Rate on the pH Response of Reactively Sputter-deposited Iridium Oxide Films
2018 EMBC 2018 Conf., Hawaii, USA

- Ruther P, Klein E, Ayub S, Gossler C, Schwärzle M
Implantable MEMS-based tools for optogenetics
2017 12th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, July 24-28, 2017 - Strasbourg, France - Ruther P, Sayed Herbawi A, Klein E, Schwärzle M, Barz F, Pothof F, Paul O
How to interface the brain with MEMS-based implants?
2017 43rd International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, 18.-22. September 2017

- Ruther P
Let there be light - How MEMS directly enlightens the brain?
2016 KIT Campus North, Karlsruhe - Schwärzle M, Ayub S, Barz F, Paul O, Ruther P
LED and laser diode based MEMS tools for optogenetics
2016 International Workshop for Advanced Neurotechnology (ICAN), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 13.-14. June 2016 - Ruther P
MEMS-based technologies for optogenetic applications, Symposium on Restoration of sensory and motor function
2016 Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, 26./27. May 2016 - Ruther P
How to illuminate brain tissue?
2016 IGSN Workshop, University of Bochum - Ruther P
Innovative tools for electrophysiology and optogenetics based on MEMS technologies
2016 Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, 23.3.2016 - Ruther P
Trends in Silicon-based Neural Probe Arrays Used in Electrophysiology and Optogenetics
2016 GDR 2904 Multielectrode Systems for Neuroscience: 6th Annual Meeting, 5-8 Jan 2016 Grenoble-Autrans (France) - Ruther P
CMOS-based probe arrays for high-density neural recordings
2016 Bernstein Sparks Workshop, Tutzing, 28./29. June 2016 - Ruther P, Pothof F, Barz F, Bonini L, Orban GA, Stieglitz T, Paul O
MEMS Technologies for High-Channel Count SEEG Probes
2016 Insights from the inside Workshop, Intracranial studies of the human brain, 30.11.16-01.12.16, Tel-Aviv, Israel - Paul O, Ruther P
MEMS Tools for Bidirectional Brain-Machine Interfaces
2016 International Workshop for Advanced Neurotechnology (ICAN), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 13.-14. June 2016 - Gordillo C, Kuhner A, Schubert T, Burgard W, Bast H, Becker B, Bennewitz M, Galchev T, Keller M, Manoli Y, Maurer C, Paul O, Ruther P, Stachniss C
Robotics meets neuroscience: Electode selection and motion analysis
2016 International Workshop for Advanced Neurotechnology (ICAN), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 13.-14. June 2016

- Ruther P
Optoelectronic devices Optrodes with integrated light sources based on MEMS technologies
2015 Optogenetics Workshop, University of Bochum - Ruther P
High-density neural recording based on advanced silicon probe technologies
2015 Magnetrodes Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 23.-25.11.2015 - Ruther P, Schwärzle M, Gossler C, Ayub S, Schwarz U, Paul O
Highly compact MEMS-based optrodes with integrated light sources
2015 SPIE Photonics West Conf. 2015, San Francisco, USA, 7.-12.2.2015 - Ruther P, Schwarz U, Schwärzle M, Elmlinger P, Gossler C, Paul O
MEMS-based Neural Implants for Optogenetic Applications New System Developments at IMTEK
2015 NAMIS Workshop 2014, Halong Bay, Vietnam, 2.-4.6.2014 - Schwarz U, Ruther P, Paul O
Micro-engineered probes for optogenetics
2015 DFG-NSF Workshop - New Perspectives on Neuroengineering and Neurotechnologies, Arlington, November 13/14, 2014

- Ruther P
Advanced Silicon Probes for Large-Scale Neural Recording
2014 DFG-NSF Workshop - New Perspectives on Neuroengineering and Neurotechnologies, Arlington, USA, November 13/14, 2014
Conference papers
Years: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

- Weber T, Zgierski-Johnston C, Klein E, Ayub S, Paul O, Kohl P, Ruther P
Concentric MEMS-based Opto-electro-mechanical Pacer for Multimodal Cardiac Tissue Excitation
2020 2020 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Vancouver, Canada - Hafner J, Moazenzadeh A, Heinen F, Rodriguez M, Wallrabe U, Paul O
Long-range telemetric smart orthodontic bracket with CMOS-integrated 3D wirebonder-fabricated microcoils
2020 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Vancouver, Canada , pages: 1266 - 1269

- Huber S, Lázár Z, Berger M, Paul O
A CMOS Hall-based magnetic multisensor system free from parasitic effects of temperature and package stress
2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII, Berlin/Germany , pages: 134 - 137 - Berger M, Becker F, Paul O
Guidelines for multisensor system calibration with and without regularization
2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII, Berlin/Germany , pages: 2103 - 2106 - Morikawa Y, Ayub S, Paul O, Kawano T, Ruther P
Highly stretchable kirigami structure with integrated LED chips and electrodes for optogenetic experiments on perfused hearts
2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII, Berlin/Germany , pages: 2484 - 2487 - Klein E, Kaku Y, Paul O, Ruther P
Flexible µLED-based optogenetic tool with integrated µ-lens array and conical concentrators providing light extraction improvements above 80%
2019 IEEE MEMS 2019, Seoul, Korea , pages: 632 - 635 - Sharma K, Dholipet Nagendra Kumar S, Paul O, Ruther P
Microfluidic neural probes with buried channels fabricated using continuous flow XeF³ etching of silicon
2019 IEEE MEMS 2019, Seoul, Korea , pages: 569 - 572 - Shui B, De Dorigo D, Sayed Herbawi A, Ruther P, Paul O, Manoli Y, Kuhl M
A Slim Needle Neural Probe with 160 Active Recording Sites and Selectable ADCs
2019 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conf. (BioCAS) 2019, Nara Japan, 17.-19. October 2019 - Klein E, Kaku Y, Paul O, Ruther P
Flexibles, µLED-basiertes Implantat mit integrierten µ-Linsen und konischen Konzentratoren mit optimierter Lichtausbeute
2019 MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2019, 28.-30. Oktober 2019, Berlin, Germany , pages: 205 - 208

- Hoch K, Pothof F, Becker F, Paul O, Ruther P
A Magnetic, Micro-spring-suspended System for the Safe Electrical Interconnection of Neural Implants
2018 IEEE MEMS Conf. 2018, Belfast, Ireland , pages: 369 - 372 - Diaz-Maue L, Schwaerzle M, Ruther P, Luther S, Richter C
Follow the Light - From Low-Energy Defibrillation to Multi-Site Photostimulation
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Honolulu, HI, USA , pages: 4832 - 4835 - Diaz-Maue L, Schwärzle M, Ruther P, Luther S, Richter C
Follow the light - from low-energy defibrillation to multi-site photostimulation
2018 EMBC 2018 Conference, Hawaii, USA - Ayub S, Ruther P, Paul O, Kohl P, Zgierski-Johnston CM
Invasive Optical Pacing in Perfused, Optogenetically Modified Mouse Heart Using Stiff Multi-LED Optical Probes
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Honolulu, HI, USA , pages: 4836 - 4839 - Otte E, Ayub S, Paul O, Ruther P
LED-based Intracerebral Optrode for Simultaneous Optical Stimulation and Electrophysiological Recording
2018 IEEE MEMS Conf. 2018, Belfast, Ireland , pages: 384 - 387

- Ayub S, Goßler C, Engesser F, Paul O, Ruther P
Compact intracerebral probe with yellow phosphor-based light conversion for optogenetic control
2017 IEEE Transducers 2017, Kaohsiung / Taiwan - Sayed Herbawi A, Kießner L, Paul O, Ruther P
High-density CMOS neural probe implementing a hierarchical addressing scheme for 1600 recording sites and 32 output channels
2017 IEEE Transducers 2017, Kaohsiung / Taiwan - Pothof F, Chauvière L, Holzhammer T, Aarts A, Paul O, Singer W, Ruther P
Comparison of the in-vivo neural recording quality of floating and skull-fixed silicon probes
2017 8th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering , pages: 158 - 161 - Pothof F, Sharma K, Paul O, Ruther P
High-channel-count impedance spectroscopy logger
2017 8th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering , pages: 211 - 214 - Schwärzle M, Ringwald P, Paul O, Ruther P
First dual-color optrode with bare laser diode chips directly butt-coupled to hybrid-polymer waveguides
2017 IEEE MEMS 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA - Klein E, Goßler C, Paul O, Schwarz U T, Ruther P
High-yield indium-based wafer bonding for large-area multi-pixel optoelectronic probes for neuroscience
2017 IEEE MEMS 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA - Gullo M, Takeuchi S, Paul O
Muscle-actuated biomimetic hydrogel-based 3D microskeleton
2017 IEEE MEMS 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA , pages: 101 - 104 - Hafner J, Paul O, Kuhl M, Hehn T, Rossbach D
Fabrication of Planar Copper Microcoils for Telemetric Orthodontic Applications
2017 Eurosensors 2017, 03.-06.09.2017, Paris/France, - Klein E, Gossler C, Paul O, Ruther P
High-density µLED-based Optical Cochlear Implant with Improved Thermo-mechanical Behavior
2017 OPTOGEN 2016, 3rd Int. Workshop on Technologies for Optogenetics, Freiburg/Germany, 05.-06.12.2016 Book of Abstracts, pages: 27 - 27 - Klein E, Ayub S, Gossler C, Paul O, Ruther P
High-density μLED probes on flexible and stiff substrates
2017 SfN 2017, 11.-15.11.2017, Washington DC/USA - Ayub S, Otte E, Paul O, Ruther P
Intracerebral optrodes with integrated LED chips and recording electrodes for optogenetic experiments
2017 OPTOGEN 2016, 3rd Int. Workshop on Technologies for Optogenetics, Freiburg/Germany, 05.-06.12.2016 Book of Abstracts, pages: 16 - 16 - Schwärzle M, Ayub S, Paul O, Ruther P
Optical tools with integrated light sources for optogenetics - An analysis of different system approaches
2017 Society for Neuroscience - Neuroscience 2017, Washington, DC / USA - Schwärzle M, Ringwald P, Paul O, Ruther P
Zweifarbige Optrode basierend auf ungehäusten Laserdioden und hybridpolymeren Wellenreitern für optogenetische Anwendungen
2017 MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2017, München, 23.-25.10.2017 , pages: 816 - 819

