Years: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985

- Huai H, Chidanandappa N, Wilde J
Application of Machine Learning to Recognize Wire Bond Lift-Off in Power Electronics Manufacturing
2023 24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EurosimeE, Malta

- Kohler F, Michgehl J, Wilde J
Influence analysis of the packaging technology for piezoelectric sensors operating up to 1000 °C
2022 IEEE 24th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) - Pham Q.D., Holle N., Wilde J
Characterization of Wetting behavior of commercial flux systems by impedance measurement technique
2022 2022 IEEE 9th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC) - Gassner A, Conzelmann A, Palkowski H, Wilde J, Mozaffari-Jovein H
Effect of Electrochemical Potential on Tribocorrosion Behaviour of AISI 420
2022 Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, volume: 8 - Hallak A, Seblini L, Wilde J, Frank R, Drummer D
Assessment and Characterization of dual-hardening Adhesion Promoter for Self-Healing in Metal-Plastic Hybrid System
2022 France, Paris - Hallak H, Wilde J
Optimizing the Curing Process of dual-hardening Adhesion Promoter for Self-Healing Mechanisms in Thermoplastic, Media-Tight Injection Molded Housings
2022 Material and Structural Design of Novel Adhesives, Adhesive Systems and Self-Healing Adhesives - Huai H, Wilde J
Application of Finite Element Simulations for the Determination of Defects in Electrical Interconnections in Power Modules
2022 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE, Malta - Kohler F, Farina M, Schulz M, Fritze H, Wilde J
Assembly and interconnection technology for high-temperature bulk acoustic wave resonators
2022 J. Sens. Sens. Syst., volume: 11, pages: 83 - 97 - Huai H, Steiner N, Ruiz R, Schiffmacher A, Wilde J
Design of a Health-monitoring Device for Surveillance of Power Modules Based on Fluctuations of the Local Magnetic Field
2022 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS - Huai H, Wolff M, Naserizaker N, Ehret E, Griepentrog G, Wilde J
Determination of Ideal Magnetic Sensor Arrangements for Health Monitoring of Power Electronic Modules
2022 Power Conversion and Intelligent motion, PCIM, Nuremberg - Schulz M, Ghanavati R, Kohler F, Wilde J, Fritze H
Electromechanical properties of housed piezoelectric CTGS resonators at high temperatures – Modeling of housing influence
2022 Technisches Messen, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Schiffmacher A, Malasani S, Prescher M, Kirste L, Wilde J
In-situ Detection of Degradation in Power Electronic Modules During Lifetime Testing using Lock-in Thermography
2022 CIPS 20202; 12th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, Berlin, Germany - Hallak A, Mathpati M, Wilde J
Investigating the Adhesion Promoter Ability to Create Self-Healing Mechanisms in Thermoplastic, Media-Tight Injection-Molded Housings
2022 16. International Conference on Adhesives Technology for Electronic Applications, Zurich, Switzerland, January 14-15, 2022 - Hallak A, Wilde J, Sharma M, Seblini L
Investigation on Self-Healing Mechanisms in Metal-Polymer Structures
2022 23. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde , Leoben, Österreich - Kohler F, Krämer J, Schulz M, Fritze H, Wilde J
Material Behaviour and Influence of Ceramics for Application in a Sensor Housing under High Temperature Load
2022 ITG/GMA- Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2022, 10.-11. Mai 2022, Nürnberger CongressCenter - Schiffmacher A, Bashiti A, Strahringer D, Wilde J, Kempiak C, Lindemann A, Rudzki J, Stroebel-Maier H
New Lifetime Model for Advanced Power Semiconductor Interconnects
2022 IEEE 72nd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)

- Hallak A, Wilde J
Optimization of the Curing Process of dual-hardening Adhesive used in Thermoplastic Injection Molded Housings
2021 EURADH - 13th European Adhesion Conference, Antibes, France - Hallak A, Wilde J
Assessment of High-Temperature Reliability of Adhesion Promoter for Self-Healing Mechanisms in Thermoplastic, Media-Tight Injection Molded Housings
2021 in-adhesives, Symposium on Innovations in Adhesives and their Applications - Kempiak C, Schiffmacher A, Chupryn A, Lindemann A, Wilde J, Rudzki J, Osterwald F
Accelerated Qualification of Highly Reliable Chip Interconnect Technology by Power Cycling Under Thermal Overload
2021 PCIM Europe digital days 2021 - Schiffmacher A, Strahringer D, Malasani S, Wilde J, Kempiak C, Lindemann A
In Situ Degradation Monitoring Methods during Lifetime Testing of Power Electronic Module
2021 2021 IEEE 71st Electronics Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) - Kohler F, Hahn D, Schulz M, Fritze H, Wilde J
Challenges for a High Temperature Glass Solder for the Assembly Concept of a Piezoelectric Resonator
2021 Sensors - Huai H, Laskin G, Fratz M, Seyler T, Beckmann T, Bertz A, Wilde J
Detecting Local Delamination of Power Electronic Devices Through Thermal-Mechanical Analysis
2021 SMSI, Sensor and Measurement Science International - Franke J, Wang Lihui, Bock K, Wilde J
Electronic module assembly
2021 CIRP Annals, volume: 70, issue: 2, pages: 471 - 493 - Huai H, Laskin G, Fratz M, Seyler T, Beckmann T, Bertz A, Carl D, Wilde J
Evaluating Local Delamination of Power Electronic Devices Through Thermal-Mechanical Analysis
2021 ,22nd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE) - Laskin G, Huai H, Fratz M, Seyler T, Beckmann T, Schiffmacher A, Wilde J, Carl D
High-speed electronic speckle pattern interferometry for analysis of thermo-mechanical behavior of electronic components
2021 Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XII (SPIE) - Schulz M, Ghanavati R, Kohler F, Wilde J, Fritze H
High-temperature behavior of housed piezoelectric resonators based on CTGS
2021 J. Sens. Sens. Syst. - Schulz M, Kohler F, Wilde J, Fritze H
Housed Temperature Sensors Based on Piezoelectric Resonators for High-Temperature Applications
2021 SMSI, Sensor and Measurement Science International - Schiffmacher A, Malasani S, Kempiak C, Lindemann A, Wilde J
In-situ Degradationserfassung mittels Lock-In Thermographie während aktiver Lastwecheltests
2021 50. Kolloquium Leistungshalbleiter-Bauelemente und ihre systemtechnische Integration - Kohler F, Farina M, Zeitouny Z, Schulz M, Fritze H, Wilde J
Materialien und Prozesse für zuverlässige Aufbautechnologien von piezoelektrischen Sensorelementen bis 1000 °C
2021 4. Symposium Materialtechnik und e-Conference des Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik - Hallak A, Mathpati M, Wilde J
Self-Healing Mechanisms in Thermoplastic, Media-Tight Injection-Molded Housings
2021 44th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE)

- Feißt M, Wilde J
Niedertemperatur-Verbindungstechnik für MEMS-Sensorbauelemente
2020 Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten EBL 2020, Fellbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-5185-3, VDE VERLAG GMBH, volume: 94, pages: 199 - 203 - Kohler F, Wilde J
Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren zur Industrialisierung der Prozesse beim mediendichten Umspritzen von mechatronischen Komponenten
2020 Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten EBL 2020, Fellbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-5185-3, VDE VERLAG GMBH, volume: 94, pages: 114 - 118 - Kohler F, Wilde J
Assembly Technologies for Piezoelectric Sensors up to 1000 °C
2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), Orlando, FL - Subbiah N, Schiffmacher A, Song X, Wilde J
Comparison of Silver Sintered Assemblies on Non-DCB Substrates
2020 CIPS 2020; 11th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1-7. - Schiffmacher A, Qelibari A, Rudzki R, Osterwald F, Wilde J
Deformation Measurements during Active Operation of Power Modules with Novel Assembly and Packaging Technology
2020 CIPS 2020; 11th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, Berlin, Germany - Gaiser P., Klingler M, Wilde J
Lifetime model for the fatigue fracture in Cu/Al2O3/Cu composites: experimental validation of a substantial lifetime enhancement by Cu step etching
2020 Journal of Electronic Packaging - Schiffmacher A, C. Kempiak, J. Rudzki, F. Osterwald, A. Lindemann, Wilde J.
Thermomechanical Deformations of Power Modules with Sintered Metal Buffer Layers under Consideration of the Operating Time and Conditions
2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), Orlando, FL, USA, 2020, pp. 561-567 - Schiffmacher A, Strahringer D, Kempiak C, Rudzki J, Osterwald F, Lindemann A, Wilde J
Zuverlässigkeitsuntersuchungen von Leistungsmodulen mit neuartiger Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik
2020 49. Kolloquium Leistungshalbleiter-Bauelemente und ihre systemtechnische Integration

