IQ-Micro TEC
Project description
This project aims to at ensuring a sufficient number of academically qualified persons in the area of micro engineering in the region of the industrial excellence cluster MicroTEC Suedwest; these persons are expected to be able to adjust themselves to the increasing and quickly changing competence requirements; they are expected to be able to make use of the methods developed by the excellence cluster, particularly in the area of mobility and health, and in the technological platforms. In addition they are capable of quickly transferring fundamental research know-how and inventions from scientific projects into innovations.
In the framework of this project, IMTEK is responsible for the integration of yet to be developed online courses offered by the online master degree program Intelligent Embedded Microsystems (IEMS). Together with the University of Applied Science Furtwangen and the Steinbeiss-Europa-Center, IMTEK participates in the central kick-off event “International Student Conference 2012”. IMTEK will also organize a further “University Week” with a workshop character in 2014.
Start/End of project
01.09.2010 until 31.08.2015
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul
Phone:+49 761 203 7191