Publikationen nach Jahrgang
Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften
Jahre: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1995

- Jünger F, Rohrbach A
Making Hidden Cell Particle Interactions Visible by Thermal Noise Frequency Decomposition
2023 Small, Band: 2207032 - Ayala Y A, Omidvar R, Römer W, Rohrbach A
Thermal fluctuations of the lipid membrane determine particle uptake into Giant Unilamellar Vesicles
2023 Nature Communications, Band: 14, Nummer: 1, Seite: 65

- Jünger F, Ruh D, Strobel D, Michiels R, Huber D, ..., Rohrbach A
100 Hz ROCS microscopy correlated with fluorescence reveals cellular dynamics on different spatiotemporal scales
2022 Nature Communications, Band: 13, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 1758 - 1774 - Michiels R, Gensch N, Erhard B, Rohrbach A
Pulling, failing and adaptive mechanotransduction of macrophage filopodia
2022 Biophysical Journal, Band: 121, Nummer: 17, Seiten: 3224 - 3241 - Mahmud M S, Ruh D, Rohrbach A
ROCS microscopy with distinct zero-order blocking
2022 Optics Express, Band: 30, Nummer: 25, Seiten: 44339 - 44349

- Saguy, A., Jünger, F., Peleg, A., Ferdman, B., Nehme, E., Rohrbach, A., Shechtman, Y.
From speckle patterns to superior-resolved images by deep learning in Rotating Coherent Scattering Microscopy
2021 Optics Express, Band: 29, Seiten: 23877 - 23887 - Omidvar,R., Ayala,Y. A., Brandel, A., Hasenclever, L., Helmstädter, M., Rohrbach, A., Römer, W., Madl, J.
Quantification of nanoscale forces in lectin-mediated bacterial attachment and uptake into giant liposomes
2021 Nanoscale, Band: 13, Nummer: 7, Seiten: 4016 - 4028 - Landenberger B, Yatish, Rohrbach A
Towards non-blind optical tweezing by finding 3D refractive index changes through off-focus interferometric tracking
2021 Nature Communications, Band: 12, Nummer: 1, Seite: 6922

- Koebele L, Rohrbach A
A Shape-switch-block principle for confocal light-sheet microscopy with sectioned Bessel beams and stimulated emission depletion
2020 Communications Physics - Roth J, Mehl J, Rohrbach A
Fast TIRF-SIM imaging of dynamic, low-fluorescent biological samples
2020 Biomed Opt Express, Band: 11, Nummer: 7, Seiten: 4008 - 4026 - Rohrbach A, Meyer T, Stelzer EHK, Kress H
Measuring Stepwise Binding of Thermally Fluctuating Particles to Cell Membranes without Fluorescence
2020 Biophys J, Band: 118 - Dersch S, Mehl J, Stuckenschneider L, Mayer B, Roth J, Rohrbach A, Graumann P
Super-resolution microscopy and single-molecule tracking reveal distinct adaptive dynamics of MreB and of cell wall-synthesis enzymes
2020 Front Microbiol, Band: 11, Nummer: 1946

- Meinert T, Rohrbach A
Light-sheet microscopy with length-adaptive Bessel beams
2019 Biomed Opt Express, Band: 10, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 670 - 681

- Roth J, Koch M D, Rohrbach A
Dynamics of a Protein Chain Motor Driving Helical Bacteria under Stress
2018 Biophys J, Band: 114, Nummer: 8, Seiten: 1955 - 1969 - Bhat Kashekodi A, Meinert T, Michiels R, Rohrbach A
Miniature scanning light-sheet illumination implemented in a conventional microscope
2018 Biomed Opt Express, Band: 9, Nummer: 9, Seiten: 4263 - 4274 - Kermani H, Rohrbach A
Orientation-control of two plasmonically-coupled nanoparticles in an optical trap
2018 Acs Photonics, Band: 5, Nummer: 11, Seiten: 4660 - 4667 - Jünger F, Rohrbach A
Strong cytoskeleton activity on millisecond timescales during particle binding and uptake revealed by ROCS microscopy
2018 Cytoskeleton, Band: 75, Seiten: 410 - 424 - Ruh D, Mutschler J, Michelbach M, Rohrbach A
Superior contrast and resolution by image formation in rotating coherent scattering (ROCS) microscopy
2018 Optica, Band: 5, Nummer: 11, Seiten: 1371 - 1381