- Schröder T, Constantinescu V.S., Schwärzle M, Ayub S, Ruther P, Battaglia F.P.
Modulation of downstream targets by spatio-temporal pattern stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex
2016 Society for Neuroscience, San Diego/USA - Sayed Herbawi A, Velarde F, Paul O, Galchev T
Self-powered CMOS active rectifier suitable for low-voltage mechanical energy harvesters
2016 IEEE Sensors 2016, Orlando, USA - Gordillo C, Frank B, Ulbert I, Paul O, Ruther P, Burgard W
Automatic Channel Selection in Neural Microprobes: A Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit Approach
2016 IROS 2016, Daejeon, Korea - Pothof F, Sharma K, Paul O, Ruther P
Cost-effective, high-channel-count system for impedance spectroscopy
2016 BMT 2016, Basel, Schweiz , page: 241 - Stieglitz T, Fiedler E, Vasjari D, Benlter C, Liljemalm R, Pothof F, Sayed Herbawi A, Barz F, Kuhl M, Paul O, Ruther P
Developments for the next generation of brain probes
2016 BMT 2016, Basel, Schweiz , page: 237 - Ayub S, Barz F, Paul O, Ruther P
Heterogeneous 3D optrode with variable spatial resolution for optogenetic stimulation and electrophysiological recording
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Heizmann S, Holzhammer T, Kilias A, Egert U, Ruther P, Asplund M
Dye delivery from PEDOT electrodes in vivo - a new way to reconstruct recording sites
2016 10th International Meeting on Substrate Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany - Boehler C, Kleber C, Heizmann S, Ruther P, Hofmann U, Egert U, Ruehe J, Stieglitz T, Asplund M
Nanostructured and biofunctionalized coatings for microscale electrodes: bringing cutting edge materials science to microsystems engineered implants
2016 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montréal, Canada - Schwärzle M, Nehlich J, Schwarz U T, Paul O, Ruther P
Hybrid polymer waveguide characterization for microoptical tools with integrated laser diode chips for optogenetic applications at 430 nm and 650 nm
2016 SPIE Photonics West, San Fransciso/USA - Ayub S, Goßler C, Schwärzle M, Klein E, Paul O, Schwarz U T, Ruther P
High-density probe with integrated thin-film micro light emitting diodes
2016 IEEE MEMS Conf. 2016, Shanghai, China - Schwärzle M, Nehlich J, Ayub S, Paul O, Ruther P
LED-based optical chchlear implant on highly flexible triple layer polyimide substrates
2016 IEEE MEMS Conf. 2016, Shanghai, China - Gullo M, Takeuchi S, Paul O
Muscle-actuated bio-hybrid MEMS by cell culture and differentiation on metamaterial micro-scaffolds
2016 IEEE MEMS Conf. 2016, Shanghai, China - Barz F, Lausecker R, Wallrabe U, Ruther P, Paul O
Wafer-level shellac-based interconnection process for ultrathin silicon chips of arbitrary shape
2016 IEEE MEMS Conf. 2016, Shanghai, China - Fiáth R, Ayub S, Paul O, Ruther P, Ulbert I
In vivo validation of compact LED probes with apertures
2016 OPTOGEN 2016, 3rd Int. Workshop on Technologies for Optogenetics, Freiburg/Germany, 05.-06.12.2016 Book of Abstracts, pages: 34 - 34 - Ayub S, Engesser F, Paul O, Ruther P
Intracerebral optical probes with light confinement for optogenetic experiments
2016 OPTOGEN 2016, 3rd Int. Workshop on Technologies for Optogenetics, Freiburg/Germany, 05.-06.12.2016 Book of Abstracts, pages: 33 - 33 - Gossler C, Ayub S, Klein E, Schwärzle M, Paul O, Ruther P
Optical probes with integrated thin-film µLEDs on flexible and rigid substrates
2016 OPTOGEN 2016, 3rd Int. Workshop on Technologies for Optogenetics, Freiburg/Germany, 05.-06.12.2016 Book of Abstracts, pages: 12 - 12 - Constantinescu V, Schröder T, Schwaerzle M, Ayub S, Ruther P, Battaglia F
Optogenetic stimulation of spatial-temporal activity patterns in cortex by epidural LED grids and downstream effects on higher-order cortical areas
2016 OPTOGEN 2016, 3rd Int. Workshop on Technologies for Optogenetics, Freiburg/Germany, 05.-06.12.2016 Book of Abstracts, pages: 36 - 36 - Raz R, Schwärzle M, Paul O, Ruther P
Polymer Based Thin-film Packaging of an Optical Cochlear Implant
2016 OPTOGEN 2016, 3rd Int. Workshop on Technologies for Optogenetics, Freiburg/Germany, 05.-06.12.2016 Book of Abstracts, pages: 24 - 24

- Becker F, Kuhl M, Manoli Y, Paul O
Novel method to operate Piezo-FET-based stress sensor offers tenfold increase in sensitivity
2015 IEEE Sensors Conference 2015, Busan, South Korea - Schwärzle M, Elmlinger P, Paul O, Ruther P
Miniaturisiertes 3×3 LED-Array mit integrierten Glasfasern und hochflexiblem Flachbandkabel für Anwendungen in der Optogenetik
2015 MST-Kongress 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany , pages: 294 - 297 - Becker F, Kuhl M, Manoli Y, Paul O
Neuartiger Smart Tooth mit zehnfach höherer Kraftauflösung
2015 MST-Kongress 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany - Pothof F, Bonini L, Lanzilotto M, Livi A, Fogassi L, Orban G.A., Paul O, Ruther P
In-vivo validation of a cylindrical 64-channel depth probe with a diameter of 800 µm
2015 Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, Illinois, United States - Schwärzle M, Pothof F, Elmlinger P, Paul O, Ruther P
LED-based neural probes for optogenetics
2015 Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, Chicago, USA - Pothof F, Galchev T, Patel M, Sayed Herbawi A, Paul O, Ruther P
Heterogeneous integration of analog CMOS chips on flexible substrates for high-resolution deep brain epilepsy diagnosis
2015 Eurosensors 2015, Freiburg, Germany - Pothof F, Galchev T, Patel M, Sayed Herbawi A, Paul O, Ruther P
128-channel deep brain recording probe with heterogenously integrated analog CMOS readout for focal epilepsy localization
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Huber S, Raman J, van der Wiel A, Schott C, Rombouts P, Paul O
A combined hall and stress sensor for highly accurate magnetic field sensing free from the piezo-hall effect
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Sayed Herbawi A, Larramendy F, Galchev T, Holzhammer T, Mildenberger B, Paul O, Ruther P
CMOS-based neural probe with enhanced electronic depth control
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Goda K, Yoshioka T, Ao K, Abe R, Paul O
Charge transport in SiO2/Si3N4 and SiO2/Si-rich SiN electrets for high-temperature electrostatic energy micro-harvesters
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Moser D, Müller D, Paul O
Compact multifunctional test structure to measure the in-plane thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of thin films
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Schwärzle M, Pothof F, Paul O, Ruther P
High-resolution neural depth probe with integrated 460 nm light emitting diode for optogenetic applications
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Sander C, Leube C, Paul O
Novel compact two-dimensional CMOS vertical hall sensor
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Becker F, Kuhl M, Manoli Y, Paul O
Novel instrumented tooth with tenfold increase in force resolution
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Larramendy F, Yoshida S, Fekete Z, Serien D, Takeuchi S, Paul O
Stackable octahedron-based photoresist scaffold by direct laser writing for controlled three-dimensional cell networks
2015 Transducers 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA - Heizmann S, Kilias A, Okujeni S, Boehler C, Ruther P, Egert U, Asplund M
Accurate neuronal tracing of microelectrodes based on PEDOT-dye coatings
2015 7th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Montpellier, France - Hoch K, Pothof F, Paul O, Ruther P
Development and validation of a characterization setup for depth neural probes
2015 IENSSC 2015, Istanbul, Turkey - Becker F, Sander C, Schmidt F, Lapatki B, Paul O
An instrumented tooth
2015 IEEE MEMS, Estoril, Portugal - Barz F, Ruther P, Takeuchi S, Paul O
Flexible silicon-polymer neural probe rigidified by dissolvable insertion vehicle for high-resolution neural recording with improved duration
2015 IEEE MEMS 2015, Estoril, Portugal , pages: 636 - 639 - Larramendy F, Serien D, Yoshida S, Jalabert L, Takeuchi S, Paul O
High-topography surface functionalization based on parylene-C peel-off for patterned cell growth
2015 IEEE MEMS Conf. 2015, Estoril, Portugal - Sander C, Leube C, Aftab T, Ruther P, Paul O
Isotropic 3D silicon hall sensor
2015 IEEE MEMS, Estoril, Portugal - Schwärzle M, Elmlinger P, Paul O, Ruther P
Miniaturized 3×3 optical fiber array for optogenetics with integrated 460 nm light sources and flexible electrical interconnection
2015 IEEE MEMS Conf. 2015, Estoril, Portugal - Ayub S, Schwärzle M, Paul O, Ruther P
An intracerebral probe with integrated 10x1 µLED array for optogenetic experiments at 460 nm
2015 XXIX Eurosensors 2015, Freiburg, Germany - Sayed Herbawi A, Mildenberger B, Larramendy F, Holzhammer T, Galchev T, Paul O, Ruther P
CMOS-based high-density neural probes with improved scheme for addressing recording and stimulation channels
2015 XXIX Eurosensors 2015, Freiburg, Germany - Genter S, Langhof T, Paul O
Electret-Based Out-Of-Plane Micro Energy Harvester with Parylene-C Serving as the Electret and Spring Material
2015 XXIX Eurosensors 2015, Freiburg, Germany - Sander C, Leube C, Aftab T, Ruther P, Paul O
Geometry study of an isotropic 3D Silicon Hall Sensor
2015 XXIX Eurosensors 2015, Freiburg, Germany - Schwärzle M, Pothof F, Paul O, Ruther P
High-resolution optrode with integrated light source for deeper brain regions
2015 XXIX Eurosensors 2015, Freiburg, Germany - Schwärzle M et al.
LED-based neural probes for optogenetics
2015 Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, Illinois, United States - Barz F, Ruther P, Takeuchi S, Paul O
Mechanically adaptive silicon-based neural probes for chronic high-resolution neural recording
2015 XXIX Eurosensors 2015, Freiburg, Germany - Bonini L, Livi A, Lanzilotto M, Maranesi A, Ruther P, Barz F, Fogassi L, Rizzolatti G
Visuo-motor processing of objects in pre-supplementary motor area F6 neurons of the macaque
2015 Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, Illinois, United States

