Chemical IR-spectroscopy of photochemical organic reactions in micro reactors

Consisting of 4 subprojects and 10 research teams of the
Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg and the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT), the project ProMiSe ("Assessing and Controlling
Dynamic Local Process Conditions in Microreactors via Novel Integrated
Microsensors") is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG,
Research Unit 2383). Subproject 3, in which the Gisela and Erwin Sick
Chair of Microoptics is involved, focuses on photochemistry in
microreactors. Several chemical reactions, which have already been
successfully synthesized in traditional reaction flasks, will be
transferred to flow-through synthesis in microreactors. As a continuous
multistage synthesis, these reactions are activated with blue to
ultraviolet light of varying intensity. Measurements along the reactor
channel using spatially resolved IR spectroscopy provide a better
insight into the dynamics of local transport and reaction processes of
such systems. The optical system is developed exclusively for this
application by Professor Zappe and his team and is based on tunable
Fabry-Perot filters in the near to mid infrared range. Furthermore,
these sensor data are used for a closed control loop, which allows the
optimization of yield, product quality and flow time.
01.09.2019 bis 31.08.2022
Prof. Dr. Hans Zappe
David Ilioaë
DFG Research Unit 2383
Fabry–Perot filter, infrared spectroscopy, microreactor, flow
chemistry, photochemistry, microsensor, control engineering