- V. Polezhaev, A. B. Sharma, A. Schiffmacher, L.Litzenberger, J.Wilde, T.Huesgen
Development of a novel 600V/50A power package with semiconductor chips sandwiched between PCB substrate
2019 IMAPS München - V. Polezhaev, A. B. Sharma, A. Schiffmacher, L. Litzenberger, J. Wilde, T. Huesgen
Development of a novel 600V/50A power package with semiconductor chips sandwiched between PCB substrates using double-side Ag-sintering
2019 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, PCIM Europe, Nuremberg, 2019 , pages: 1 - 6 - Schiffmacher A, Wilde J
Analyse von thermomechanischen Verformungen in Leistungsmodulen mit neuartiger Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik im laufenden Betrieb
2019 Kolloquium Leistungshalbleiter-Bauelemente und ihre systemtechnische Integration - Subbiah N, Feng Q, Wilde J
High-Temperature Pressure Sensor Package and Characterization of thermal stress in the assembly up to 500 °C
2019 IEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conference , pages: 878 - 883 - Feißt M, Li C, Wilde J
Material Model and Simulation of Multilayer-AgSn-Foils for Transient-Liquid-Phase Bonding of Sensor Elements
2019 20th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), Hannover, pp.1-6 - Feißt M, Wilde J
Niedertemperatur-Verbindungstechnik für Sensorsysteme mittels Transient-Liquid-Phase Bonding
2019 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2019, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8007-5090-0, VDE VERLAG GMBH, pages: 312 - 315 - Feißt M, Kustermann J, Schuhmacher A, Wilde J
Process Optimization of Foil-Based Transient Liquid Phase Bonding for Die Attachment
2019 42nd International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), Wrozlaw - Schiffmacher A, Litzenberger L, Wilde J
Silver Sintering on Organic Substrates for the Embedding of Power Semiconductor Devices
2019 IEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conference Kolloquium Liestungshalbleiter-Bauelemente und ihre sytemtechnische Integration

- Feißt M, Möller E, Wilde J
Analysis of Transient Thermal-Mechanical Stresses in Power Devices Using Test Chips and Optical Techniques
2018 10th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS), Stuttgart, pages: 269 - 273 - Subbiah N, Bruckner G, Beltran Ramirez K, Wilde J
Concept and Implementation of High-Temperature Pressure Sensor Package up to 500 °C
2018 19th ITG/GMA-Symposium, Sensors and Measuring Systems (SENSOR), Nürnberg, pages: 55 - 60 - Subbiah N, Beltran Ramirez K, Wilde J
Concept and Implementation of High-Temperature Pressure Sensor Package up to 500 °C
2018 Sensoren und Messsysteme, 26. - 27.Juni 2018 in Nürnberg , pages: 55 - 60 - Eltermann F, Wilde J
Fertigungsgerechte Primerprozesse für das mediendichte Umspritzen großer mechatronischer Komponenten - Prozesstechnologieentwicklung und Zuverlässigkeit
2018 Abschlussbericht zum IGF-Vorhaben 18734 N (FVA-Nr. 746 I „PRIME“), FVA-Heft Nr. 1287, Herausgabedatum: 30.04.2018 - Subbiah N, Feng Q, Beltran Ramirez K, Wilde J
Flip-chip Die Attachment for High-temperature Pressure Sensor Packages up to 500 °C
2018 - Subbiah N, Feng Q, Beltran Ramirez K, Wilde J
Implementation of High-Temperture Pressure Sensor Package and Characterization up to 500 °C
2018 2018 20th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference - Schautzgy J, Wilde J
Lebensdaueruntersuchungen an vibrationsbelasteten elektrischen Steckverbindungssystemen
2018 Workshop des DVM-Arbeitskreises Zuverlässigkeit mechatronischer und adaptronischer Systeme, München, pages: II-1 - II-18 - Ayasli R, Wilde J
Nutzung AVT-bezogener Merkmale zur Absicherung elektronischer Bauteile gegen Fälschung
2018 DVS Berichte, Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten EBL 2018, volume: 340, pages: 319 - 323 - Feißt M, Schätzle P, Wilde J
Power Chip Interconnections Based on TLP and Sintering of CTE- Matched Conductors
2018 10th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS), Stuttgart, pages: 331 - 336 - Schiffmacher A, Litzenberger L, Wilde J, Polezhaev V, Huesgen T
Power Electronic Assemblies on Printed Wiring Boards Mounted by Silver Sintering
2018 7th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), Dresden - Schiffmacher A, Wilde J
Silber-Sintern auf organischen Schaltungsträgern zur Integration von Leistungshalbleitern
2018 47. Kolloquium Leistungshalbleiter-Bauelemente und ihre systemtechnische integration - Feißt M, Möller E, Wilde J
Testchips für die Stressmessung beim Power-Cycling
2018 DVS Berichte, Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten EBL 2018, volume: 340, pages: 113 - 117 - Feißt M, Yu J, Wilde J
Transient Liquid Phase Bonding Using AgSn-Alloys for Stress Reduced Sensor Mounting
2018 IEEE 68th Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC), San Diego, Ca, pages: 293 - 300 - Feißt M, Wilde J
Transient-Liquid-Phase Bonding (TLP) mit AgSn-Schichtsystemen für die Montage von Mikrosystemen
2018 IMAPS Herbstkonferenz 2018, München

- Eltermann F, Wilde J
Improving Tightness of Injection Molding Housings by Using Advanced Adhesive Materials and Approaches
2017 3rd Symposium on Innovations in Adhesives and their Applications in-adhesives 2017, Verlag MKVS GbR, pages: 51 - 63 - Subbiah N, Ghosh S, Zeiser R, Wilde J
Comparison of packaging concepts for high-temperature pressure sensors at 500°C
2017 IEEE 67th Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC), Orlando, Fl, USA - Feißt M, Möller E, Wilde J
Dynamic Stress Measurements of Electronic Devices During Active Operation
2017 IEEE 67th Electronic Components & Technology Conference (ECTC), Orlando, Fl, pages: 507 - 512 - Eltermann F, Wilde J
Innovative Prozesstechnologien für mediendichte Metalldurchführungen in thermoplastischen Umformungen
2017 Dritte Tagung Industrielle Klebtechnik, Bad Hersfeld TechnoBond, volume: 3, pages: 126 - 129 - Subbiah N, Feißt M, Zeiser R, Möller E, Wilde J
New materials, processes and design methods for the chip mounting of high-temperature sensors
2017 18th International Conference on Sensors and Measurement Technology (SENSOR), Nürnberg - Eltermann F, Ziegler L, Wiesenfarth M, Wilde J, Bett A W
Performance and Failure Analysis of Concentrator Solar Cells after Intensive Stressing with Thermal, Electrical, and Combined Load
2017 13th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaics (CPV-13), Ottawa, Canada, AIP Conference Proceedings, volume: 1881, pages: 050002 - 050007

- Möller E, Schiffmacher A, Wijaya A, Wilde J
In-Situ Measurement of Stress Development in ECA for Die-Attachment of Electronic Devices
2016 66th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, Las Vegas, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1204-6, ECTC, pages: 700 - 706 - Grieger F, Middelstädt L, Lindemann A, Möller E, Wilde J
Investigations of Power Semiconductor Modules using Conductive Adhesive for Chip Assembly
2016 9th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems CIPS, Nürnberg, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4171-7, VDE Verlag, volume: ETG Fachbericht, issue: 148, pages: 224 - 229 - Wilde J, Möller E, Bajwa A
Performance Vergleich von Niedertemperatur-Bondverfahren für Baugruppen hoher Verlustleistung
2016 8. DVS/GMM Tagung Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten EBL, Fellbach, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4147-2, VDE-Verlag, pages: 223 - 228 - Möller E, Middelstädt L, Grieger F, Lindemann A, Wilde J
Eigenschaften elektrisch leitfähiger Klebeverbindungen für die Leistungselektronik
2016 8. DVS/GMM Tagung Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten EBL, Fellbach, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4147-2, VDE-Verlag, pages: 47 - 51 - Gaiser P., Klingler M., Wilde J.
Novel concepts for modelling and enhancing the DBC-Al2O3 lifetime
2016 6th Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), pages: 1 - 5 - Möller E, Wilde J, Middelstädt L, Lindemann A
Prozess zum leitfähigen Kleben von Bauelementen für die Leistungselektronik
2016 Abschlussbericht zum IGF-Vorhaben 491 Z (DVS-Nr. 10.073 „LeitKleben“), Herausgabedatum: 31.03.2016 - Bajwa A, Wilde J
Reliability modeling of Sn–Ag transient liquid phase die-bonds for high-power SiC devices
2016 ISSN: 0026-2714 Microelectronics Reliability, volume: 60, pages: 116 - 125 - Bajwa A, Wilde J
Reliability of Ag-sintering and Sn-Ag TLP -bonding for mounting of SiC and GaN devices
2016 9th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronic Systems (CIPS) - Bajwa A, Wilde J, Reiner R, Quay R
Thermal performance of high-temperature stable die-attachments for GaN HEMTs
2016 9th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronic Systems (CIPS) - Wijaya A, Möller E, Wilde J
Thermal stress characterization of power electronics with digital image correlation
2016 6th Electronic System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), Grenoble, DOI: 10.1109/ESTC.2016.7764482