- Genter S, Paul O
Influence of various conducting and inorganic dielectric drift barriers on the charge decay in parylene-C electret layers
2014 PowerMEMS 2014, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan - Nomura M, Maire J, Kage Y, Moser D, Paul O
Reduced thermal conductivity in 1D and 2D phononic crystal nanstructures
2014 Eurotherm 103: NMHT IV, Lyon, France - Vysotska O, Frank B, Ulbert I, Paul O, Ruther P, Stachniss C, Burgard W
Automatic channel selection and neural signal estimation across channels of neural probes
2014 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, USA , pages: 1453 - 1459 - Dang W, Barz F, Paul O, Ruther P
Technology for the highly compact interconnection of neural probes with flexible ribbon cables
2014 MicroMechanics Europe Workshop 2014, Istanbul - Pothof F, Anees S, Leupold J, Bonini L, Paul O, Orban G.A, Ruther P
Fabrication and characterization of a high-resolution neural probe for stereoelectroencephalography and single neuron recording
2014 IEEE EMBC 2014, Chicago, USA , pages: 5244 - 5247 - Schwärzle M, Elmlinger P, Paul O, Ruther P
Miniaturized Tool for Optogenetics Based on an LED and an Optical Fiber Interfaced by a Silicon Housing
2014 36th Ann. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Eng. in Med. and Biol. Soc. (EMBC) 2014, Chicago , pages: 5252 - 5255 - Barz F, Paul O, Ruther P
Modular assembly concept for 3D neural probe prototypes offering high freedeom of design and alignement precision
2014 IEEE EMBC 2014, Chicago, USA , pages: 3977 - 3980 - Goßler C, Schwärzle M, Ruther P, Paul O, Schwarz U.T.
Optrodes with arrays of integrated micro-LEDs
2014 International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, Wroclaw, Poland - Heizmann S, Kilias A, Ringwald P, Okujeni S, Böhler C, Ruther P, Egert U, Asplund M
Precise detection of recording positions by accurate neural tracing from PEDOT-based microelectrodes
2014 Forum of Neuroscience 2014, Milano, Italy - Heizmann S, Kilias A, Ringwald P, Okujeni S, Boehler C, Ruther P, Egert U, Asplund M
Precise labeling of microelectrode positions by accurate neuronal tracing based on pedot-dye coatings
2014 9th Forum of Neuroscience, Milano, Italy - Martin T, Gengenbach U, Ruther P, Paul O, Bretthauer G
Realization of Actuator Systems for an Implantable Artificial Accommodation System
2014 ACTUATOR 2014, Bremen, Germany - Paul O, Ruther P
MEMS and more for the brain - THE cluster of excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools at the University of Freiburg
2014 Actuator and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head) 2014 Proc. IEEE Solid-State Sensor, pages: 1 - 4 - Sander C, Vecchi M C, Cornils M, Paul O
Ultra-low offset vertical Hall sensor in CMOS technology
2014 Procedia Engineering

- Genter S, Paul O
Influence of a SiN drift-barrier on the charge decay in parylene-C electret layers
2013 Power MEMS 2013, London, Great Britain - Schwärzle M, Paul O, Ruther P
Characterization of silicon-based optrodes with integrated laser diode chips and SU-8 waveguides
2013 Society for Neuroscience, San Diego/USA - Sayed Herbawi A, Paul O, Galchev T
An ultra-low-power active AC-DC CMOS converter for sub-1V integrated energy harvesting applications
2013 IEEE Sensors Conference 2013, Baltimore, USA - Sander C, Raz R, Ruther P, Paul O, Kaufmann T, Cornils M, Vecchi M.C.
Fully symmetric vertical hall devices in CMOS technology
2013 IEEE Sensors Conference 2013, Baltimore, USA - Barz F, Paul O, Ruther P
3D assembly of intracortical neural probe arrays
2013 MST-Kongress 2013, Aachen, Deutschland - Sander C, Cornils M, Vecchi M.C., Paul O
Sensitivitätsoptimierung von vertikalen Hallsensoren mit drei Kontakten
2013 MST-Kongress 2013, Aachen, Deutschland - Becker F, Sander C, Schmidt F, Lapatki B, Paul O
Smart Tooth
2013 MST-Kongress 2013, Aachen, Germany - Simon P, Paul O
Novel concept and technology for a self resonant magnetic field sensor
2013 Transducers 2013, Barcelona, Spain - Barz F, Holzhammer T, Paul O, Ruther P
Novel technology for the in-plane to out-of-plane transfer of multiple interconnection lines in 3D neural probes
2013 Transducers 2013, Barcelona, Spain - Wang Z, Ruhhammer J, Adhikari S, Rostek R, Moser D, Paul O, Kojda D, Mitdank R, Fischer S F, Toellner W, Nielsch K, Kroener M, Woias P
Thermoelectric properties investigation of single nanowires by utilizing a thermoelectric nanowire characterization platform
2013 NEMS 2013, Suzhou / China - Galchev T, Raz R, Paul O
An electrostatic springless enertial harvester for converting multi-dimensional low-frequency motion
2013 MEMS 2013 Conference, Taipeh / Taiwan - Schwärzle M, Seidl K, Schwarz U T, Paul O, Ruther P
Ultracompact optrode with integrated laser diode chips and SU-8 waveguides for optogenetic applications
2013 MEMS 2013 Conference, Taipeh / Taiwan - Lee Y-T, Moser D, Holzhammer T, Fang W, Paul O, Ruther P
Ultrathin, dual-sided silicon neural microprobes realized using BCB bonding and aluminum sacrificial etching
2013 MEMS 2013 Conference, Taipeh / Taiwan

- P. Pursula, J. Saarilahti, O. Paul, V. Vikari
Analytical electromechanical modelling of a cmuts with multilayered, non-uniform thickness diaphragm
2012 MME 2012, Ilmenau, German - Handwerker J, Gieschke P, Baumann M, Paul O
CMOS Integrated Silicon/Glass-Bonded 3D Force/Torque Sensor
2012 IEEE MEMS 2012 Conference, Paris, France - Baumann M, Peter A, Moser D, Ruther P, Paul O
CMOS-Based Force Sensor withOverload Protection and Improved Assembly Tolerance
2012 IEEE MEMS 2012, Paris, France - Paul O
CMOS-integrated Four-contact Sensors for Magnetic and Mechanical Signals: Novel Devices, Systems, and Applications
2012 IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipeh / Taiwan , pages: 174 - 177 - Vittoriosi A, Brandner J J, Ruther P, Paul O, Dittmeyer R
Design and Characterization of Integrated Microsensors for Heat Transfer Studies in Microchannels
2012 3rd European Conference on Microfluidics (µFlu'12), Heidelberg, Germany , volume: 228, pages: 1 - 10 - Moser D, Ilkaya D, Kopp D, Paul O
Determination of the thermoelectric figure of merit of doped polysilicon thin films by micromachined test structures
2012 IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipeh / Taiwan - Moser D, Seidl K, Paul O, Ruther P
Fabrication of microfluidic neural probes with in-channel electrodes
2012 IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipeh / Taiwan - Le Huy V, Kamiya S, Gaspar J, Paul O
Identification of Fatigue Crack Extension Process in Zero-Tension Cyclic Stress Test of Polysilicon Films
2012 IEEE MEMS 2012 Conference, Paris, France - Lemke B, Paul O
MEMS Systems for Microelectronic Packaging Testing
2012 NMJ2012, Beijing, China - Huber S, Paul O
Package stress monitor to compensate for the piezo-Hall effect in CMOS hall sensors
2012 IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipeh / Taiwan - Mueller J, Paul O, Burgard W
Probabilistic Velocity Estimation for Autonomous Miniature Airships using Thermal Air Flow Sensors
2012 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA , pages: 39 - 44 - Stephan J, Retan K, Ruther P, Paul O
The inverse magnetic shape memory effect in membranes for pressure sensor applications
2012 IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipeh / Taiwan

