OptoFluidic Adaptive Optics (OFAO)

OptoFluidic Adaptive Optics (OFAO) envisions an unprecedented refractive adaptive optics system featuring a
reconfigurable freeform membrane as the spatial phase modulator.
The concept involves a flexible, electrically active polymer membrane that is supported on a micromachined
substrate containing an array of buried transparent electrodes. The system is filled with a high refractive index
optical liquid. The membrane shape can be manipulated with high precision on addressing the buried electrode
array by means of electrostatic actuation. The displaced liquid results in an optical path difference and is used
to perform the spatial phase modulation.
This new class of highly configurable refractive phase modulator (pictured to the left) is operated with a custom
real-time control system to correct up to 5th order (Zernike) optical aberrations with high fidelity. We propose
a completely new approach to adaptive optics (AO), which has the potential to expand the application area of AO
at an affordable cost, especially in the field of high resolution microscopy.
OFAO is active in the following topics:
* Adaptive refractive surfaces capable of arbitrary wavefront correction
* Sensorless wavefront estimation using information inherent in images
* Control algorithms and electronics for real-time operation in life-science applications
01.01.2015 bis 31.03.2019
Dr. Çağlar Ataman
Herr Kaustubh Banerjee
adaptive optics, phase modulation, microscopy, aberration correction