- Möller E, Bajwa A, Wilde J
Niedertemperatur-Bondverfahren für thermisch-elektrische Hochleistungssysteme
2015 MikroSystemTechnik Kongress, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-8007-4100-7, VDE Verlag GmbH, pages: 657 - 660 - Bajwa A, Qin Y, Reiner R, Quay R, Wilde J
Assembly and packaging technologies for high-temperature and high-power GaN devices
2015 IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, volume: 5, issue: 10, pages: 1402 - 1416 - Zeiser R, Wagner P, Ayub S, Henneck S, Wilde J
Flip-chip package for pressure sensors with operation-temperatures up to 500 °C
2015 AMA SENSOR Conference, Nürnberg - Bajwa A, Möller E, Wilde J
Die-Attachment Technologies for High-Temperature Applications of Si and SiC-Based Power Devices
2015 Proc. 65th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, San Diego, pages: 2168 - 2174 - Möller E, Bajwa A, Wilde J
Performance-Vergleich von TLP-Bonden, Sintern, Kleben und Löten
2015 4.DVS Tagung Weichlöten, Hanau, ISBN 978-3-945023-37-2 , volume: DVS-Berichte, issue: 310, pages: 121 - 128 - Tondorf M, Wilde J
Elektrostatische und fluidische Self-Assembly-Prozesse für die präzise Montage von Mikrosystemen
2015 Abschlussbericht zum IGF-Vorhaben 17456 N (DVS-Nr. 10.066 „Self-Assembly“), Herausgabedatum: 10.02.2015 - Gaiser P, Klingler M, Wilde J
Fracture Mechanical Modeling for the Stress Analysis of DBC Ceramics
2015 IEEE International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics (Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems), Budapest - Möller E, Middelstädt L, Grieger F, Lindemann A, Wilde J
Investigation on the Suitability of Electrically Conductive Adhesives for Die-Attachment of Power Devices
2015 European Microelectronics Packaging Conference (EMPC), Friedrichshafen, ISBN 978-0-9568086-1-5 - Zeiser R, Ayub S, Wagner P, Müller J, Henneck S, Wilde J
2015 18th Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems - Transducers, ISBN 978-1-4799-8955-3, pages: 1271 - 1274 - Wilde J, Petzold M
Modellierung der Bruchwahrscheinlichkeit von Halbleiterbauelementen mit Oberflächendefekten
2015 2015 Abschlussbericht zum IGF-Vorhaben 17790 BG (DVS-Nr. 10.074 „ObMod“), Herausgabedatum: 16.06.2015 - Möller E, Berndt M, Wilde J, Middelstädt L, Grieger F, Lindemann A
Neue Entwicklungen von elektrisch leitfähigen Klebstoffen für die Anwendung in der Leistungselektronik
2015 PLUS – Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen, volume: 17, issue: 8, pages: 1636 - 1645 - Möller E, Bajwa A, Wilde J
Performance-Vergleich von TLP-Bonden, Sintern, Kleben und Löten
2015 Jahrbuch Mikroverbindungstechnik DVS, pages: 178 - 192

- Möller E, Bajwa A, Wilde J
Vergleich alternativer Verbindungstechniken für leistungselektronische Bauelemente
2014 IMAPS Herbstkonferenz, München - Bajwa A, Qin Y, Wilde J, Reiner R, Waltereit P, Quay R
Assembly and packaging technologies for high-temperature and high-power GaN HEMTs
2014 Proc 64th Electronic Components & Technology Conf, Orlando, FL , pages: 2181 - 2188 - Möller E, Bajwa A, Rastjagaev E, Wilde J
Comparison of new die-attachment technologies for power electronic assemblies
2014 Proc 64th Electronic Components & Technology Conf, Orlando, FL , pages: 1707 - 1713 - Kalio A, Richter A, Schmiga C, Glatthaar M, Wilde J
Study of dielectric layers for bifacial n-type silicon solar cells with regard to optical properties, surface passivation quality, and contact formation
2014 Ieee J Photovolt, volume: 4, issue: 2, pages: 575 - 580 - Bajwa A, Qin Y, Zeiser R, Wilde J
Foil based transient liquid phase bonding as a die-attachment method for high temperature devices
2014 8th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronic Systems (CIPD) - Tondorf M, Gan Y, Mouselimis K, Wilde J,
Elektrostatisch-fluidische Selbstassemblierung für die hochgenaue Mikro-Montage von MEMS
2014 , volume: DVS-Berichte, issue: 301, pages: 46 - 51 - Reichling B, Fix A, Ratchev R, Wilde J
Untersuchung des Verhaltens bleifreier Lötverbindungen unter Vibrationsbelastung
2014 , volume: DVS-Berichte, issue: 301, pages: 134 - 140 - Steiert M, Zeiser R, Berndt M, Wilde J, Beckmann T, Fratz M
Verformungsmessung an elektronischen Bauteilen und Baugruppen mit Grauwertkorrelation und Holografie
2014 , volume: DVS-Berichte, issue: 301, pages: 159 - 165 - Chi-Won In, Fabian Schempp, Jin-Yeon Kim, Laurence J. Jacobs
A Fully Non-contact, Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Measurement of Surface Breaking Cracks in Concrete
2014 J Nondestruct Eval, volume: 34, pages: 272 - 278 - Fabian Schempp, Jin-Yeon Kim, Laurence J. Jacobs
Air-coupled generation and detection of ultrasound in concrete
2014 AIP Conference Proceedings, volume: 1581, pages: 814 - 821 - Zeiser R, Fellner T, Wilde J
Capacitive strain gauges on flexible polymer substrates for wireless intelligent systems
2014 Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, volume: 3, pages: 77 - 89 - Zeiser R, Ayub S, Wilde J
Fabrication, Packaging and Characterization of Platinum based Pressure Sensors for Operation at 500 °C
2014 17. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung für Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg - Zeiser R, Ayub S, Berndt M, Müller J, Wilde J
Failure mode analysis and optimization of assembled high temperature pressure sensors
2014 IEEE International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, Eurosime, Gent, Belgien - Steiert M, Wilde J
Influence of dicing damages on the thermo-mechanical reliability of bare-chip assemblies
2014 Microelectronics Reliability 2014 - Ocklenburg J, Rastjagaev E, Möller E, Wilde J
Is Conductive Adhesive Bonding Suited for the Die-Attachment of Power Devices
2014 VDE-Verlag, pages: 382 - 387 - Zeiser R, Ayub S, Hempel J, Berndt M, Wilde J
Mechanical Stress Analyses of Packaged Pressure Sensors for Very High Temperatures
2014 Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging, volume: 11, issue: 1, pages: 30 - 36 - Steiert M, Berndt M, Wilde J
Neue Messverfahren zur Form- und Verformungsmessung an elektronischen Bauteilen unter thermischer Belastung
2014 PLUS Fachzeitschrift für Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen, volume: März 14 - Steiert M, Wilde J
New equivalent stress describes the dicing caused anisotropic breaking strength of silicon dies
2014 2014 Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, Gent - Schreier-Alt T, Rastjagaev E, Raßmann A
Raffungsmodelle für die Qualifikation mechatronischer Systeme und Komponenten
2014 Abschlussbericht zum IGF-Vorhaben 16482 N (FVA-Nr. 618 I „Raffungsmodelle“), FVA-Heft Nr. 1093, Herausgabedatum: 20.03.2014 - Tondorf M, Mouselimis K, Gan Y, Wilde J
Self-assembly of MEMS Using Electrostatic Forces
2014 Mikrosystemtechnik in Deutschland 2014, pages: 48 - 49 - Zeiser R
Siliciumcarbid-Technologie für robuste Sensoren unter rauen Umgebungsbedingungen, Teilvorhaben IMTEK: Thermisch mechanische Modellierung der AVT von Siliziumcarbid-basierten Sensoren unter rauen Umgebungsbedingungen
2014 Abschlussbericht SiC-Tech Teilvorhaben IMTEK (Förderkennzeichen: 16SV5127) - Elger G, Kandaswamy V, Derix R, Wilde J
Transient thermal analysis as a highly sensitive test method for the reliability investigation of high power LEDs during temperature cycle tests
2014 Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging, volume: 11, pages: 51 - 56 - Kurzmanowski D, Wilde J
Using layout data for predicting effects on production processes in PCB-manufacturing
2014 Proceedings of the 37th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, Dresden, pages: 315 - 320