- Kaufmann T, Kopp D, Kunzelmann M, Ruther P, Paul O
Piezo-Hall Effect of CMOS-Based Vertical Hall Devices
2011 IEEE Sensors 2011 Conference, Limerick, Ireland , pages: 440 - 443 - M. Kuhl, P. Gieschke, O. Paul, Y. Manoli
A Differential Difference Amplifier With Automatic Gain Selection as Readout Interface for CMOS Stress Sensors in Orthodontic Brackets
2011 Transducers'11, Beijing, China , pages: 819 - 822 - M. Kuhl, P. Gieschke, D. Rossbach, S.A. Hilzensauer, P. Ruther, O. Paul, Y. Manoli
A Telemetric Stress-Mapping CMOS Chip with 24 FET-Based Stress Sensors for Smart Orthodontic Brackets
2011 2011 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference , pages: 108 - 110 - Martin Th, Gengenbach U, Guth H, Ruther P, Paul O, Bretthauer G
Actuation of an Intraocular Implant Based on a Compliant Silicon Mechanism and a Piezoelectric Bender with Energy Efficient Driving Electronics
2011 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Freiburg, Germany Proceeding BMT 2011 - S. Herwik, T. Holzhammer, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Assembly Method for 3D Neural Probe Arrays Utilizing SU-8-based Thermal Actuators
2011 DGBMT Jahrestagung, Freiburg, Germany , volume: 56 - Seidl K, Herwik S, Torfs T, Neves H P, Paul O, Ruther P
CMOS-Based High-Density Silicon Microprobe Arrays for Electronic Depth Control in Intracortical Neural Recording
2011 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Freiburg, Germany Proceedings BMT 2011 - P. Ruther, T. Holzhammer, S. Herwik, P. D. Rich, J. W. Dalley, O. Paul, T. Holtzman
Compact Wireless Neural Recording System for Small Animals Using Silicon-based Probe Arrays
2011 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS , pages: 2284 - 2287 - Holzhammer T, Holztman T, Herwik S, Rich P D, Dalley J W, Paul O, Ruther P
Compact Wireless Silicon-based Recording System for Small Animals
2011 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Freiburg, Germany Prodeedings BMT 2011 - Ramirez H, Seidl K, Ulbert I, Paul O, Ruther P, Karwath A
Detection of Activity Levels in High-Density Intracortical Neural Recordings Using a Machine Learning Approach
2011 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Freiburg, Germany Proceedings BMT 2011 - Stephan J, Retan K, Ruther P, Paul O
Effects of Temperature Treatment on Strain Sensors Based on the Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy NiMnGa
2011 IEEE Sensors 2011 Conference, Limerick, Ireland - S. Kamiya, Y. Ikeda, M. Ishikawa, H. Izumi, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Finite Fatigue Lifetime of Silicon Under Inert Environment
2011 , pages: 432 - 435 - M. Baumann, C. Sander, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Impact of Encapsulation Materials on the Performance of Silicon-Based Solid State High Pressure Sensors With Surface Trenches
2011 Transducers'11, Beijing, China , pages: 2883 - 2886 - D. Moser, A. Steffen, O. Paul
Microstructure for the Determination of the Seebeck Coefficients of Doped Polysilicon Thin Films
2011 9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, Thessaloniki/Greece, 28.-30.09.2011 - M. Baumann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Modeling and Characterization of a CMOS Sensor With Surface Trenches for High-Pressure Applications
2011 MEMS 2011 / Cancun, Mexico , pages: 601 - 604 - Froriep U P, Holzhammer T, Herwik S, Rich P D, Dalley J W, Paul O, Ruther P
Multisite Electrode Arrays for Simultaneous LPF and Spike Recording in Freely Behaving Epileptic Mice
2011 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung - Freiburg, Germany Proceedings BMT 2011 - J. Gaspar, J. Gutmann, B. Lemke, O. Paul
Nonlinear Piezoresistance of Silicon at Large Stresses
2011 IEEE MEMS 2011/ Cancun, Mexiko , pages: 469 - 472 - T. Kaufmann, F. Purkl, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Novel Coupling Concept for Five-Contact Vertical Hall Devices
2011 Transcucers'11, Beijing, China , pages: 2855 - 2858 - S. Herwik, T. Holzhammer, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Out-of-Plane Assembly of 3D Neural Probe Arrays Using a Platform With SU-8-Based Thermal Actuators
2011 Transducers'11, Beijing, China , pages: 2323 - 2326 - T. Martin, U. Gengenbach, P. Ruther, O. Paul, G. Bretthauer
Silicon Linkage With Novel Compliant Mechanism for Piezoelectric Actuation of an Intraocular Implant
2011 Transducers'11, Beijing, China , pages: 1480 - 1483 - B. Lemke, S. Ganapathysubramanian, R. Baskaran, O. Paul, P. Nardi
Stress Mapping Below Flip-Chip Bumps With High Spatial Resolution Using Piezoresistive CMOS Sensors
2011 InterPACK2011, Portland, Oregon, USA , supplement: 52124, pages: 1 - 10 - Seidl K, Ulbert I, Paul O, Ruther P
Validation of Electronic Depth Control Using CMOS-based High-Density Silicon Microprobe Arrays
2011 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Freiburg, Germany Proceedings BMT 2011

- V. Le Huy, J. Gaspar, O. Paul, S. Kamiya
A Novel Fatigue Test with Ramping Stress Amplitude to Evaluate Fatigue Behaviour of Polysilicon Thin Films
2010 IEEE MEMS2010/Hong Kong, China , pages: 220 - 223 - Th. Martin, U. Gengenbach, P. Ruther, O. Paul, G. Bretthauer
Acutation of a Triple-optics for an Intraocular Implant Based on a Piezoelectric Bender and a Compliant Silicon Mechanism
2010 12th Int. Conference on New Actuators , pages: 81 - 84 - M. Baumann, P. Gieschke, B. Lemke, O. Paul
CMOS Sensor Chip with a 10x10 Array of Unit Cells for Mapping Five Stress Components and Temperature
2010 IEEE International Conference on MEMS2010, Hong Kong, China , pages: 604 - 607 - K. Seidl, B. Lemke, H. Ramirez, S. Herwik, P. Ruther, O. Paul
CMOS-based High-Density Silicon Microprobe for Stress Mapping in Intracortical Applications
2010 IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2010, Hong Kong, China , pages: 35 - 38 - M. Baumann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
CMOS-based High-Pressure Sensor Using Surface Trenches for Sensitivity Enhancement
2010 IEEE SENSORNS 2010 Conference, Waikoloa, USA , pages: 2644 - 2647 - P. Gieschke, O. Paul
CMOS-integrated Sensor Chip for In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Shear Stress
2010 Eurosensors XXIV 2010, Linz, Austria , pages: 1364 - 1367 - P. Ruther, M. Baumann, P. Gieschke, M. Herrmann, B. Lemke, K. Seidl, O. Paul
CMOS-integrated Stress Sensor Systems
2010 IEEE SENSORS 2010 Conference, Waikoloa, USA , pages: 2073 - 2077 - M. Herrmann, P. Gieschke, P. Ruther, O. Paul
CMOS-integrated Three-Axis Force Sensor for Coordinate Measurement Applications
2010 IEEE SENSORS 2010 Conference, Waikoloa, USA , pages: 2648 - 2652 - G.J. Suanning, S. Kisban, S.C. Chen, P.J. Byrnes-Preston, C. Dodds, C. Tsai, P. Matteucci, S. Herwik, J.W. Morley, N.H. Lovell, O. Paul, T. Stieglitz, P. Ruther
Discrete Cortical Responses from Multi-site Supra-Choroidal Electrical Stimulation in the Feline Retina
2010 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina , pages: 5879 - 5882 - P. Koester, C. Tautorat, J. Held, P. Ruther, J. Gaspar, O. Paul, H. Beikirch, J. Gimsa, W. Baumann
GO-Bio 3: PoreGenic -2. Cardiomyocyte Action Potential Recordings with a 3D-MEA chip
2010 7th Int. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany , pages: 293 - 294 - P. Koester, C. Tautorat, J. Held, P. Ruther, J. Gaspar, O. Paul, H. Beikirch, J. Gimsa, W. Baumann
Go-Bio3: PoreGenic -1. Whole-Cell Patch Clamp Recordings with a 3D-MEA chip
2010 7th Int. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany , pages: 291 - 292 - J. Stephan, E. Pagounis, M. Laufenberg, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Mechanical Sensing Based on Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys
2010 IEEE SENSORS 2010 Conference, Waikoloa, USA , pages: 2577 - 2580 - B. Lemke, M. Schmidt, J. Gutmann, P. Gieschke
Nonlinear Piezoresistance of Silicon
2010 IEEE SENSORS 2010, Waikoloa, USA , pages: 1950 - 1953 - S. Kisban, T. Holzhammer, S. Herwik, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Novel Method for the Assembly and Electrical Contacting of Out-of-Plane Microstructures
2010 23rd IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2010, Hong Kong, China , pages: 484 - 487 - J. Gaspar, M. Schmidt, G. Pedrini, W. Osten, O. Paul
Out-of-Plane Electrostatic Microactuators with Tunable Stiffness
2010 23rd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Hong Kong, China , pages: 1131 - 1134 - B. Lemke, R. Baskaran, O. Paul
Piezoresistive CMOS Sensor for the Localized Measurement of Five Independent Stress Components
2010 23rd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Hong Kong, China , pages: 596 - 599 - M. Kaufmann, D. Kopp, F. Purkl, M. Baumann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Piezoresistive Response of Five-contact Vertical Hall Devices
2010 IEEE SENSORS 2010 Conference, Waikoloa, USA , pages: 562 - 565 - J. Held, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, M. Hagner, A. Cismak, A. Heilmann, O. Paul
Solid Silver Microneedle Electrode Arrays for Intracellular Recording Applications
2010 7th Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany , pages: 247 - 248 - B. Lemke, R. Baskaran, S. Ganapathysubramanian, O. Paul
Stress Distribution Under Electroless Nickel Bumps Extracted Using Arrays of 7x7 Piezo-FETs
2010 IEEE SENSORS 2010 Conference, Waikoloa, USA , pages: 2573 - 2576 - P. Alpuim, P. Gieschke, C. Ehling, E. Marins, M.I. Vasilevskiy, M.B. Schubert, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Study of the Piezoresistivity of Doped Nanocrystalline Silicon Thin Films
2010 E-MRS Spring Meeting 2010, Strasbourg, France - G. van Dijck, A. Jezzini, S. Herwik, S. Kisban, K. Seidl, O. Paul, P. Ruther, F. Ugolotti Serventi, L. Fogassi, M. van Hulle, M. Umiltà
Towards Automated Electrode Selection in the Electronic Depth Control Strategy for Multi-uni Recording
2010 ICONIP 2010, Sydney, Australia , pages: 17 - 25

