Grouped by function
Phone/Fax number prefix: +49 761 203 - ...

Egert, Prof. Dr. Ulrich
Phone number: 7524
Office: 102-01-082
Url: Personal website
Consultation hours
During the semester: montags 16:30 Uhr nach Absprache per mailDuring the semester break: montags 16:30 Uhr nach Absprache per mail
Jaeger, Gundel
Phone number: 0761 203 7521
Office: 102-01-083, Montag und Donnerstag Vormittag
Group leaders

Technical staff

PhD students

Crisostomo, M.Sc. Quantitative Biology Richmond L.
Phone number: 0049 (0)761 203 7523
Office: 102-01-082
Url: Personal website

Rodríguez Flores, M.Sc. Esther
Phone number: 203-7523
Office: 01-084