- Steiert M, Zeiser R, Berndt M
Verformungsmessung von Elektronikbauteilen bei hohen Temperaturen mittels Mehrwellenlängen-Holographie
2013 Fortschritte in der Werkstoffprüfung für Forschung und Praxis / Ulm / DGM - Zeiser R, Steiert M, Berndt M, Wilde J, Fratz M, Beckmann T
Verformungsmessung von Mikrosystemen bei hohen Temperaturen mit ESPI, DIC und Holographie
2013 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress / Aachen VDE Verlag GmbH - Zeiser R, Ayub S, Hempel J, Berndt M, Wilde J
Mechanical Stress Analyses of Packaged Pressure Sensors for Very High Temperatures
2013 46th International Symposium on Microelectronics IMAPS2013 / Orlando - Woehl R, Rüdiger M, Biro D, Wilde J
All-screen-printed back-contact back-junction silicon solar cells with aluminum-alloyed emitter and demonstration of interconnection of point-shaped metalized contacts
2013 , volume: 23, issue: 2, pages: 226 - 237 - Zeiser R, Wilde J, Lehmann L, Fiedler V
Reliability of Flip-Chip Technologies for SiC-MEMS operating at 500 °C
2013 ECTC / Las Vegas / IEEE - Berndt M, Zeiser R, Steiert M, Carl D, Fratz M
Verformung von Mikrosystemen bei hohen Temperaturen
2013 Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik / Braunschweig / PTB - Bajwa A, Zeiser R, Wilde J
Process Optimization and Characterization of a Novel Micro-Scaled Silver Sintering Paste as a Die-Attach Material for High Temperature High Power
2013 ISSE / Alba Iulia - Wilde J, Zeiser R, Wagner P
Assembly and Interconnection Technologies for Sensors for Very High Temperature Applications
2013 AMA Sensor Conference / Nürnberg - Zeiser R, Berndt M, Wilde J
Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik von Mikrosystemen bis 500°C
2013 Spitzencluster MST BW / Stuttgart - Herboth T, Guenther M, Zeiser R, Wilde J
Investigation of Stress States in Silicon Dies Induced by the Low Temperature Joining Technology
2013 EuroSimE / Wroclaw - Flarup Jensen K, Rahmann M, Veurman W, Brandt H, Im C, Wilde J, Hinsch A, Lee J
Glass frit dissolution influenced by material composition and the water content in iodide/triiodide electrolyte of dye-sensitized solar cells
2013 Int J Photoenergy - Moazenzadeh A, Moosavi H, Sprengler N, Wallrabe U, Zeiser R
Analysis of packaging effects on wire bonder made microtransformer chips
2013 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume: 476, page: 012110 - Steiert M, Wilde J
Chip-Side-Healing as a Basis for Robust Bare-Chip Assemblies
2013 Proc. of the 64th IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference / Las Vegas - Steiert M, Wilde J, Petzold M, Gerbach R, Naumann F
Einfluss der Wafervereinzelung auf die Bruchfestigkeit von Silizium-Chips und Methode zur Bruchfestigkeitssteigerung
2013 Mikroverbindungstechnik / Düsseldorf / DVS - Mouselimis, K., Gan, Y., Huhn, A., Wilde, J.
Elektrostatische und fluidische Selbstassemblierung für die hochgenaue Mikro-Montage von MEMS
2013 MST Kongress / Aachen - Hönig R, Voessing D, Clement F, Biro D, Preu R, Wilde J
Evaluation of industrially relevant parameters for contact firing of screen printed front side silver contacts
2013 Energy Procedia, volume: 38, pages: 737 - 744 - Herboth T, Guenther M, Fix A, Wilde J
Failure mechanisms of sintered silver interconnections for power electronic applications
2013 Electronic Components and Technology Conference / Las Vegas , pages: 1621 - 1627 - Steiert M, Wilde J, Petzold M
Methoden zur Modellierung und Vermeidung von "Chipcrack"
2013 Proc. of the 5th Mircocar Conference / Leipzig - Steiert M, Wilde J, Naumann F, Gerbach R, Petzold M
Modellierung der Stressempfindlichkeit von Halbleiterbauelementen aufgrund von Schädigung bei der Vereinzelung
2013 Abschlussbericht zum IGF-Vorhaben 16672 N (DVS-Nr. 10.062 „Chipcrack“), Herausgabedatum: 30.03.2013 - Berndt M, Zeiser R, Carl D, Fratz M
Optische Verformungsmessungen an Mikrosystemen bei extremen Temperaturdifferenzen
2013 Photonik, volume: 6-2013, pages: 34 - 37 - Flarup Jensen K, Veurman W, Brandt H, Im C, Wilde J, Hinsch A
Parameter study on UV-induced degradation of dye-sensitized solar cells
2013 Materials Research Society / San Francisco - Hempel J, Finke D, Steiert M, Zeiser R, Berndt M, Wilde J, Reindl M
SAW Strain Sensors- High Precision Strain Sensitivity Investigation on Chip-Level
2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium / Prag - Hempel J, Boccard J-M, Wilde J
SSI-TorqueSENS - Radarbasierte Drehmomentmessung mit OFW-Resonatoren, Teilvorhaben MODAVT - Modellierung der AVT von drahtlosen Drehmomentsensoren zur Minimierung der Querempfindlichkeiten
2013 Abschlussbericht Teilvorhaben MODAVT (Förderkennzeichen: 16SV5478K), Herausgabedatum: 16.08.2013 - Flarup Jensen K, Brandt H, Im C, Wilde J, Hinsch A
Stability of UV illuminated dye sensitized solar cells (DSC) studied by photoinduced absorption in the second range
2013 28th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition / Paris - Hempel J, Anees S, Zukowski E, Berndt M, Wilde J, Reindl L
Strain Transfer Analysis Of Integrated Surface Acouistic Wave Sensors
2013 ASME InterPACK / San Francisco - Syed M, Ahmed I, Müller C, Wilde J
Studying the Effects of Internal and External Microstructure on Fatigue Strength of Materials by Electromagnetic Excitation Technique
2013 Key Engineering Materials, pages: 537 - 540 - Hönig R, Dürrschnabel M, Mierlo W, Aabdin Z, Bernhard J, Biskupek J, Eibl O, Kaiser U, Wilde J, Clement F, Biro D
The Nature of Screen Printed Front Side Silver Contacts - Results of the Project MikroSol
2013 Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Metallization for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells , volume: 43, pages: 27 - 36 - Steiert M, Hanka K, Zeiser R, Berndt M
Verformung von Mikrosystemen bei hohen Temperaturen
2013 BW-Forschungstag / Stuttgart