- U. Bartsch, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
A 2D electret-based resonant micro energy harvester
2009 22nd IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2009 , pages: 1043 - 1046 - S. Kisban, J. Kenntner, P. Janssen, R. v. Metzen, S. Herwik, U. Bartsch, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, P. Ruther
A Novel Assembly Method for Silicon-Based Neural Devices
2009 WC 2009, München, Germany , page: 107-110 - A.A.A. Aarts, H.P. Neves, R.P. Puers, S. Herwik, K. Seidl, P. Ruther, C. van Hoof
A slim out-of-plane 3D implantable CMOS based probe array
2009 Smart Systems Integration , pages: 258 - 263 - P. Gieschke, Y. Nurcahyo, M. Herrmann, M. Kuhl, P. Ruther, O. Paul
CMOS integrated stress mapping chips with 32 N-type or P-type piezoresistive field effect transistors
2009 22nd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Sorrento, Italy , pages: 769 - 772 - K. Seidl, S. Herwik, Y. Nurcahyo, T. Torfs, M. Keller, M. Schüttler, H. Neves, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, P. Ruther
CMOS-based high-density silicon microprobe array for electronic depth control in neural recording
2009 22nd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Sorrento, Italy , pages: 232 - 235 - T. Alan, J. Gaspar, O. Paul, H.W. Zandbergen, F. Creemer, P.M. Sarro
Characterization of Ultrathin Membranes to Enable TEM Observation of Gas Reactions at High Pressures
2009 ASME 2009 Congress & Exposition IMECE2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA , pages: 1 - 5 - J. Gaspar, J. Held, G. Pedrini, W. Osten, O. Paul
Development of calibration standards for the optical measurement of in-plane displacements of micromechanical components
2009 22nd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Sorrento, Italy , pages: 7 - 10 - R. von Metzen, D. Egert, P. Ruther, T. Stieglitz
Diffusion Limited Tapered Coating with Parylene C
2009 WC 2009, München, Germany , pages: 96 - 99 - T. Kawai, J. Gaspar, V. Le Huy, O. Paul, S. Kamiya
Evaluation of Fatigue Behavior of Polysilicon Thin Films
2009 JSME Mechanical Engineering Congress 2009, Morioka, Japan , pages: 59 - 60 - B. Lemke, R. Baskaran, O. Paul
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Out-of-Plane Normal Stress Detection Using Novel Piezoresistive CMOS Sensors
2009 ASME 2009 InterPACK Conference, San Francisco, California, USA , pages: 1 - 7 - H. Al Saeed, B. Panchaphongsaphak, P. Gieschke, I. Jonas B. Lapatki
Experimentelle Bestimmung der Drehmoment-Kraft-Verhältnisse verschiedener Closing-Loops
2009 82. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie e.V. Mainz, Germany , page: Paper V4 - M.E. Schmidt, J. Gaspar, J. Held, S. Kamiya, O. Paul
Highly efficient extraction of mechanical and linear and quadratic piezoresistive properties of poly-Si films using wafer-scale microtensile testing
2009 22nd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Sorrento, Italy , pages: 599 - 602 - J. Held, J. Gaspar, P.J. Koester, C. Tautorat, M. Hagner, A. Cismack, A. Heilmann, W. Baumann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Hollow Microneedle electrode arrays for intracellular recording applications
2009 22nd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Sorrento, Italy , pages: 220 - 223 - J. Held, J. Gaspar, M. Hagner, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Hollow microneedle electrode arrays for intracellular recording applications
2009 6. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium, Freiburg, Germany , page: 108 - U. Bartsch, C. Sander, M. Blattmann, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Influence of Parasitic Capacitances on the Power Output of Electret-Based Energy Harvesting Generators
2009 PowerMEMS 2009, Washington DC, USA , pages: 332 - 335 - J. Held, J. Gaspar, P.J. Koester, C. Tautorat, M. Hagner, C. Cismak, A. Heilmann, W. Baumann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Integration of Microfluidic Features with Microneedle Electrode Arrays for Intracellular Recording Applications
2009 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2009, Berlin, Germany VDE Verlang GmbH, page: Paper P3.1 - K. Sriperumbudur, P. Koester, M. Stubbe, C. Tautorat, J. Held, W. Baumann, J. Gimsa
Local Electroporation of Sigle Adherent Cells by Micro-Structured Needle Electrodes
2009 COMSOL Conference 2009, Bangalore, India - J. Gaspar, T. Smorodin, M.E. Schmidt, C. Bohm, M. Stecher, O. Paul
Mechanical Characterization of CMOS Metal Layers
2009 Transducers 2009, Denver, CO, USA , pages: 1706 - 1709 - M. Baumann, B. Lemke, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Piezoresistive CMOS Sensors for Out-of-Plane Shear Stress
2009 IEEE Sensors 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand - T. Kawai, J. Gaspar, O. Paul, S. Kamiya
Prediction of Strength and Fatigue Lifetime of MEMS Structures with Arbitrary Shapes
2009 Transducers 2009, Denver, CO, USA , pages: 1067 - 1070 - S. Hillebrecht, S. Herwik, I. Polian, P. Ruther, B. Becker, O. Paul
Reliability characterization of interconnects in CMOS integrated circuits under mechanical stress
2009 IEEE CFP09RPS-CDR 47th Annual International Reliability Physics Symposium, Montreal, Canada , pages: 562 - 567 - M. Cornils, O. Paul
The Magnetic Calibration of Arbitrarily Shaped Hall Sensors in the Absence of Magnetic Fields
2009 Transducers 2009, Denver, CO, USA , pages: 881 - 884 - B. Lemke, K. Kratt, R. Baskaran, O. Paul
Towards piezoresistive CMOS sensors for out-of-plane stress
2009 22nd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Sorrento, Italy , pages: 781 - 784 - B. Panchaphongsaphak, S. Rues, P. Gieschke, O. Paul, I.E. Jonas, B.G. Lapatki
Untersuchung der Messgenauigkeit von intelligenten Brackets mittels Finite-Elemente-Analyse
2009 82. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie e.V. Mainz, Germany

