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Benjamin Rutschinski


VitaRutschinski, Benjamin

Benjamin Rutschinski finished his training as a mechanic in 2001 at the Chemical Laboratory of the University of Freiburg. Then he worked at the Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) in Freiburg with several CNC machining centers for the tooling for a variety of scientific equipment. In 2003, Mr. Rutschinski began his work at IMTEK. His responsibilities included the manufacturing of various micromachined parts for the chairs of the Imtek. Since 2010 he has been at Hahn-Schickard in the prototyping group and is responsible for the production of microfluidic parts.





Georges-Koehler-Allee 103, 2nd floor (Hahn-Schickard building)
79110 Freiburg

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