- Kalio A, Leibinger M, Filipovic A, Kruger K, Glatthaar M, Wilde J
Development of lead-free silver ink for front contact metallization
2012 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, volume: 106, pages: 51 - 54 - Hönig R, Kalio A, Sigwarth J, Clement F, Glatthaar M, Wilde J, Biro D
Impact of screen printing silver paste components on the space charge region recombination losses of industrial silicon solar cells
2012 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, volume: 106, pages: 7 - 10 - Zeiser, R., Wagner, P., Wilde, J.
Investigation of Ultrasonic Platinum and Palladium Wire Bonding as Interconnection Technology for High-Temperature SiC-MEMS
2012 ESTC / Amsterdam / IEEE - Hempel, J., Zukowski, E., Berndt, M., Reindl, L., Wilde, J.
Assembly of α-Quartz for Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Strain Gauges Application
2012 ESTC / Amsterdam / IEEE - Berndt, M., Wilde, J., Fellner, T., Zeiser, R.
Energy-efficient strain gauges for the wireless condition monitoring systems in mechanical engineering
2012 European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring / Dresden - Kalio A, Olweya S, Leibinger M, Glatthaar M, Wilde J
Study of sintering behavior of silver front side metallization pastes
2012 Photovoltaic Specialists Conference / Austin , pages: 231 - 235 - Wilde, J., Fellner, T., Zukowski, E., Berndt, M.
Assembling Mechanical Sensors into Engineering Structures
2012 Smart Systems Integrations / Zürich - Zeiser, R., Wagner, P., Wilde, J.
Assembly and packaging technologies for high-temperature SiC sensors
2012 ECTC / San Diego / IEEE - Herboth T, Frueh C, Guenther M, Wilde J
Assessment of thermo-mechanical stresses in low temperature joining technology
2012 13th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems / Lisbon - Zeiser, R., Wilde, J.
Belastungsanalysen von SiC-Sensoren und ihrer AVT für raue Umgebungsbedingungen
2012 Spitzencluster MST BW, Stuttgart - Eltermann F, Roeder K, Wiesenfarth M, Wilde J, Bett A
Degradation study on optical materials for concentrator photovoltaics
2012 Concentrating photovoltaic systems / Toledo , pages: 276 - 280 - E. Rastjagaev, J. Wilde, B. Wielage, T. Grund, S. Kümmel
Development and Testing of Cold gas Sprayed Circuit Boards for Power Electronics Applications
2012 International Conference for Integrated Power Electronics Systems, Nürnberg - E. Zukowski, D. Pustan, J. Wilde
Eine effiziente Methodik zur Vorhersage der Lebensdauer von bleifrei gelöteten BGA-Lötstellen
2012 Proc. of the GMM-Fachtagung: Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten EBL 2012 - 6. DVS/GMM-Fachtagung, Fellbach - E. Rastjagaev, J. Wilde, B. Wielage, T. Grund, S. Kümmel
Entwicklung und Erprobung kaltgasgespritzter Schaltungsträger für Leistungselektronikanwendungen
2012 Proc. of the GMM-Fachtagung: Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten EBL 2012 - 6. DVS/GMM-Fachtagung, Fellbach - Hönig R, Kalio A, Sigwarth J, Clement F, Glatthaar M, Wilde J, Biro D
Impact of screen printing silver paste components on the space charge region recombination losses of industrial silicon solar cells
2012 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, volume: 106, pages: 7 - 10 - Fellner T, Törk M, Wilde J, Jäger T, Reindl L
Indikator für mech. Überlastung, Lastkollektive, speichernder "DMS"
2012 Abschlussbericht zum IGF-Vorhaben 346 ZN (FVA-Nr. 611 I „Lastindikator“), FVA-Heft Nr. 1290, Herausgabedatum: 15.10.2012 - Maruthoor, S., Ajayakumar, A., Fuchs, T., Jakovlev, O., Reinecke, H., Wilde J
Mechanical Characterization of Polycrystalline and Amorphous Silicon Carbide Thin Films Using Bulge Test
2012 Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, volume: PP, issue: 99, pages: 1 - 7 - Steiert M, Wilde J, Petzold M., Gerbach R.
Modellierung der Stressempfindlichkeit von Halbleiterbauelementen aufgrund von Schädigung bei der Vereinzelung
2012 DVS-Wissenschaftskolloquium, Halle (Saale) - T. Fellner, E. Zukowski, J. Wilde, H. Kück, H. Richter, M. Schober, P. Buckmüller
Modelling of Thermoplastic Materials for the Process-Simulation of Press-Fit Interconnections on Moulded Interconnected Devices
2012 J Electron Packaging - Steiert, M., Wilde, J.
New Probabilistic Reliability Model Describing the Risk of Chip Fracture in the Chip-On-Board Technology
2012 ESTC / Amsterdam / IEEE - Zukowski, E., Fellner, T., Wilde, J., Berndt, M.
Parameter Optimization of Torque Wireless Sensors Based on Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW)
2012 EuroSimE 2012 / Lissabon - Zeiser, R., Wagner, P., Wilde, J.
Vergleich von Montagetechniken für Hochtemperatursensoren
2012 6. DVS/GMM-Fachtagung: Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten / Fellbach - Steiert, M., Wilde, J.
Zuverlässigkeitssteigernde Maßnahmen für die Chip-On-Board-Technologien durch die Vermeidung von Chipbrüchen
2012 6. DVS/GMM-Fachtagung: Elektronische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten / Fellbach

- Woehl R., Keding R, Rüdiger M, Gentischer H, Clement F, Wilde J, Biro D
20% efficient screen-printed and aluminum-alloyed back-contact back-junction cells and interconnection scheme of point-shaped metalized cells
2011 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference / Seattle - Pustan, D.
Belastungs- und Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse einer Ball-Grid-Array-Bauform
2011 Der Andere Verlag - Zeiser, R., Fellner, T., Wilde, J.
Entwicklung von kapazitiven Dehnungsmessstreifen in Dünnschichttechnologie für drahtlose, intelligente Systeme
2011 MST Kongress / Darmstadt - Zeiser, R., Fellner, T., Wilde, J.
Integrating Sensors into Mechanical Structures
2011 SENSOR+TEST / Nürnberg - Krause J., Woehl R., Rauer M., Schmiga C., Wilde J., Biro D.
Microstructural and electrical properties of different-sized aluminum-alloyed contacts and their layer system on silicon surfaces
2011 Sol Energ Mat Sol C - E. Zukowski, D. Pustan, J. Wilde
Modelling of material and construction influence on the life time of SAC
2011 MicroMaterials & NanoMaterials, pages: 67 - 73 - Lazarou P., Aspragathos N., Wilde, J.
Modelling, simulation and design constraints of electrostatic self-assembly of microparts
2011 CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, issue: 4, pages: 401 - 407 - Zeiser, R., Fellner, T., Wilde, J., Jörger, T., Törk, M., Reindl, L.
Neuartige hochohmige Dünnschicht-Folien-DMS
2011 MST Kongress / Darmstadt - R. Hönig, M. Glatthaar, F. Clement, J. Greulich, J. Wilde, D. Biro
New measurement method for the investigation of space charge region recombination losses induced by the metallization of silicon solar cells
2011 Energy Procedia, issue: 8, pages: 694 - 699 - B. Wielage, T. Grund, S. Kümmel, J. Wilde, E. Rastjagaev
Realisierung neuer Aufbaukonzepte für die Mechatronik durch kaltgasgespritzte Schichten
2011 Thermal Spray Bulletin, issue: 4, pages: 51 - 55 - Dalin J., Wilde J., Lazarou P., Aspragathos N.
Self-assembly of dies through electrostatic attraction: Modelling of alignment forces and kinematics
2011 Journal of Micro-Nano Mechatronics, volume: 6, issue: 1, pages: 23 - 31 - Wilde, J.
Simulation of processes and product properties of mechatronic assemblies
, volume: Galvanotechnik, pages: 1632 - 1639, 2011 - Eltermann, F., Wiesenfahrt, M., Siefer, G., Wilde, J., Bett, A. W.
The Effects of Accelerated Aging Tests on Metamorphic III-V Concentrator Solar Cells Mounted on Substrates Exhibition
, pages: 163 - 168, 2011 - Zeiser, R., Wilde, J.
Thermisch-mechanische Modellierung der AVT von Siliziumkarbid-basierten Sensoren
2011 Spitzencluster MST BW / Karlsruhe

- Fellner T, Wilde J
Assessment of Interfaces in Electronic Packages using a Combination of Molecular Dynamics and Fracture Mechanics
2010 Multiscale Materials Modeling, Freiburg , volume: ISBN 978-3-8396-0166 - C. Rupprecht, B. Wielage, T. Grund, S. Kümmel, J. Wilde, E. Rastjagajev
Defined metallization of thin ceramic substrates via cold spray process
2010 ITSC Conference, Singapore - R. Zeiser, T. Fellner, J. Wilde
Development and testing of capacitive strain gauges
, 2010 - Zeiser, R., Fellner, T., Wilde, J.
Development and testing of capacitive strain gauges
2010 Zwick Science Award / Ulm - Dalin, J., Wilde, J., Zulfiqar, A., Lazarou, P., Synodinos, A., Aspragathos, N
Electrostatic attraction and surface-tension-driven forces for accurate self-assembly of microparts
2010 Microelectronic Engineering 2010, volume: 87, issue: 2, pages: 159 - 162 - Pustan, D., Zhang, W., Wilde, J.
Experimental damage analysis and numerical reliability modeling of lead-free ball-grid-array second level interconnects
2010 3rd Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference ESTC, vol. 2, Berlin - Martens, S., Fink, M., Mack, W., Voelklein, F., Wilde, J.
Simulation-based analysis of the heat-affected zone during target preparation by pulsed-laser ablation through stacked silicon dies in 3D integrated System-in-Packages
2010 EuroSimE

