Sie sind hier: Startseite Laboratories Zengerle, Roland Projects



Project description

On the one hand the implementation of advanced contrast modalites will be performed, based on current works. On the other hand a novel neutron detection system with hitherto unknown spatial and temporal resolution will be developed. The ANTARES setup at FRM-II has currently the highest flux and collimation. Linked with highest possible spatial and temporal resolution this will create a worldwide unique analysis setup. To find novel fields of applications at FRM-II ANTARES setup novel approaches for the investigation of energy applications will be developed with a particular emphasis on redox flow batteries.

Start/End of project

01.07.2016 until 30.06.2019

Project manager

Dr. Simon Thiele (Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle)

Contact person

Dr. Simon Thiele
Phone:+49 761 203-95085


TU München, FRM-II




Energie und Energieeffizienz, energy and energy efficiency, Brennstoffzellen, fuel cells, Materialforschung, materials research • Verbundmaterialien | compound materials
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