You are here: Home Laboratories Paul, Oliver Research Smart orthodontic brackets

Smart orthodontic brackets

Force sensor – Torque sensor – Fixed orthodontic appliance Braces – Bracket Telemetry Mechanical stress - Microcoil


In collaboration with the Department of Orthodontics, University of Ulm (Prof. Dr. B. Lapatki) and Hüttinger-Chair of Microelectronics (Prof. Dr. Y. Manoli) we develop new microsystems solutions for orthodontics. In the case of smart brackets, we integrate CMOS sensor chips in fixed orthodontic appliances able to provide the othodontics with objective information about the mechanical state of the appliance. The sensor systems enable the measurement of the six components of the force and moment vectors acting on each tooth of the dentition during orthodontic treatment. Our research group focuses on novel components for stress sensing, sensor system integration, and assembly and packaging technologies. Finally, we contribute the development of coils for telemetric energy and data transmission as well as the engineering of calibration equipment for the new systems.



Fields of Application

  • Orthodontic therapy, education and research


  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Lapatki, Department of Orthodontics, University of Ulm

  • M. Sc. Matthias Kuhl, Ph.D. student, Fritz Hüttinger Chair of Microelectronics

  • Dipl.-Phys.felix Becker, Ph.D. student



  • Smart-Bracket ll


Selected publications

  • S. Rues, B. Panchaphongsaphak, P. Gieschke, O. Paul, B.G. Lapatki
    An analysis of the measurement principle of smart brackets for 3D force and moment monitoring in orthodontics
    2011 J Biomech, volume: 04, issue: 029

  • B. Sbierski, P. Gieschke, O. Paul
    Shear Piezoresistance in MOSFET Devices Under General Operating Conditions
    2011 Ieee T Electron Dev, volume: 58, issue: 12, pages: 4145 - 4154

  • M. Kuhl, P. Gieschke, D. Rossbach, S.A. Hilzensauer, P. Ruther, O. Paul, Y. Manoli
    A Telemetric Stress-Mapping CMOS Chip with 24 FET-Based Stress Sensors for Smart Orthodontic Brackets
    2011 2011 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference , pages: 108 - 110

  • P. Gieschke, Y. Nurcahyo, M. Herrmann, M. Kuhl, P. Ruther, O. Paul
    CMOS integrated stress mapping chips with 32 N-type or P-type piezoresistive field effect transistors
    2009 22nd IEEE International Conference on MEMS, Sorrento, Italy , pages: 769 - 772

  • B. Lapatki, O. Paul
    Smart Brackets for 3D-Force-Moment Measurements in Orthodontic Research and Therapy-Developmental Status and Prospects
    2007 J Orofac Orthop, pages: 377 - 396


  • 3D force/torque calibration setup



  • Fritz Hüttinger Chair of Microelectronics, IMTEK, University of Freiburg

  • Clinic of Orthodontics, University Hospital Ulm



Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul

Email:   paul@imtek.de

Tel.: +49 (0) 761 203-7191

Fax: +49 (0) 761 203-7192


Dipl.-Phys. Felix Becker

Email:   felix.becker@imtek.de

Tel.: +49 (0) 761 203-7195


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