- Koch M D, Rohrbach A
Label-free imaging and bending analysis of microtubules by ROCS microscopy and optical trapping
2017 Biophys J, Band: 114, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 168 - 177 - Gohn-Kreuz C, Rohrbach A
Light needles in scattering media using self-reconstructing beams and the STED principle
2017 Optica, Band: 4, Nummer: 9, Seiten: 1134 - 1142 - Meinert T, Gutwein B-A, Rohrbach A
Light-sheet microscopy in a glass capillary – Feedback holographic control for illumination beam correction
2017 Opt Lett, Band: 42, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 350 - 353 - Koch M D, Schneider N, Nick P, Rohrbach A
Single microtubules and small networks become significantly stiffer on short time-scales upon mechanical stimulation
2017 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 7, Nummer: 4229

- Jünger F, Olshausen P, Rohrbach A
Fast, label-free super-resolution live-cell imaging using rotating coherent scattering (ROCS) microscopy
2016 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 6, Seite: 30393 - Trankle B, Ruh D, Rohrbach A
Interaction Probability Of Two Diffusing Particles: Contact Times And Influence Of Nearby Surfaces.
2016 Soft Matter, Band: 12, Seiten: 2729 - 2736 - Gohn-Kreuz C, Rohrbach A
Light-sheet generation in inhomogeneous media using self-reconstructing beams and the STED-principle
2016 Opt Express, Band: 24, Nummer: 6, Seiten: 5855 - 5865 - Meinert T, Tietz O, Palme K, Rohrbach A
Separation of ballistic and diffusive fluorescence photons in confocal Light-Sheet Microscopy of Arabidopsis roots
2016 Sci Rep-uk, Band: 6, Seite: 30378

- Jünger F, Kohler F, Meinel A, Meyer T, Nitschke R, Erhard B, Rohrbach A
Measuring local viscosities near plasma membranes of living cells with photonic force microscopy
2015 Biophys J, Band: 109, Nummer: 5, Seiten: 869 - 882 - Blattmann M, Rohrbach A
Plasmonic Coupling Dynamics of Silver Nanoparticles in an Optical Trap
2015 Nano Lett, Band: 15, Seiten: 7816 - 7821 - Friedrich L, Rohrbach A
Surface imaging beyond the diffraction limit with optically trapped spheres
2015 Nat Nanotechnol, Band: 10, Seiten: 1064 - 1069 - Kohler F, Rohrbach A
Surfing along filopodia – a particle transport revealed by molecular scale fluctuation analyses
2015 Biophys J, Band: 108, Seiten: 2114 - 2125

- Grießhammer M, Rohrbach A
5D-Tracking of a nanorod in a focused laser beam - a theoretical concept
2014 Opt Express, Band: 22, Nummer: 5, Seiten: 6114 - 6132 - Huber M, Schreiber A, Olshausen P, Varga B, Kretz O, Barnert S, Schubert R, Eimer S, Kele P, Schiller S
Designer amphiphilic proteins as building blocks for the intracellular formation of organelle-like compartments
2014 Nat Mater - Koch M, A. Rohrbach
How to calibrate an object-adapted optical trap for force sensing and interferometric shape tracking of asymmetric structures
2014 Optics Express, Band: 22, Nummer: 21, Seiten: 25242 - 25257 - Meinel A, Tränkle B, Römer W, Rohrbach A
Induced phagocytic particle uptake into a giant unilamellar vesicle.
2014 Soft Matter, Band: 10, Nummer: 20, Seiten: 3667 - 3678 - Kohler F, Rohrbach A
Synchronization of elastically coupled processive molecular motors and regulation of cargo transport
2014 Phys Rev E, Band: 91, Seiten: 012701 - 012709

- Olshausen P, Rohrbach A
Coherent total internal reflection dark-field microscopy: label-free imaging beyond the diffraction limit
2013 Opt Lett, Band: 38, Nummer: 20, Seiten: 4066 - 4069 - Mousavi H, Gohn-Kreuz C, Rohrbach A
Feedback phase correction of Bessel beams in confocal line light-sheet microscopy – a simulation study
2013 Appl Optics, Band: 52, Nummer: 23, Seiten: 5835 - 5842 - Fahrbach F, Gurchenkov V, Alessandri K, Nassoy P, Rohrbach A
Light-sheet microscopy in thick media using scanned Bessel beams and two-photon fluorescence excitation
2013 Opt Express, Band: 21, Nummer: 11, Seiten: 13824 - 13839 - Fahrbach F, Gurchenkov V, Alessandri K, Nassoy P, Rohrbach A
Self-reconstructing sectioned Bessel beams offer submicron optical sectioning for large fields of view in light-sheet microscopy
2013 Opt Express, Band: 21, Nummer: 9, Seiten: 11425 - 11440 - Olshausen P, Soufo H, Wicker K, Heintzmann R, Graumann P, Rohrbach A
Superresolution Imaging of Dynamic MreB Filaments in B. subtilis - A Multiple-Motor-Driven Transport?
2013 Biophys J, Band: 105, Nummer: 5, Seiten: 1171 - 1181