- Gesang T, Schäfer H, Wilde J
Kleben in der Elektronik
2009 ISBN: 978-3-87155-259-5 DVS Berichte, volume: 257 - Schmidt C, Naumann F, Altmann F, Martens S, Wilde J
Thermal simulation of defect localisation using lock-in thermography in complex and fully packaged devices
2009 10th International Conference on EuroSimE /Delft - Gradolph, C., Friedberger, A., Müller, G., Wilde, J.
Acceleration-induced effects on a pressure sensor
2009 Technisches Messen 2009, volume: 76, issue: 10, pages: 455 - 463 - E. Rastjagaev, J. Wilde, S. Kümmel, T. Grund, B. Wielage
Entwicklung neuer Substrate für die Leistungselektronik basierend auf dem Kaltgasspritzen
2009 Plus Fachzeitschrift 2009, volume: 11, pages: 1826 - 1830 - Gradolph, C., Friedberger, A., Müller, G., Wilde, J.
Impact of high-g and high vibration environments on piezoresistive pressure sensor performance
2009 Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 2009, volume: 150, issue: 1, pages: 69 - 77 - Pustan, D., Rastjagaev, E., Wilde, J.
In situ analysis of the stress development during fabrication processes of micro-assemblies
2009 Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference , pages: 117 - 124 - Martens, S., Mack, W., Courtade, F., Perdu, P., Wilde, J., Voelklein, F.
Laser-Based target preparation in 3D integrated electronic packages
2009 Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME 2009, volume: 131, issue: 3, pages: 0310061 - 0310066 - Fellner, T., Zukowski, E., Wilde, J.
Modelling of process and reliability of press-fit interconnections
2009 EuroSimE - Dalin, J., Wilde, J.
Self-assembly of micro-parts using electrostatic forces and surface tension
2009 Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference , pages: 1517 - 1524 - Lazarou, P., Aspragathos, N.A., Dalin, J., Wilde, J.
Simulation of electrostatic self-assembly of micro parts
2009 International Conferences on Micro Manufacturing - ICOMM , pages: 321 - 324

- Smorodin, T., Wilde, J., Alpern, P., Stecher, M.
A temperature-gradient-induced failure mechanism in metallization under fast thermal cycling
2008 IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, volume: 8, issue: 3, pages: 590 - 599 - Löw, R., Wilde, J.
Comparison of bulk modulus determined by transient bulk creep experiment and direct optical measurement of Poisson's ratio
2008 EuroSimE 2008 - International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Micro-Systems - Loeckenhoff, R., Dimroth, F., Oliva, E., Ohm, A., Wilde, J., Faiman, D., Biryukov, S., Melnichak, V., Kabalo, S., Bokobza, D., Bett, A.W.
Development, characterisation and 1000 suns outdoor tests of GaAs monolithic Interconnected Module (MIM) receivers
2008 Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 2008, volume: 16, issue: 2, pages: 101 - 112 - Pustan, D., Wilde, J.
Diagnose der Life-Cycle-Belastungen von Baugruppen in der Kfz-Elektronik mit Hilfe Mikrosystemtechnischer Sensoren
2008 VDI Berichte (2011), pages: 939 - 949 - Gradolph, C., Müller, G., Friedberger, A., Wilde, J.
Environmental effects on the acoustic behavior of a screen-protected mems pressure sensor
2008 Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2008, pages: 86 - 89 - Löw, R., Miessner, R., Pustan, D., Wilde, J.
Evaluation of stress in electrically-conductive adhesives used in automotive applications
2008 Advancing Microelectronics 2008, volume: 35, issue: 1, pages: 20 - 24 - Smorodin, T., Nelle, P., Busch, J., Wilde, J., Glavanovics, M., Stecher, M.
Investigation and improvement of DMOS switches under fast electro-thermal cycle stress
2008 Solid-State Electronics 2008, volume: 52, issue: 9, pages: 1353 - 1358 - Pustan, D., Wilde, J.
Load Analysis of Electronic Systems
2008 Technisches Messen 2008, volume: 75, issue: 2, pages: 135 - 145 - Martens, S., Krueger, B., Mack, W., Voelklein, F., Wilde, J.
Low-cost preparation method for exposing IC surfaces in stacked die packages by micro-abrasive blasting
2008 Microelectronics Reliability 2008, volume: 48, issue: 8-9, pages: 1513 - 1516 - Schneider, F., Fellner, T., Wilde, J., Wallrabe, U.
Mechanical properties of silicones for MEMS
2008 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2008, volume: 18, issue: 6 - Fix, A.R., Nüchter, W., Wilde, J.
Microstructural changes of lead-free solder joints during long-term ageing, thermal cycling and vibration fatigue
2008 Soldering and Surface Mount Technology 2008, volume: 20, issue: 1, pages: 13 - 21 - Smorodin, T., Wilde, J., Nelle, P., Lilleodden, E., Stecher, M.
Modeling of DMOS subjected to fast temperature cycle stress and improvement by a novel metallization concept
2008 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings , pages: 689 - 690 - Fischer, S., Wilde, J.
Modeling package-induced effects on molded Hall sensors
2008 IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging 2008, volume: 31, issue: 3, pages: 594 - 603 - Pustan, D., Wilde, J.
Modern test methods for a comprehensive thermo-mechanical deformation analysis in area-array-assemblies
2008 Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference , pages: 599 - 605 - Martens, S., Wilde, J., Zukowski, E., Völklein, F., Ledermann, M.
Optimisation of wirebond interconnects by automated parameter variation
2008 EuroSimE 2008 - International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Micro-Systems - Smorodin, T., Stecher, M., Glavanovics, M., Wilde, J.
Power-cycling of DMOS-switches triggers thermo-mechanical failure mechanisms
2008 Proceedings of the 37th European Solid-State Device Research Conference , pages: 139 - 142 - Wilde, J., Zukowski, E
Predictive models for μBGA and QFN reliability estimation
2008 EuroSimE 2008 - International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in

- Pustan, D., Fischer, S., Wilde, J.
Analysis of field loads in automotive ECUs and MEMS sensors
2007 Proceedings - Electronic Components and Technology Conference , pages: 1696 - 1700 - Fischer, S., Fellner, T., Wilde, J., Beyer, H., Janke, R.
Analyzing parameters influencing stress and drift in moulded hall sensors
2007 ESTC 2006 - 1st Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference , pages: 1378 - 1385 - Pustan, D., Lapisa, M., Rieber, M., Zukowski, E., Wilde, J.
Combination of modern test methods for thermo-mechanical deformation analysis in flip-chip-assemblies
2007 ESTC 2006 - 1st Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference , pages: 1103 - 1107 - Wilde, J., Zukowski, E.
Comparative sensitivity analysis for μBGA and QFN reliability
2007 EuroSime - J. Wilde, L. Reindl, C. Stewart
Design: Testing, Calibration, and Compensation
In: Elsevier Comprehensive Microsystems
2007, Elsevier, - Smorodin, T., Wilde, J., Alpern, P., Stecher, M.
Investigation and improvement of fast temperature-cycle reliability for DMOS-related conductor path design
2007 Annual Proceedings - Reliability Physics (Symposium) , pages: 486 - 491 - Dalin, J., Knauber, A., Reiter, R., Wesling, V., Wilde, J.
Novel aluminium/copper fibre-reinforced bonding wires for power electronics
2007 ESTC 2006 - 1st Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference , pages: 1274 - 1278 - Wesling, V., Wilde, J., Knauber, A., Dalin, J., Reiter, R.
Novel fibre reinforced wires for power electronics
2007 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 2007, volume: 38, issue: 2, pages: 70 - 74 - S. Martens, J. Wilde, E. Zukowski, F. Völklein
Optimierung von Drahtbondverbindungen durch automatisierte Parametervariation
2007 Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen, PLUS 2007, volume: 12, issue: 9, pages: 2425 - 2429 - Gradolph, C., Ziemann, T., Müller, G., Wilde, J., Friedberger, A.
Robust replaceable MEMS packaging for rotor blade integration
2007 Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 2007, pages: 303 - 309 - J. Wilde, E. Zukowski, W. Scheel, S. Wege
Verarbeitung und Zuverlässigkeit von Micropackages für Halbleiterbauelemente
2007 Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen, PLUS 2007, volume: 12, issue: 9, pages: 2457 - 2471 - H. Reichl, W. Scheel, S. Wege, J. Wilde, E. Zukowski
Zuverlässige Montagetechnik für Baugruppen mit Chip-Scale-Packages
In: Jahrbuch Mikroverbindungstechnik 2007/2008, DVS - Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V.
2007, k.a.,