- A.A.A. Arts, H.P. Neves, I. Ulbert, L. Wittner, L. Grand, M.B.A. Fontes, S. Herwik, S. Kisban, O. Paul. P. Ruther, R.P. Puers, C. von Hoof
A 3D Slim-Base Probe Array for in Vivo Recorded Neuron Activity
2008 IEEE EMBS Conference, Vancouver, Canada , page: 5798-5801 - A.A.A. Aarts, S. Herwik, S. Kisban, P. Janssen, E. Göthelid, S. Oscarsson, M.B.A. Fontes, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, P. Ruther, C. van Hoof
A Silicon-Based Three-Dimensional Microprobe Array for Chronic Neural Recording
2008 SfN Annual Meeting 2008, Washington - G. Girardeau, K. Benchenane, S. Herwik, S. Kisban, P. Ruther, S.I. Wiener, G. Buzsaki, M.B. Zugaro
Abolishing hippocampal ripples by timed stimulation: effects of learning
2008 SfN Annual Meeting 2008, Washington - M. Cornils, O. Paul
Beyond von der Pauw: Sheet Resistance Determination from Arbitrarily Shaped Planar Four-Terminal Devices with Extended Contacts
2008 IEEE Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, Edinburgh, UK , pages: 23 - 28 - O. Paul, P. Gieschke, B. Lemke
CMOS-Integrated Stress Sensor Systems for Mechanical Sensing and Packaging Reliability Testing
2008 Materials Research Society Symposium, Warrendate , page: 1139-GG04- - U. Bartsch, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Characterization of the Charging and Long-Term Performance of Cytop Electret Layers for MEMS Applications
2008 MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Boston, USA - M. Herrmann, P. Gieschke, Z. Liu, J. Korvink, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Design and Characterization of In-Plane Silicon Stress Sensors with Isotropic Sensitivity
2008 IEEE SENSORS 2008 Conference , pages: 1528 - 1531 - J. Gaspar, J. Held, G. Pedrini, W. Osten, O. Paul
Development of Calibration Standards for In-Plane Displacements of Microcomponents
2008 Eurosensors XXII, Dresden, Germany , pages: 613 - 616 - J. Gaspar, M. Schmidt, J. Held,, O. Paul
Evaluation of the mechanical properties of aluminum thin films as a function of strain rate using the wafer-scale microtensile technique
2008 MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Boston, USA - S. Herwik, S. Kisban, A.A.A. Aarts, K.Seidl, G.Girardeau, K.Benchenane, M.B.Zugaro, S.I.Wiener, H.P.Neves, O.Paul, P.Ruther
2008 19th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop 2008, Aachen, Germany , pages: 57 - 60 - S. Herwik, S. Kisban, A.A.A. Aarts, K. Seidl, G. Girardeau, K. Benchenane, M.B. Zugaro, S.I. Wiener, H.P. Neves, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Fabrication Technology for Silicon Based Microprobe Arrays used in Acute and Subchronic Neural Recording
2008 19th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop 2008, Aachen, Germany , pages: 57 - 60 - S. Herwik, S. Kisban, P. Janssen, S. Srivastava, K. Benchenane, G. Girardeau, M.B. Zugaro, S.I. Wiener, E. Fernandez, M. Bongard, I. Ulbert, L. Wittner, A. Jezzini, M.A. Ulmilta, L. Fogassi, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, H.P. Neves, P. Ruther
Fabrication and validation of 1D and 2D electrode arrays for cerebral applications developed in the framework of the NeuroProbes Project
2008 SfN Annual Meeting 2008, Washington - S. Kisban, D. Moser, B. Rubehn, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Fatigue Testing of Polyimide-Based Micro Implants
2008 ECIFMBE 2008 , pages: 1594 - 1597 - P. Gieschke, J. Richter, J. Joos, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Four-Degree-of-Freedom Solid State MEMS Joystick
2008 IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2008, Tucson, Arizon, USA , pages: 86 - 89 - J. Gaspar, M. Schmidt, J. Held, O. Paul
High-Throughput Wafer-Scale Microtensile Testing of Thin Films
2008 IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2008, Tucson, Arizona, USA , pages: 439 - 442 - E. Göthelid, C. Granstam, S. Herwik, P. Ruther, H. Neves, S. Oscarsson
Hyaluronic acid grafting on silicon surfaces
2008 ISTEC-CNR, Faenza, Italy , pages: 81 - 91 - S. Kisban, P. Janssen, S. Herwik, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Hybrid Microprobes for Chronic Implantation in the Cerebral Cortex
2008 IEEE EMBS Conference, Vancouver, Canada , pages: 2016 - 2019 - P. Gieschke, Y. Nurcahyo, M. Herrmann, M. Kuhl, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Integrated Stress Mapping Chip with 32 Piezoresistive Field Effect Transistors
2008 Eurosensors XXII, Dresden, Germany , pages: 292 - 295 - C. Tautorat, P.J. Koester, J. Held, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul, A. Cismak, A. Heilmann, J. Gimsa, H. Beikrich, L. Jonas, W. Baumann
Intracellular Potential Measurement of Adherently Growing Cells Using Micro-Needle Arrays
2008 µ-TAS, San Diego, California, USA , pages: 1777 - 1780 - P. Koester, C. Tautorat, J. Held, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul, A. Cismak, A. Heilmann, J. Gimsa, W. Baumann
Local Micro-Invasive Needle Electroporation (LOMINE) of Single Cells Attached on Silicon Chips
2008 13th International Biotechnology Symposium (IBS) and Exhibition, Dalian, China , pages: 462 - 462 - U. Bartsch, M. Blattmann, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Low-Frequency 2D Resonators for Vibrational Micro Energy Harvesting Applications
2008 PowerMEMS 2008 + microEMS 2008, Sendai, Japan , pages: 57 - 60 - U. Bartsch, T. Huesgen, J. Gaspar, P. Woias, O. Paul
Low-Temperature Adhesive Flip-Chip Bonding Using Cytop Combined with Electrical Stud Bump Interconnects
2008 MME-Workshop, Aachen, Germany , pages: 411 - 414 - J. Gaspar, O. Paul, V. Chu, J.P. Conde
Mechanical Properties and Reliability of Amorphous vs. Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films
2008 MRS Spring Meeting Material Research Society, volume: 1066, page: 1066-A15-0 - J. Held, J. Gaspar, P.J. Koester, C. Tautorat, A. Cismak A. Heilmann, W. Baumann, A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Microneedle Arrays for Intracellular Recording Applications
2008 IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2008, Tucson, Arizona, USA , pages: 268 - 271 - J. Held, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Microneedle Electrode Arrays with Dielectrophoresis Electrodes for Intracellular Recording Applications
2008 Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrodes MEA, Reutlingen, Germany , pages: 299 - 300 - S. Spieth, A. Schumacher, K. Seidl, K. Hiltmann, S. Haeberle, R. McNamara, J.W. Dalley, S. Edgley, P. Ruther, R. Zengerle
Microprobe systems for neural recording and drug delivery
2008 Neuroscience 2008, Washington DC, USA - T. Smorodin, Ch. Bohm, J. Gaspar, M. Schmidt, O. Paul, M. Stecher
Modeling and improvement of a metallization system subjected to fast temperature cycle stress
2008 EuroSimE, Freiburg, Germany , pages: 173 - 178 - T. Kawai, S. Amaki, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul, S. Kamiya
Prediction of Fatigue Lifetime Based on Static Strength and Crack Extension Law-Fatigue Test of MEMS Materials Becomes Unnecessary
2008 IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2008, Tucson, Arizon, USA , pages: 431 - 434 - S. Brugger, O. Paul
Resonant Magnetic Microsensor with µT Resolution
2008 IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2008, Tucson, Arizona, USA , pages: 944 - 947 - S. Spieth, A. Schumacher, K. Seidl, K. Hiltmann, S. Haeberle, R. McNamara, J.W. Dalley, S. Edgley, P. Ruther, R. Zengerle
Robust microprobe systems for simultaneous neural recording and drug delivery
2008 ECIFMBE 2008 , pages: 2426 - 2430 - S. Khumpuang, P. Ruther, O. Paul
SU-8 Patterning on Inclined Surfaces for Micromold Fabrication
2008 19th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop 2008, Aachen, Germany , pages: 109 - 112 - S. Khumpuang, P. Ruther, O. Paul
SU-8 patterning on inclined surfaces for micromold fabricarion
2008 19th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop 2008, Aachen, Germany , pages: 109 - 112 - P. Gieschke, O. Paul, I.E. Jonas, B.G. Lapatki
Smart Bracket for 3D-Force-Moment Monitoring in Orthodontics
2008 ESB Congress, Luzern, Switzerland , page: 216 - M. Schmidt, J. Gaspar, J. Held, O. Paul
Strain Rate Dependent Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Thin Films Measured Using the Microtensile Test
2008 Eurosensors XXII, Dresden, Germany , pages: 1603 - 1606 - M. Cornils, O. Paul
The Magnetic Calibration and Optimization of Symmetric Hall Plates May be Accomplished even in the Absence of a Magnetic Field
2008 IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2008, Tucson, Arizona, USA , pages: 940 - 943 - P. Ruther, A. Arts, O. Frey, S. Herwik, S. Kisban, K. Seidl, S. Spieth, A. Schumacher, M. Koudelka-Hep, O. Paul, T. Stieglitz, R. Zengerle, H. Neves
The NeuroProbes Project - Multifunctional Probe Arrays for Neuro Recording and Stimulation
2008 Annual Conference of the IFESS, Freiburg, Germany , pages: 238 - 240 - H.P. Neves, T. Torfs, R.F. Yazicioglu, J. Aslam, A.A. Aarts, P. Merken, P. Ruther,, C. Van Hoof
The NeuroProbes project: a concept for electronic depth control
2008 30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Vancouver, Canada , pages: 1857 - 1857 - T. Huesgen, U. Bartsch, B. Albrecht, P. Vulto, J. Gaspar, P. Woias
Wafer-Level Dry-Film Photoresist Adhesive Bonding for 3D-MEMS Integration and Packaging
2008 MME, Aachen, Germany , pages: 255 - 258

- U. Bartsch, C. Bretthauer, T. Hehn, B. Mack, T. Ungan, Y. Manoli, O. Paul, L. Reindl, H. Reinecke, U. Wallrabe
Angewandtes "Micro Energy Harvesting"-Systemkonzept für energieautarke Mikrosysteme
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007 , pages: 797 - 800 - J. Gaspar, T. Smorodin, M. Stecher, O. Paul
Bulge testing of silicon nitride thin films at the wafer level
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden, Germany , pages: 881 - 884 - P. Gieschke, J. Held, M. Dölle, J. Bartholomeyczik, P. Ruther, O. Paul
CMOS Integrated Smart Cilia
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden , pages: 381 - 384 - B. Levey, P. Gieschke, M. Dölle, S. Spinner, A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
CMOS-Integrated Silicon 3D Force Sensor System for Micro Component Coordinate Measurement Machines
2007 IEEE MEMS Conference, Kobe, Japan , pages: 611 - 614 - P. Ruther, S. Spinner, M. Cornils, O. Paul
Cantilever-Based Tactile Sensor With Improved Sensitivity for Dimensional Metrology of Deep Narrow Drillings
2007 Transducers & Eurosensors'07, Lyon, France , pages: 1469 - 1472 - S. Spinner, M. Cornils, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Cantilever-Based Tactile Sensor With Improved Sensitivity for Dimensional Metrology of Microcomponents
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden - K. Seidl, S. Spieth, S. Herwik, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Cerebral Microprobes for Neural Recording Combined With Fluidic Functionality
2007 Biomed Tech, Berlin, Germany - J. Held, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Characterization of the DRIE Fabrication of Cell-Penetrating Microneedles
2007 Mikrosastemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden, Germany , pages: 845 - 848 - N. Haj-Hosseini, R. Hoffmann, S. Kisban, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Comparative Study on the Insertion Behavior of Cerebral Microprobes
2007 IEEE EMBS 2007, Lyon, France , pages: 4711 - 4714 - J. Gaspar, M. Schmidt, O. Paul
Comparison of Improved Bulge and Microtensile Techniques for Mechanical Thin Film Characterization-Application of Polysilicon
2007 Transducers & Eurosensors'07, Lyon, France , pages: 575 - 578 - H.P. Neves, G.A. Orban, M. Koudelka-Hep, T. Stieglitz, P. Ruther
Development of Modular Multifunctional Probe Arrays for Cerebral Applications
2007 IEEE EMBS Conf. on Neural Engineering, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA , pages: 104 - 109 - U. Bartsch, A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, J. Gaspar, O. Paul
Electromechanical Transducers for Micro Energy Harvesting Based on SOI-Technology
2007 Transducers & Eurosensors'07, Lyon, France , pages: 141 - 144 - U. Bartsch, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Electrostatic Micro Energy Harvesting Devices Based on SOI-Technology
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden, Germany , pages: 785 - 788 - U. Bartsch, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Elektromechanischer Energiewandler basierend auf SOI-Technologie
2007 Technisches Messen 74, Oldenbourg Verlag, pages: 636 - 641 - P. Gieschke, B. Lapatki, J. Bartholomeyczik, O. Paul
First 1:1 Scale Smart Orthodontic Bracket
2007 Smart System Integration, Paris, France , pages: 207 - 214 - S. Kamiya, T. Ozeki, K. Hirata, J. Gaspar, O. Paul, T. Inoue, H. Jindo
Fracture Strength and Fatigue Lifetime Prediction of Single Crystalline Silicon on the Basis of Process Induced Damages
2007 Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics, Fukuoka, Japan , pages: 41 - 46 - S. Brugger, O. Paul
Geometric Optimization and Microstructuring of Magnetic Concentrators for a Resonant Magnetic Sensor
2007 Transducers & Eurosensors'07, Lyon, France , pages: 2377 - 2380 - J. Gaspar, Y. Nurcahyo, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Mechanical Characterization of Silicon Nitride Thin-Films Using Microtensile Specimens With Integrated 2D Diffraction Gratings
2007 IEEE MEMS Conference 2007, Kobe, Japan , pages: 223 - 226 - J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Mechanical Characterization of Thin-Film Composites Using the Load-Deflection Response of Multilayer Membranes - Elastic and Fracture Properties
2007 Materials Research Society Symposium 2007, Boston, USA - P. Ruther, B. Lapatki, A. Trautmann, O. Paul
Micro Needle Based Electrode Arrays for Surface Electromyography
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden, Germany , pages: 735 - 738 - S. Kisban, S. Herwik, K. Seidl, B. Rubehn, A. Jezzini, M.A. Umiltà, L. Fogassi, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Microprobe Array With Low Impedance Electrodes and Highly Flexible Polyimide Cables for Acute Neural Recording
2007 Int. Conf. of the IEEE EMBS, Lyon, France , pages: 175 - 178 - J. Gaspar, M. Schmidt, J. Held, O. Paul
Microtensile Testing of Thin-Film Materials
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden, Germany , pages: 865 - 868 - P. Ruther, S. Herwik, S. Kisban, K. Seidl, S. Spieth, B. Rubehn, N. Haj-Hosseini, J. Steigert, M. Daub, O. Paul, T. Stieglitz, R. Zengerle, H. Neves
NeuroProbes - Development of Modular Multifunctional Probe Arrays for Neuroscience
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden, Germany , pages: 739 - 742 - S. Brugger, W. Pfleging, O. Paul
Novel Fabrication Process for the Integration of MEMS Devices With Thick Amorphous Soft Magnetic Field Concentrators
2007 Materials Resarch Society Symposium 2007, Boston, USA , volume: 1052, issue: DD07, supplement: 11 - J. Gaspar, M. Schmidt, J. Held, O. Paul
Reliability of MEMS Materials: Mechanical Characterization of Thin-Films Using the Wafer Scale Bulge Test and Improved Microtensile Techniques
2007 Material Research Society Symposium 2007, Boston, USA , volume: 1052, issue: DD01, supplement: 02 - M. Cornils, O. Paul
Sensor Calibration of Planar Four-Contact Devices With up to Two Extended Contacts
2007 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden, Germany , pages: 893 - 896 - M. Cornils, O. Paul
Sensor Calibration of Planar Four-Contact Devices With up to Two Extended Contacts
2007 IEEE Sensors 2007, Atlanta, USA , pages: 1259 - 1262 - P. Gieschke, J. Held, M. Dölle, J. Bartholomeyczik, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Smart Brush Based on a High Density CMOS Stress Sensor Array and SU-8 Microposts
2007 IEEE MEMS Conference 2007, Kobe, Japan , pages: 631 - 634 - J. Held, J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, M. Hagner, A Cismak, A. Heilmann, O. Paul
Systematic Characterization of DRIE-Based Fabrication Process of Silicon Microneedles
2007 Material Research Society Symposium, Boston, USA , volume: 1052, issue: DD07, supplement: 07 - P. Gieschke, B. Levey, M. Dölle, A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Tactile CMOS-Integrated 3D Force Sensor System
2007 Mkrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, Dresden, Germany , pages: 759 - 762 - H.P. Neves, P. Ruther
The NeuroProbes Project
2007 Int. Conf. of the IEEE EMBS, Lyon, France , pages: 6442 - 6444