- Trankle B, Speidel M, Rohrbach A
Interaction dynamics of two colloids in a single optical potential.
2012 Phys Rev E, Band: 86, Seiten: 021401-1 - 021401-5 - Landenberger B, Höfemann H, Wadle S, Rohrbach A
Microfluidic sorting of arbitrary cells with dynamic optical tweezers
2012 Lab Chip, Band: 12, Seiten: 3177 - 3188 - Koch M, Rohrbach A
Object adapted optical trapping and shape tracking of energy switching helical bacteria
2012 Nat Photonics, Band: 6, Seiten: 680 - 686 - Spira F, Mueller N S, Beck G, Olshausen P, Beig J, Wedlich-Söldner R
Patchwork organization of the yeast plasma membrane into numerous coexisting domains
2012 Nat Cell Biol, Band: 14, Seiten: 640 - 648 - Fahrbach F, Rohrbach A
Propagation stability of self-reconstructing Bessel beams enables contrast-enhanced imaging in thick media
2012 Nat Commun, Band: 3, Seite: 632 - Yu, Yiting, Chassaing, Delphine, Scherer, Torsten, Landenberger, Benjamin, Zappe, Hans
The Focusing and Talbot Effect of Periodic Arrays of Metallic Nanoapertures in High-Index Medium
2012 Plasmonics - Friedrich L, Rohrbach A
Tuning the detection sensitivity: a model for axial backfocal plane interferometric tracking
2012 Opt Lett, Band: 37, Nummer: 11, Seiten: 2109 - 2111

- R. Pflugradt, U. Schmidt, B. Landenberger, T. Sänger, S. Lutz-Bonengel
A novel and effective separation method for single mitochondria analysis
2011 Mitochondrium, Band: 11, Nummer: 2011, Seiten: 308 - 314 - Ruh D, Tränkle B, Rohrbach A
Fast parallel interferometric 3D tracking of numerous optically trapped particles and their hydrodynamic interaction
2011 Optics Express, Band: 19, Nummer: 22, Seiten: 21627 - 21642

- F. O. Fahrbach, A. Rohrbach
A line scanned light-sheet microscope with phase shaped self-reconstructing beams
2010 Optics Express, Band: 18, Nummer: 23, Seiten: 24229 - 24244 - L. Friedrich, A. Rohrbach
Improved interferometric tracking of trapped particles using two frequency detuned beams
2010 Optics Letters, Band: 35, Nummer: 11, Seiten: 1920 - 1922 - F. O. Fahrbach, P. Simon, A. Rohrbach
Microscopy with self-reconstructing beams
2010 Nature Photonics, Band: 4, Seiten: 780 - 785

- Rohrbach A
Artifacts resulting from imaging in scattering media: a theoretical prediction.
2009 Opt Lett, Band: 34, Nummer: 19, Seiten: 3041 - 3043 - Speidel M, Friedrich L, Rohrbach A
Interferometric 3D tracking of several particles in a scanning laser focus.
2009 Opt Express, Band: 17, Nummer: 2, Seiten: 1003 - 1015

- H. Kress, E. H. K. Stelzer, D. Holzer, F. Buss, G. Griffiths, A. Rohrbach
Filopodia act as phagocytic tentacles and pull with discrete steps and a load-dependent velocity
2007 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., Band: 104, Seiten: 11633 - 11638

- P. C. Seitz, E. H. K. Stelzer, A. Rohrbach
Interferometric tracking of optically trapped probes behind structured surfaces: a phase correction method
2006 Appl. Opt., Band: 45, Nummer: 28, Seiten: 7309 - 7315

- Kress, H., Stelzer, E. H. K., Griffiths, G., Rohrbach, A.
Control of relative radiation pressure in optical traps: Application to phagocytic membrane binding studies
2005 Phys. Rev. E, Seite: 061927 - Rohrbach, A.
Stiffness of optical traps: Quantitative agreement between experiment and electromagnetic theory
2005 Phys. Rev. Lett., Band: 95, Seite: 168102 - Rohrbach, A.
Switching and measuring a force of 25 femtoNewtons with an optical trap
2005 Opt. Express, Band: 13, Nummer: 24, Seiten: 9696 - 9701 - Becker, N., Altmann, S., Scholz, T., Hörber, H., Stelzer, E.H.K., Rohrbach, A.
Three-dimensional bead position histograms reveal single-molecule nano-mechanics
2005 Phys.Rev.E, Band: 71, Nummer: 2, Seite: 021907

