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Dr. Markus Rombach

Head of division Prototyping & Scale-Up

VitaDr. Markus Rombach 2019

Markus Rombach studied Microsystems Engineering at the University of Freiburg focusing on Life Science and finished his Diploma in 2009 with his thesis about the automation of a DNA extraction procedure on standard laboratory centrifuges. Afterwards, he started his PhD in the Lab-on-a-Chip group at the chair for MEMS applications (Prof. Zengerle) and joined Hahn-Schickard in Freiburg in 2011. His research focused on the automation, miniaturization and integration of diagnostic laboratory processes on centrifugal microfluidic platforms. In 2016, he finished his PhD with his thesis on the pre-storage of reagents for the integration on centrifugal Lab-on-a-Chip test carriers. Afterwards, he was working as a supervisor for the sample-to-answer integration of molecular diagnostic procedures on centrifugal LabDisks. From 2017 on he is leading the group “Lab-on-a-Chip Prototyping“ and from 2020 on the division “Lab-on-a-Chip Prototyping and Scale-Up“ at the institute for microanalysis systems at Hahn-Schickard in Freiburg.


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Georges-Koehler-Allee 103, 2nd floor (Hahn-Schickard building)
79110 Freiburg


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