- A. Trautmann, F. Heuck, R. Denfeld, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Detachable Silicon Microneedle Stampus for Allergy Skin Prick Testing
2006 IEEE MEMS 2006 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey , pages: 434 - 437 - S. Spinner, J. Bartholomeyczik, B. Becker, M. Dölle, O. Paul
Electromechanical Reliability Testing of Three-Axial Silicon Force Sensors
2006 DTIP of MEMS & MOEMS, Stresa, Italy , pages: 77 - 82 - U. Bartsch, A. Trautmann, O. Paul, P. Ruther
Elektromechanischer Energiewandler basierend auf SOI-Technologie
2006 4. GMM Workshop Energieautarke Sensorik, Karlsruhe, Germany , pages: 99 - 102 - S. Brugger, P. Simon, O. Paul
Field Concentrator Based Resonant Magnetic Sensor
2006 IEEE Sensors 2006, EXCO, Deagu, Korea , pages: 1016 - 1019 - J. Yang, O. Paul
Fracture Properties of Thermal Silicon Oxide Thin Films from the Load-Deflection of Long SiNx/SiO2 Membranes
2006 IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Zhuhai, China , pages: 1362 - 1367 - P. Ruther, J. Barholomeyczik, S. Kibbel, T. Schelb, P. Gieschke, O. Paul
Integrated CMOS-Based Sensor Array for Mechanical Stress Mapping
2006 IEEE Sensors 2006, EXCO, Deagu, Korea , pages: 1131 - 1134 - J. Bartholomeyczik, J. Häfner, B. Lapatki, R. Ruther, T. Schelb, O. Paul
Integrated Six-Degree-of-Freedom Sensing for Orthodontic Smart Brackets
2006 IEEE MEMS 2006 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey , pages: 690 - 693 - P. Ruther, M. Dölle, J. Bartholomeyczik, P. Gieschke, O. Paul
Integrierte Stresssensorik: Neue Techniken und Systeme
2006 ITG/GMA-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme, Freiburg, Germany , pages: 60 - 64 - S. Spinner, J. Bartholomeyczik, B. Becker, M. Dölle, O. Paul, I. Polian, R. Roth, K. Seitz, P. Ruther
Reliability Testing of Three-Dimensional Silicon Force Sensors
2006 18th ITG/GMM-Workshop Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen, Titisee-Neustadt, Germany , pages: 111 - 112 - M. Dölle, J. Held, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Simultaneous and Independent Measurement of Stress and Temperature Using a Single Field Effect Transistor Based Sensor
2006 IEEE MEMS 2006 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey , pages: 150 - 153 - J. Gaspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Strength of LPCVD Silicon Nitride Thin Films
2006 3rd Int. Conf. on Multiscale Materials Modeling 2006, Freiburg, Germany , pages: 966 - 969 - O. Paul, M. Dölle, J. Held, P. Ruther
Unabhängige Stress- und Temperaturmessung mit Feldeffekt-Transistoren
2006 ITG/GMA-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme, Freiburg, Germany , pages: 139 - 144

- O. Paul, P. Ruther, J. Bartholomeyczik, M. Dölle
CMOS MEMS - A Critical Review
2005 Micromechanics Europe Workshop MME 2005, Göteborg, Sweden , pages: 24 - 31 - J. Bartholomeyczik, S. Kibbel, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Extraction of Compensated Sxx-Syy and Sxy Stresses from a Single Four-Contact
2005 IEEE MEMS 2005 Conference, Miami Beach, USA , pages: 267 - 270 - M. Dölle, D. Mager, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Geometry Dependent Sensitivity of Piezoresistive Stress Sensors Based on the Pseudo-Hall-Effect
2005 IEEE MEMS 2005 Conference, Miami Beach, USA , pages: 236 - 266 - J. Bartholomeyczik, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Novel Cartesian Lattice Spinning Method for the Simple Extraction of Sxx-Syy and Sxy Stresses and the Hall Voltage From Four-Contact Elements
2005 Transducers 05 Conference, Seoul, Korea , pages: 2127 - 2130 - M. Dölle, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Novel Highly Miniaturized Multi-Stress Sensor Based on Field Effect Transducers With Eight Source/Drain Terminals
2005 Transducers 05 Conference, Seoul, Korea , pages: 321 - 324 - A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Replication of Microneedle Arrays Using Vacuum Casting and Hot Embossing
2005 Transducers 05 Conference, Seoul, Korea , pages: 1420 - 1423 - A. Trautmann, F. Heuck, C. Müller, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Replication of Microneedle Arrays Using Vacuum Casting and Hot Embossing
2005 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2005, Freiburg, Germany VDI-VDE-IT

- P. Ruther, M. Herrscher, O. Paul
A Micro Defferential Thermal Analysis (uDTA) System
2004 IEEE MEMS 2004 Conference, Maastricht, Holland , pages: 165 - 168 - M. Schuster, N. Klein, P. Ruther, A. Trautmann, O. Paul, P. Kuzel, F. Kadlec
An Interconnected 2D-TM EBG Structure for Millimetr and Sub-Millimetre Waves
2004 Int. Symp. on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures V - S. Kamiya, J. Kuypers, A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Annealing Temperature Dependent Strength of Polysilicon Measured Using a Novel Tensile Test Structure
2004 IEEE MEMS 2004 Conference, Maastricht, Holland , pages: 185 - 188 - A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, W. Baumann, M. Lehmann, O. Paul
Fabrication of Out-of-Plane Electrodes for Intracellular Potential Measurements on Living Adherent Cells
2004 SEMEA-Meeting 2004, Tübingen, Germany , pages: 79 - 79 - S. Armbruster, F. Schäfer, G. Lammel, J. Brasas, C. Schelling, S. Finkbeiner, M. Illing, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Surface Micromachining of Monocrystalline Silicon Membranes Using a Silicon Micro Grid on Sintered Porous Silicon
2004 Eurosensors XVIII Conference, Rome, Italy , pages: 22 - 23 - A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, W. Baumann, M. Lehmann, O. Paul
Three-Dimensional Nanoelectrodes for Biomedical Investigations on Living Cell Networks
2004 Eirpsemsprs XVIII Conference, Rome, Italy , pages: 140 - 141 - M. Dölle, C. Peters, P. Gieschke, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Two-Dimensional High Density Piezo-FET Stress Sensor Arrays for In-Situ Monitoring of Wire Bonding Processes
2004 IEEE MEMS 2004 Conference, Maastricht, Holland , pages: 829 - 832