- Rohrbach, A. , Kress, H., Stelzer, E.H.K.
Reply to comment on : Trapping forces, force constants and potential depths for dielectric spheres in the presence of spherical aberrations
2004 Appl. Opt., Band: 43, Nummer: 9, Seiten: 1827 - 1829 - Kress, Holger, Stelzer, Ernst H.K. , Rohrbach, Alexander
Tilt angle dependent 3D-position detection of a trapped cylindrical particle in a focused laser beam
2004 Appl.Phys.Letters, Band: 84, Nummer: 18, Seiten: 4271 - 4273 - Rohrbach, A., Tischer, C., Neumayer, D., Florin, E. L., Stelzer, E. H. K.
Trapping and tracking a local probe with a Photonic Force Microscope
2004 Rev Sci Instrum, Band: 75, Nummer: 6, Seiten: 2197 - 2210

- Rohrbach, A. , Kress, H., Stelzer, E.H.K.
Three-dimensional tracking of small spheres in focused laser beams: influence of the detection angular aperture
2003 Optics Letters, Band: 28, Seiten: 411 - 413

- Rohrbach, A. , Stelzer, E.H.K.
Three-dimensional position detection of optically trapped dielectric particles
2002 J. Appl. Phys., Band: 91, Nummer: 8, Seiten: 5474 - 5488 - Rohrbach, A. , Stelzer, E.H.K.
Trapping forces, force constants and potential depths for dielectric spheres in the presence of spherical aberrations
2002 Appl. Opt., Band: 41, Nummer: 13, Seiten: 2494 - 2507

- Rohrbach, A. , Stelzer, E.H.K.
Optical trapping of dielectric particles in arbitrary fields
2001 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Band: 18, Nummer: 4, Seiten: 839 - 853

- Rohrbach, A.
Observing secretory granules with a multi-angle evanescent wave microscope
2000 Biophysical Journal, Band: 78, Seiten: 2641 - 2654 - Lang, T., Wacker, I., Wunderlich, I., Rohrbach, A., Giese, G., Soldati, T., Almers, W.
Role of actin cortex in the subplasmalemmal transport of secretory granules in pc-12 cells
2000 Biophysical Journal, Band: 78, Seiten: 2863 - 2877

- Rohrbach, A., Singer, W.
Scattering of a scalar field at dielectric surfaces by Born series expansion
1998 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Band: 15, Nummer: 10, Seiten: 2651 - 2659

- Rohrbach, A., Brenner, K.H.
Surface-relief phase structures generated by light-initiated polymerization
1995 Applied Optics, Band: 34, Seiten: 4747 - 4754
Jahre: 2009 | 2007 | 2003 | 1992

- C. Wachten, C. Ament, L. Friedrich, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Hybrid Controller for Tracking Systems
In: Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2009, Springer Verlag,

- A. Rohrbach, E. H. K. Stelzer
Optical trapping of small particles
In: Optical Imaging and Microscopy
2007, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, Seite: 455 ff.,

- Rohrbach, A. , Huisken, J. , Stelzer, E.H.K.
Optical trapping of small particles
In: Optical Imaging and Microscopy
2003, Springer Verlag, - Jonkman, J.E.N. , Swoger, J. , Kress, H. , Rohrbach, A. , Stelzer,E.H.K.
Resolution in Optical Microscopy
2003, , Band: 360, Seiten: 416 - 446,

- Brenner, K.-H, Bagado, G., Merklein, T., Rohrbach, A.
Fabrication of micro-optic elements by UV-initiated polymerization
In: Integrated Optics and Micro-Optics with Polymers
1992, Teubner-Texte, Seiten: 117 - 191,
Jahre: 2005 | 2001

- Neumayer, D., P. Kaiser, et al.
Interferometric tracking of two particles with dynamic optical traps.
2005 SPIE , Band: 5859, Seiten: 33 - 39 - Kress, H., E. H. K. Stelzer et al.
Measuring and adjusting the trapping position in optical tweezers.
2005 DGaO - Seitz, P. C., E. H. K. Stelzer, et al.
Trapping and tracking in the presence of phase disturbances.
2005 SPIE , Band: 5930, Seiten: 593005 - 593014

- Rohrbach, A., E. L. Florin, et al.
Photonic Force Microscopy: Simulation of principles and applications.
2001 SPIE , Band: 4431, Seiten: 75 - 86
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