- Löckenhoff R, Wilde J, Dimroth F
Approaches to large area lll-V concentrator receivers
2006 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference / Dresden , pages: 129 - 132 - Wilde J
Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik
In: Handbuch der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik im Automobil
2006, Springer-Verlag, H.J. Gevatters, U. Grünhaupt, pages: 155 - 185, H.J. Gevatters, U. Grünhaupt, ISBN: 978-3-540-21205-1 - D. Pustan, M. Lapisa, M. Rieber, E. Zukowski, J. Wilde
Combination of modern test methods for thermo-mechanical deformation analysis in Flip-Chip-assemblies
2006 1st Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference, vol. 2 , pages: 1103 - 1107 - Fischer, S.
Einfluss der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik auf die funktionalen Eigenschaften thermomechanisch belasteter Sensoren
2006 Der Andere Verlag - Friedberger, A., Gradolph, C., Ziemann, T., Müller, G., Wilde, J.
Low maintenance MEMS packaging for rotor blade integration
2006 Proceedings of MNT for Aerospace Applications - Greger, W., Hösel, T., Fellner, T., Schoth, A., Mueller, C., Wilde, J., Reinecke, H.
Low-cost deformable mirror for laser focusing
2006 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering - J. Wilde, M. Schneider-Ramelow, M. Petzold, W. Scheel
Methoden zur Zuverlässigkeitsqualifizierung neuer Technologien in der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik - Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten.
In: Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik
2006, Dr. Markus A. Detert, pages: 94 - 134, ISBN: 3-934142-53-2 - S. Fischer, D. Pustan, E. Zukowski, J. Wilde
Moderne Prüftechniken bei thermomechanischen Fragestellungen an elektronischen Bauelementen und Baugruppen
2006 GMM-Fachtagung, Fellbach - Jürgen Wilde, Elena Zukowski
Probabilistic Analysis of the Influences of Design Parameter on the Reliability of Chip Scale Packages
2006 Proceedings of EuroSime

- Zukowski E, Rudnyi E, Korvink J, Wilde J
Model reduction for thermo-mechanical simulation of packages.
2005 International Workshop on Thermal Investigation og ICs ans Systems, pages: 134 - 138 - S. Fischer, S. Hartwig, J. Wilde, H. Beyer, R. Janke
Analysis of the Influence of Packaging Stresses on the Accuracy of Hall Sensor ICs
2005 Proc. SENSOR 2005 12th Internat. Conference, Nürnberg , pages: 43 - 48 - S. Fischer, H. Beyer, R. Janke, S. Hartwig, J. Wilde
Comparison of Analysis Methods for Package-Induced Stresses on Moulded Hall Sensors
2005 Symp. on Design, Test, Integration of MEMS/MOEMS, Montreux , pages: 239 - 243 - Elena Zukowski, Erik Deier, Jürgen Wilde
Correct modelling of geometry and materials properties in the thermo-mechanical finite-elements-simulation of chip scale packages
2005 Proc. Eurosime, Berlin , pages: 545 - 552 - Erfinder: Jürgen Wilde, Frank Stubhan, Gabriele Staudigl
Deutsches Patent: Bauelement mit Schutzschicht und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Schutzschicht für ein Bauelement Patent-Nummer: 197 36 090.4, Erteilung: 14.04.2005, 2005
, 2005 - J. Wilde, C. Ament, Y. Lai
Eddy current sensor for monitoring the health status of high temperature turbo machinery
2005 Proc. SENSOR 2005 12th Internat. Conference, Nürnberg, Germany , pages: 289 - 294 - J. Wilde, E. Deier, S. Fischer
Einfluss der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik auf die Funktionalität von Mikrosystemen
2005 Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress, Freiburg - S. Fischer, H. Beyer, R. Janke, J. Wilde
The influence of package-induced stresses on moulded Hall sensors
2005 Microsystem Technologies 2005, volume: 12, issue: 1-2, pages: 69 - 74 - Erik Deier, Jens Hoyden, Jürgen Wilde, Klaus Becker
Thermomechanische Einflüsse der Chipklebung auf die Genauigkeit mikromechanischer Drucksensoren, Teil 2: Experimentelle Verifikation
2005 Technisches Messen 2005, volume: 72, issue: 2, pages: 111 - 121

- S. Fischer, J. Wilde, E. Deier, E. Zukowski
Influence of materials data on the performance modeling in the design of MEMS packages
2004 9th Int. Symposium on Advanced Packaging Materials, Atlanta, GA, USA , pages: 57 - 62 - S. Fischer, H. Beyer, J. Wilde, R. Janke
Modellierung der Aufbau-und Verbindungstechnik am Beispiel des Backend-Prozesses gemoldeter Hallsensoren
2004 10. GMM Workshop, Cottbus , pages: 231 - 238 - J. Wilde, E. Deier, J. Hoyden
Modelling and simulation for stress-free mounting of MEMS
2004 DTIP Design test integration and packaging of MEMS & MOEMS, Montreux, CH , pages: 13 - 18 - Wilde, J., Zukowski, E.
Simulation in der Aufbau-und Verbindungstechnik
2004 GMM-Fachbericht 44 2004, pages: 109 - 116 - S. Fischer, H. Beyer, R. Janke, J. Wilde
The influence of package-induced stresses on moulded hall sensors
2004 DTIP Design test integration and packaging of MEMS & MOEMS, Montreux, CH , pages: 113 - 118

- J. Wilde, Y. Lai
Design optimization of an eddy current sensor using the finite-elements method
2003 Microelectronics Reliability 2003, volume: 43, pages: 345 - 349 - J. Wilde, E. Deier
Einfluss des nichtlinearen Verhaltens der Montageklebung auf die Genauigkeit mikromechnischer Drucksensoren
2003 Proc. 9., GMM-Workshop, Bielefeld, Germany , pages: 135 - 140 - J. Wilde, M. Feil, J. Murawski, K.-H. Segsa, S. Burmeister, K.-D. Lang, J. Ludewig, K.-J. Wolter
Fachausschuss Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik der GMM: Hochtemperaturelektronik - Stand und Herausforderungen
, 2003 - J. Wilde, M. Feil, J. Murawski, K.-H. Segsa
Hochtemperaturelektronik - Anwendungsgebiete und Basismaterialien
2003 Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik 2003, volume: 15, issue: 2, pages: 58 - 66 - S. Burmeister, K.-D. Lang, J. Ludewig, K.-J. Wolter, J. Wilde
Hochtemperaturelektronik - Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnologien
2003 Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik 2003, volume: 15, issue: 3, pages: 112 - 122 - J. Wilde, W. Wondrak, V. Tiederle, R. Schliesser
Hochtemperaturelektronik - Materialien, Qualifizierung und Awendungsbeispiele
2003 Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik 2003, volume: 15, issue: 5, pages: 213 - 220 - Y. Lai, J. Wilde
The investigation of an eddy current sensor with LTCC technology
2003 Proc. European Microlectronics Packaging & Interconnection Symp., IMAPS German Chapter, Friedrichshafen, Germany , pages: 433 - 435 - E. Deier, J. Wilde
Thermo-mechanical behavior of the die attachment adhesive of a MEMS pressure senosor
2003 Proc. European Microlectronics Packaging & Interconnection Symp., IMAPS German Chapter, Friedrichshafen, Germany , pages: 237 - 242 - J. Wilde, E. Deier
Thermomechanische Einflüsse der Chipklebung auf die Genauigkeit mikromechanischer Drucksensoren, Teil 1: Simulation
2003 Technisches Messen 2003, volume: 70, issue: 5, pages: 251 - 257

- J. Wilde, Y. Lai
Design optimization of an eddy current sensor using the finite-elements method
2002 Proc. European Microlectronics Packaging & Interconnection Symp., IMAPS Poland Chapter, Krakau, Poland , pages: 197 - 200 - J. Wilde
Lebensdauerprognose von Drahtbondverbindungen für die Mechatronik mittels FEM
2002 GMM-Fachbericht 36 2002, pages: 117 - 122 - J. Wilde, O. Paul
The diploma degree program in microsystem technology at the University of Freiburg
2002 Proc. 5th Int. Academic Conf. on Electronic Packaging Education and Training, Templin, Dr. Markus Detert Verlag, Dresden Dr. Markus Detert Verlag, pages: 181 - 187 - E. Deier, J. Wilde
Thermomechnisches Verhalten von Klebeverbindungen in der Mikrosystemtechnik.
2002 GMM-Fachbericht 36 2002, pages: 103 - 110

- G. Z. Wang, Z. Cheng, K. Becker, J. Wilde
Applying Anand model to represent the viscoplastic deformation behavior of solder alloys
2001 Trans ASME J. Electronic Packaging 2001, volume: 123, issue: 3, pages: 247 - 253 - J. Wilde
Design for reliability in the packaging of sensores and microsystems
2001 Tagungsband zum Kongress Sensor, Nürnberg 8-10, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, Germany , pages: 263 - 268 - J. Wilde, K. Becker, M. Thoben
Economic method for the collection of complex materials data for the design of microsystems
2001 Tagungsband zum Kongress Mat 2001, Nürnberg 8-10, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, Germany - M. Thoben, X. Xie, D. Silber, J. Wilde
Reliability of Chip DCB solder joints in AlSiC base plate power modules: influence of chip size
2001 Microelectronics Reliability 2001, volume: 41, issue: 9-10, pages: 1719 - 1723

