Sie sind hier: Startseite Laboratories Zengerle, Roland Projects


ZenION – Stable AEM via super bases

Project description

In this project, polymers with superbasic groups (phosphazenes) are functionalized and evaluated for their use as membranes in alkaline fuel cells. Polymers functionalized in this way offer the advantage of intrinsic chemical stability over conventional polymers with quaternized ammonium groups, while exhibiting sufficient hydroxide conductivity. The aim of the project is to explore a novel class of intrinsically stable anion exchange membranes (AEMs), which could serve as a starting point to redefine membrane design of AEM fuel cells and also alkaline electrolyzers.

Start/End of project

01.11.2022 until 31.01.2024

Project manager

Dr. Andreas Münchinger

Contact person

Dr. Andreas Münchinger


Vector Stiftung


alkalische Brennstoffzelle, Alkaline fuel cell
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