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Apl. Prof. Dr. Nils Paust

Head of division Microfluidic Platforms

Vita PD Dr. Nils Paust

Dr. Nils Paust studied energy and process engineering at the Technical University of Berlin with a focus on fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and control engineering (degree: diploma). He received his Ph.D. with the dissertation entitled “Passive and self-regulating fuel supply in direct methanol fuel cells” at the University of Freiburg in 2010. Since 2010 Nils works for Hahn-Schickard, first as a group leader and nowadays as the head of the division “Microfluidic Platforms”. Main research interest of Nils Paust is the centrifugal microfluidic system integration. This comprises new microfluidic functionalities, simulation based design, the interface between fluidics and scalable cost-efficient mass fabrication and the implementation of complete laboratory workflows on centrifugal microfluidic cartridges. He habilitated in 2020 and is teaching as PD at the University of Freiburg.







Georges-Koehler-Allee 103, 2nd floor (Hahn-Schickard building)
79110 Freiburg



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