- H. Kanbach, J. Wilde, F. Kriebel, E. Meusel
3D Si-on-Si stack package
2000 Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 2000, volume: 12, issue: 1, pages: 35 - 39 - W. Wondrak, A. Boos, R. Constapel, J. Wilde
Design for reliability in automative electronics
2000 Proceedings Microtec 2000, EXPO, Hannover, Germany - J. Wilde, W. Staiger, M. Thoben
Modeling and experimental investigations on degradation of microcomponents in power cycling
2000 Interntional Congress on Advandec Materials, DGM, Muenchen, Germany Tagungsband Materials Week 2000, pages: 25 - 28 - C. Bitz, K. Becker, J. Wilde
Modeling of material properties for advanced packaging
2000 Proceedings 3rd International Micro Materials Conference, B. Michel et al., Berlin, Germany , pages: 306 - 307 - J. Wilde, K. Becker, M. Thoben, W. Blum, T. Jupitz, G. Wang, Z. Cheng
Rate dependent constitutive relations based on Anand model for 92.5Pb5Sn2.5Ag solder
2000 IEEE Trans. Advanced Packaging 2000, volume: 23, issue: 3, pages: 408 - 414 - W. Wondrak, R. Constapel, W. Senske, J. Wilde
Reliability requirements for microtechnologies used in automative applications
2000 Proceedings 3rd International Micro Materials Conference, B. Michel et al., Berlin, Germany , pages: 371 - 374 - A. Rentsch, J. Wilde
Use of alternative materials for packaging of sensors and MCMs
2000 Proceedings 3rd International Micro Materials Conference, B. Michel et al., Berlin, Germany , pages: 259 - 264 - Z. Cheng, G. Wang, L. Chen, J. Wilde, K. Becker
Viscoplastic Anand model for solder alloys and its application
2000 Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 2000, volume: 12, issue: 2, pages: 31 - 36 - M. Thoben, W. Staiger, C. Bitz, J. Wilde
Zuverlässigkeit von Antriebselektronik für Elektrofahrzeuge
2000 VDI-Tagung, Elektronik im Kfz, Baden-Baden, Germay , pages: 1169 - 1182

- H. Kanabach, J. Wilde, F. Kriebel, E. Meusel
3D Si-on-Si stack package
1999 Proceedings, International Conference on High Density Packaging and MCMs, Denver, Colorado, USA - J. Wilde, W. Staiger, M. Thoben
An integrated approach for the hardware optimation of electrical power modules for automative electrotraction
1999 IEEE Intern. Vehicle Electronics Conf., IVEC, Changchun, P.R. China , pages: 170 - 178 - J. Wilde, Z. Cheng, G. Wang
Influence of packaging materials on the reliability of solder joints on a CSP
1999 Materials Packaging Symposium and Flip Chip Workshop, Brasleton, GA, USA Tagungsband zur Konferenz, IMAPS, Reston, VA, USA, 1999 - W. Senske, W. Wondrak, J. Wilde
Reliability requirements for micortechnologies used in automative applications
1999 Stuttgarter Messe- und Kongressgesellschaft GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany Tagungsband MicroEngineering 99, Stuttgart, pages: 123 - 129 - M. Thoben, W. Staiger, J. Wilde, C. Bitz, X. Xie
Zuverlässigkeit großflächiger Lötstellen in der Leistungselektronik.
1999 Halbleiterleistungsbauelemente-Kolloquium, Freiburg, Germany

- J. Wilde, W. Staiger, M. Thoben
Integration of liquid cooling, thermal and thermomechanical design for the lifetime perdiction of electrical power modules
1998 SAE Congress, Automative Electronics Packaging Symposium, Detroit, USA, SAE Society of Automative Engineers, Warrendale, PA, USA

- J. Wilde
Beitrag zum Kompendium Teilprojekt
1997 BMBF Verbundprojekt: SMT Zuverlässigkeit, VDI/VDE-Technologiezentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Teltow, Germany - J. Wilde, A. Ruckwied, K. Becker, H. Resch, B.-W. Zweig
LCC optimisation in the design process of catenaries of electrical train systems
1997 World Congress on Railway Research WCRR`97, Florenz, Konferenz-Berichte, Vol. C, UIC, Paris, France , pages: 49 - 56 - J. Wilde
Lebensdauerprognose durch Simulation
1997 2. Workshop Zuverlässigkeit und Fehleranalytik an Bauelementen, Leiterplatten und elektronische Baugruppen, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany - K. Becker, A. Rukwied, J. Wilde, B.-W. Zweig
Life-Cycle-Cost-Betrachtungen von Oberleitungsanlagen
1997 VDI-Tagung, Systemoptimierung im spurgeführten Verkehr, München, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany

- Z. Cheng. Z. Jia, T. Wang, K. Becker, J. Wilde
FE Simulation for reliability of solder joints in electronic packaging
1996 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Packaging Technology, Shanghai, P.R. China

- Erfinder: Jürgen Wilde
Deutsches Patent: Verfahren zur Herstellung von ultrafeinen Metallpulvern Patent-Nummer: 40 13 320
, 1995 - J. Wilde, T. Ahrens
Fehlertolernaz thermomechanisch beanspruchter SMD-Lötverbindungen, Teil 1
1995 Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik 1995, volume: 7, issue: 2, pages: 119 - 123

- Erfinder: Jürgen Wilde, Erfinder: Horst Kriesten
Deutsches Patent: Vorrichtung für die Zugprüfung von Werkstoffproben Patent-Nummer: 40 15 178
, 1994 - J. Wilde, H. Püttner, A. Rukwied
Lebensdauereigenschaften des Weichlots Sn62PbAg2
1994 EuPac`94, 1st European Conference on Packaging Technology, DVS-Ber. 158, Deutscher Verlag für Schweißtechnik, Düsseldorf, Germany , pages: 150 - 153

- J. Wilde, N. Pchalek
Kontaktierung von Solarzellen durch Isotherme Erstarrung
1993 Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik 1993, volume: 5, issue: 4, pages: 172 - 179

- J. Wilde
Neue Entwicklungen beim Löten
1989 VDI-Ber. 796, 1989, pages: 319 - 337 - U. Draugelates, U.-H. Koenig, J. Wilde
Ultraschallschweißen von Aluminiumdrähten auf Silber-Palladium-Metallisierungen
1989 Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik 1989, volume: 1, issue: 1, pages: 27 - 30

- U. Draugelates, J. Wilde
Eigenschaften neuartiger Feindrähte aus Faserverbundlegierungen
1988 DVS-Ber. 110, Deutscher Verlag für Schweißtechnik, 1988, pages: 142 - 146 - U. Draugelates, J. Wilde
Laserstrahlschweißen des kaltzähen Stahls X8Ni9
1988 DVS-Ber. 113, Deutscher Verlag für Schweißtechnik 1988 - U. Draugelates, J. Wilde, J. Krohn
Metallische Verbundwerkstoffe in der elektronischen Fertigung
1988 Werkstofftag 1988, VDI-Ber. 670, pages: 269 - 283 - U. Draugelates, J. Krohn, J. Wilde
Verbindungseingenschaften und Prozeßverlauf beim Unltraschlall-Bonden von neuartigen Faserverbunddrähten
1988 DVS-Ber. 110, Deutscher Verlag für Schweißtechnik, 1988, pages: 22 - 26

- U. Draugelates, J. Wilde, J. Krohn
Miniatur-Klebeverbindungen mit silbergefülltem Epoxidklebstoff
1987 Adhäsion 1987, volume: 9, issue: 10, pages: 14 - 22

- U. Draugelates, J. Krohn, J. Wilde
Gefügedarstellung an Mikrofügeverbindungen von Faserverbundfeinstdrähten
1986 Metallographie 1987, volume: 17 - U. Draugelates, J. Krohn, J. Wilde
Vergleich von Mikrofügeverbindungen zur Herstellung von Draht-Substrat-Kontaktierungen mit neuartigen Faserverbunddrähten
1986 DVS-Ber. 102, Deutscher Verlag für Schweißtechnik 1986, pages: 27 - 31 - U. Draugelates, J. Krohn, J. Wilde
Weichlöten hochverformter Faserverbunddrähte
1986 DVS-Ber. 104, Deutscher Verlag für Schweißtechnik 1986, pages: 1 - 12

- J. Wilde, W. Groll, F.W. Kleinlein
Measurement of crack propagation data in small slices of brittle materials in controlled bending
1985 J. Mater. Sci 1985, volume: 20, pages: 4069 - 4074 - U. Draugelates, J. Wilde
Mikrostruktur und Eigenschaften eines dreiphasigen Faserverbundstoffes - der Einfluß von Verformung und Wärmebehandlung
1985 Verbundstoffe 1985, volume: 2, pages: 193 - 211
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