- S. Armbruster, F. Schäfer, G. Lammel, H. Artmann, C. Schelling, H. Benzel, S. Finkbeiner, F. Lärmer, P. Ruther, O. Paul
A Novel Micromachining Process for the Fabrication of Monocrystalline Si-Membranes Using Porous Silicon
2003 Transducers 2003, Boston, USA , pages: 246 - 249 - P. Ruther, J. Bartholomeyczik, A. Buhmann, O. Paul
Characterization of Microelectromechanical HF Resonators Fabricated Using a SOI-Based Low Temperature Process
2003 IEEE Sensors 2003 Conference, Toronto, Canada , pages: 820 - 824 - P. Ruther, M. Ehmann, T. Lindemann, O. Paul
Dependence of the Temperature Distribution in Micro Hotplates on Heater Geometry and Heating Mode
2003 Transducers 2003, Boston, USA , pages: 73 - 76 - T. Kramer, O. Paul
Mechanical Properties of Compressively Prestressed Thin Films Extracted From Pressure Dependent Ripple Profiles of Long Membranes
2003 IEEE MEMS 2003 Conference, Kyoto, Japan , pages: 678 - 681 - U. Wagner, R. Müller-Fiedler, J. Bagdahn, B. Michel, O. Paul
Mechanical Reliability of Epipoly MEMS Structures Under Shock Load
2003 Transducers 2003 Conference, Boston, USA , pages: 175 - 178 - A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Microneedle Arrays Fabricated Using Suspended Etch Mask Technology Combined With Fluidic Through Wafer Vias
2003 IEEE MEMS 2003 Conference, Kyoto, Japan , pages: 682 - 685 - J. Bartholomeyczik, P. Ruther, A. Buhmann, K. Steffen, O. Paul
Novel Low Temperature SOI-Based Fabrication Process for High Frequency Micromechanical Resonators
2003 Eurosensors XVII, Guimaraes, Portugal , pages: 779 - 782 - M. Dölle, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Novel Stress Sensors Based on the Pseudo-Hall Response of MOSFETs
2003 IEEE MEMS 2003 Conference, Kyoto, Japan , pages: 490 - 493 - U. Wagner, W. Bernhard, R. Müller-Fiedler, B. Michel, O. Paul
Reliability of Micromachined Membranes Under Particle Impact
2003 Transducers 2003 Conference, Boston, USA , pages: 436 - 439 - A. Trautmann, R. Haug, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Robustness of Silicon Microneedle Arrays Penetrating Into Bulk Materials
2003 Eurosensors XVII, Guimaraes, Portugal , pages: 414 - 417 - M. Dölle, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Shear Stress Sensitive Piezo-FET Stress Sensors With Offset Reduction of Nonmechanical Contributions
2003 Eurosensors XVII 2003, Guimaraes, Portugal , pages: 189 - 192 - P. Ruther, K. Colelli, H.-P. Frerichs, O. Paul
Surface Conductivity of a CMOS Silicon Nitride Layer
2003 IEEE Sensors 2003 Conference, Toronto, Canada , pages: 990 - 995 - O. Paul, T. Kramer
Symmetry Transitions of Compressively Prestressed Long Membranes Under Pressure
2003 Transducers 2003 Conference, Boston, USA , pages: 432 - 435 - O. Paul, P. Ruther
Testing the Limits of Silicon Technology Based MEMS Materials
2003 Intl. Symposium on Micromechanics and Human Science 2003, Nagoya, Japan , pages: 1 - 9

- P. Ruther, U. Schiller, W. Büsser, R. Janke, O. Paul
Influence of the Junction Field Effect on the Offset Voltage of Integrated Hall Plate
2002 Eurosensors XVI 2002 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic , pages: 1209 - 1212 - A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Novel Microneedle Arrays Fabricated Using Suspended Etch Masks
2002 Eurosensors XVI 2002 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic , pages: 433 - 436 - M. Ehmann, T. Lindemann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Temperature Distribution in Micro Hotplates
2002 MME 2002 Workshop, Sinaia, Romania , pages: 307 - 310 - M. Ehmann, P. Ruther, F. Schubert, O. Paul
Thermally Activated Aging of Polysilicon
2002 IEEE Sensors 2002 Conference, Orlando, USA , pages: 602 - 606 - P. Ruther, W. Büsser, R. Janke, U. Schiller, O. Paul
Thermomagnetic Residual Offset in Integrated Hall Plates
2002 IEEE Sensors 2002 Conference, Orlando, USA , pages: 763 - 766

- A. Schaufenbühl, N. Schneeberger, U. Münch, M. Wälti, O. Paul, O. Brand, H. Baltes, C. Menolfi, Q. Huang, E. Döring, M. Löpfe
256-Pixel CMOS-Integrated Thermoelectric Infrared Sensor Array
2001 IEEE MEMS 2001 Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland , pages: 200 - 203 - M. Ehmann, P. Ruther, M. von Arx, H. Baltes, O. Paul
Aging Behavior of Polysilicon Heaters for CMOS Microstructures Operated at Temperatures up to 1200 K
2001 IEEE MEMS 2001 Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland , pages: 147 - 150 - J. Yang, C. Peters, O. Paul
Fracture Properties of LPCVD Silicon Nitride Thin Films from the Load-Deflection of Long Membranes
2001 Transducers 2001 Conference, Munich, Germany , pages: 1394 - 1397 - W. Menz, O. Paul, J. Rühe, H. Zappe
Material Considerations for Micromachine Technology
2001 Int. Symposia on Materials Science for the 21st Century, Osaka, Japan The Society of Materials Science, Japan, volume: A, pages: 112 - 123 - U. Wagner, J. Franz, M. Schweiker, W. Bernhard, R. Müller-Fiedler, B. Michel, O. Paul
Mechanical Reliability of MEMS-Structures Under Shock Load
2001 12th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, Bordeaux, France , pages: 1657 - 1662 - T. Kramer, T. Brenner, O. Paul
Postbuckled Micromachined Square Membranes under Differential Pressure
2001 Micromachining Europe MME 2001, Cork, Ireland , pages: 289 - 292 - S. Hafizovic, O. Paul
Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivities of CMOS Layers by Micromachined Thermal van der Pauw Test Structures
2001 Transducers 2001 Conference, Munich, Germany , pages: 1398 - 1401

- P. Ruther, M. Burg, C. Steinert, O. Paul
Humidity Micro Sensors Using Silica Aerogel Thin Films
2000 Eurosensors XIV Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark , pages: 79 - 82 - M. Ehmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Operation and Aging of Polysilicon-Heated Microstructures at Temperatures up to 1100 K
2000 Micromachining Europe MME 2000, Uppsala, Sweden - T. Kramer, O. Paul
Surface Micromachined Ring Test Structures to Determine Mechanical Properties of Compressive CMOS IC Thin Films
2000 Eurosensors XIV 2000 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark , pages: 25 - 28

- O. Paul, L. Plattner, H. Baltes
A Thermal van der Pauw Test Structure
1999 IEEE ICMTS 99, Gothenberg, Sweden , pages: 56 - 61 - V. Ziebart, O. Paul, H. Baltes
Extraction of the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Thin Films From Buckled Membranes
1999 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA , pages: 103 - 108 - L. Plattner, M. Mayer, Ch. Lüchinger, O. Paul, H. Baltes
In-Situ Measurement of Chip Temperature During Soft Solder Die Bonding Using Integrated Microsensors
1999 IMAPS99, Chicago, USA , pages: 213 - 220 - M. Mayer, J. Schwizer, O. Paul, H. Baltes
In-Situ Ultrasonic Stress Measurements During Ball Bonding Using Integrated Piezoresistive Microsensors
1999 Interpack 99, Maui, USA , pages: 973 - 978 - M. Mayer, O. Paul, D. Bolliger, H. Baltes
Integrated Temperature Microsensors for Characterization and Optimization of Thermosonic Ball Bonding Process
1999 IEEE ICTC 99, San Diego, USA , pages: 463 - 468 - N. Schneeberger, O. Paul, H. Baltes
Spectral infrared absoprtion of CMOS thin film stacks
1999 IEEE MEMS 1999, Orlando, USA , pages: 106 - 110 - U. Münch, H. Baltes, O. Paul, E. Doering
Stress analysis of standard CMOS process
1999 SPIE 1999, Gold Coast, Australia , pages: 344 - 351 - J. Schwizer, M. Mayer, O. Paul, D. Bolliger, H. Baltes
Thermosonic Ball Bonding: Friction Model Based on Integrated Microsensor Measurements
1999 25th IEEE/CPMT IEMT Symposium, Austin, USA , pages: 108 - 114 - A. Schaufelbuehl, N. Schneeberger, U. Muench, O. Paul, H. Baltes, C. Menolfi, Q. Huang
Uncooled Low-Cost Thermal Imager Using Micromachined CMOS Integrated Sensor Array
1999 Transducers 1999, Sendai, Japan , pages: 606 - 609

- H. Baltes, O. Brand, O. Paul
CMOS MEMS technology and CAD: the case of thermal microtransducers
1998 SPIE 1998 Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, USA , volume: 3328, pages: 2 - 12 - S. Koller, V. Ziebart, O. Paul, O. Brand, H. Baltes, P.M. Sarro, M.J. Vellekoop
Determination of mechanical material properties of piezoelectric ZnO films
1998 SPIE 1998 Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, USA , volume: 3328, pages: 102 - 109 - F. Mayer, G. Ofner, O. Paul, H. Baltes
Flip-chip packaging for smart MEMS
1998 SPIE 1998 Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, USA , volume: 3328, pages: 183 - 193 - M. Mayer, O. Paul, D. Bolliger, H. Baltes
In-Situ Calibration of Wire Bonder Ultrasonic System Using Integrated Microsensor
1998 EPTC 98, Singapore , pages: 21- - 223 - M. Mayer, O. Paul, H. Baltes
In-situ measurement of temperature and stress under bonding pads during bonding using integrated microsensors
1998 EMIT '98, Bangalore, India , pages: 129 - 133 - M. Waelti, N. Schneeberger, O. Paul, H. Baltes
Low Temperature Packaging of CMOS Infrared Microsystems by Si-Al-Au Bonding
1998 Annual Symposium Elekctrochem. Soc. 1998, Paris, France , pages: 147 - 154
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